Alcohol: before and after lip augmentation


Plump, sensual lips have always been the subject of admiration. At present, thanks to cosmetological procedures, everyone can become the owner of luxurious lips. Increased hyaluronic acid - this is a real helper in the fight for beauty.

Before the procedure, girls often ask the question "is it possible to drink alcohol after lip augmentation?". The answer requires a detailed explanation, which is presented below.

How does hyaluronic acid work?

Hyaluronic acid - This is a high-molecular component of our body (polysaccharide), which is broken down and synthesized every day. Acid is part of the connective, epithelial and nervous tissue. With age, the production of hyaluron is significantly reduced, which is one of the causes of skin aging. The disappearance of acid from the body - a consequence of the detrimental effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin. Currently, one of the main goals of scientists in the field of cosmetology is to restore the lack of a substance in the skin.

The first mentions of the role of hyaluronic acid in the synthesis of cells appeared in the first half of the last century. For the first time, a component was obtained in 1934 by Western scientists Karl Meier and John Palmer. Hyaluron was obtained from rooster scallops and eyes of animals. After several decades, scientists have learned to obtain the substance by artificial means, which allowed it to be widely used in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin through injections or cosmetics, but in very small doses. Injectable drug is also called "filler", as it fills the space in a given area.

Besides filling the wrinkles and folds on the face, hyaluronic acid is excellent Lip Enhancer. After the enlargement procedure, the filler freezes for several days. During the period of rehabilitation it is important to ensure proper lip care. One of the important points to remember before the procedure is the interaction of hyaluron with alcohol.

The interaction of alcohol with hyaluronic acid

Alcohol has a negative effect on our health. Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration, which will start to the skin. Even the irregular drinking of alcoholic beverages is a conductor to the aging of the skin, deepening of wrinkles, the appearance of edema, etc.

When interacting with hyaluronic acid, all the harmful effects of alcohol on the skin increases.

During a lip augmentation, the drug fills the space and helps moisturize the skin for a long time. It is known that one molecule of a substance is capable of accumulating up to a thousand water molecules.

However, when the interaction of the filler with the standard a diametrically opposite effect occurs:

  • Hyaluronic acid begins to break down, being absorbed into the connective tissue and passing into the intercellular fluid;
  • As alcohol dries the skin, during the rehabilitation, the crusts that form at the site become very dry, lips crack and infection can form;
  • Alcohol provokes an increase in pressure and an increase in blood microcirculation, which is undesirable not before, not after the procedure.

During recovery, it is not recommended to use anything that stimulates the expansion of blood vessels, as this may lead to the formation of excess hematomas and edema.

Before lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid injection is, although small, but an intervention in the body. Filler is a foreign body for the lips, and its penetration into the tissue provokes a corresponding reaction. Improper care and ingestion can lead to complications. For example, hematomas, edema, allergic reactions, or a filler may shift. It is important to take care of the skin of the lips, not only after the procedure, but also before it.

Cosmetologists recommend eliminating alcohol consumption 3-4 days before the procedure, weak drinks - at least one day.

It is necessary to take this recommendation very seriously, since the period of rehabilitation and the final result depend on it. This explains a few reasons:

  • Alcohol causes dehydration of the body;
  • There is a delay of fluid in the tissues, which can cause puffiness;
  • Increased pressure, accompanied by dilation of blood vessels and the appearance of bruises.

A few days before the increase, it is not recommended to do a few more things, which can also cause undesirable effects:

  • Do not eat foods that can trigger an allergic reaction or dehydration. It is better to protect yourself from heavily peppered, spicy and salty foods;
  • The mechanical effect on the lips is prohibited. This refers to peeling, which can create scratches and microcracks on the skin, where infection can get to after the procedure.

There are also a number contraindicationsin which in no case should not increase the lips:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Menstrual cycle;
  • The presence of herpes on the lips or any wounds, injuries;
  • During and shortly before infectious diseases, orz;
  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.

It is important to monitor the use of alcohol, not only before but after the increase.

After lip augmentation

After lip augmentation hyaluronic acid is even more important to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. If you ignore the recommendations for care and drink alcohol, you may develop inflammation, due to which you will have to consult a doctor. As well as the effect of the procedure can fade away, thereby you lose time, money and nerves.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol for 24 hours after hyalurone injection.

Cosmetologists claim that you can not drink alcohol after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid in the first week after injection. Depending on the manipulation, the time without alcohol can reach a month. The exact timeline will tell the specialist before the procedure.

The period of rehabilitation for each person is individual. On average, it lasts 7-10 days. If alcohol is taken at this time, the following may occur. deterioration:

  • Severe dryness, cracks in the skin;
  • The formation of hematomas and bruises that do not go more than 5 days;
  • Allergic reaction, which may be accompanied by "urticaria" or angioedema.

These symptoms may occur even if you did not drink alcohol. This is characteristic of any contouring plastic, even as small as an increase in lips. However, small hematomas and edemas should disappear after a short period of time and not leave a mark.

To speed up the healing process, you can use ointments, as well as perform a small chiseled massage. Before an increase, it is recommended to drink a course of vessel-strengthening drugs, which the doctor will advise.

If a few days after the injection of hyaluronic acid side effects do not go away, and result in complications, then you should consult a doctor.

When can I drink alcohol after lip augmentation?

Every girl is worried about the result after lip augmentation. To avoid all possible complications, it is worth the maximum amount of time to avoid alcohol. It is best to start drinking alcohol 2-3 weeks after injection. Any alcohol is forbidden: wine, beer, champagne, vodka, brandy, etc.

Alcohol is not the only thing that can cause ugly lips to grow. Most often, complications arise out of ignorance or non-compliance with all recommendations for care, due to a misunderstanding between the client and the cosmetologist, as well as an error during the procedure itself.

Beauticians tend to shift the blame on the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to know when alcohol is not to blame:

  • If there is no effect after the procedure, it is likely that a low-quality or counterfeit product was used. Splitting 1-2 ml of hyaluronic acid with alcohol for a couple of days is simply impossible;
  • The occurrence of fibrosis, that is, the appearance of dense bumps under the skin, is a result of infection with a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) or due to external exposure.

To get the intended result, you need to follow a number of rules for care, which is not limited to a ban on alcohol. Good care and lip protection ensures a good result.

What else can you do after the increase?

In addition to the refusal to drink alcoholic beverages, it is necessary abide by a number recommendations after lip augmentation:

  • It is forbidden to smoke during the day after the procedure. Cigarettes are very dry lips, and the skin on the first day is very sensitive and prone to the appearance of inflammation. Also, it is necessary to exclude any facial movement, since the still not frozen filler may shift to an unnecessary direction.
  • In the first couple of days, it is worth refusing massage, as the gel can migrate, which distorts the shape of the lips. In the following days, a light massage, such as a toothbrush, is even recommended;
  • A temporary refusal of makeup is welcome. In decorative cosmetics rich, but harmful chemical composition. All artificial and chemical components can cause an allergic reaction. The use of waterproof, highly pigmented agents and tint is prohibited.
  • During the rehabilitation period, exercise should be minimal. Sports activities should be resumed 10-14 days after the procedure. This fact explains three reasons. First, increased sweating during exercise, especially in the nasolabial fold, can be a factor in the occurrence of infection. Secondly, training provokes an increase in pressure and blood flow to the face, which is undesirable. Thirdly, after physical activity, it is customary to take a hot shower, which is contraindicated for the first two weeks after the increase;
  • In no case should not expose the lips to high thermal effects. Ultra violet rays are especially harmful. High temperatures literally destroy hyaluronic acid, reducing the procedure to nothing. Also, you can not take hot baths, visit the baths, saunas, etc.
  • On the first day you can not expose the lips to aggressive chemical attack. Therefore, passionate, intense kisses are banned.
  • In the first few days do not do aggressive peels. For skin care is better to use natural masks from moisturizing ingredients and lip balm without dye. You can make a mask at home or buy in a store, the main thing is that it contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients.

It is important to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle: avoid stress, get enough sleep and replenish the body with the right amount of vitamins.

The first time after lip augmentation is better to do without piercing, as an infection can get into the mucous membrane.

Before the procedure, ask the beautician your questions about the time and rules of rehabilitation. If you experience side effects, be sure to consult about further actions with a specialist who has performed a lip augmentation procedure for you.
