Shopping antistress


It would be great if we all had the opportunity to change the scenery on a well-deserved weekend, go out of town, wander along the well-groomed alleys of the park, breathing in the fresh aroma of autumn foliage. But, unfortunately, the reality is that for most, shopping is one of the few ways to relieve the stress accumulated during office workdays, nourish yourself with positive energy and good mood. Indeed, there is nothing better than Friday, when a shorter working day was introduced in many business centers, to go to your favorite shopping center, where we not only make useful and necessary purchases, but also put our psycho-emotional background in order.

But the accumulated fatigue and unexpressed annoyance can play a cruel joke, because going to the store just to “dispel melancholy” we often make many rash purchases that turn out to be not only useless, but also significantly hit the budget. Lilac scarf with sequins to a strict and straight skirt, and remained to lie in the closet? Brown suede gloves didn't fit in your old bag? And the coat doesn’t sit at all, but since it was bought at a discount it is not refundable? Who is to blame for all this? Not only our weak will and competent advertising company, but also His Majesty stress.

We have already well learned that you cannot go to the store hungry, because a hungry person buys more products than necessary. But so often it seems that emotional hunger and "tiredness from everything" affect the buyer differently, but it is not. Paying with a card in a store without feeling “real money” it’s much easier to decide to buy a more expensive item, which subsequently will not bring any joy, and the joy of the fact “I can afford it!” will be forgotten in a few hours. So what to do? How to please yourself beloved and not borrow at the same time to a salary? Panacea does not exist, but there is a simple recipe.

Going to the mall in order to cheer yourself up, leave your bank cards at home, withdraw exactly as much cash as you can afford to spend painlessly. Stop comparing yourself with others, for many, the ideal companion is not a mother, sister or best friend, but a player with your favorite music. This will allow you to escape from annoying announcements and messages and, most likely, not interesting and unnecessary sales now. Focus on yourself, let your eyes rest, do not rush, because you came to buy yourself a little happiness, and did not set a goal to get something necessary and useful, which means that now only you decide.

And, perhaps, the most important thing: perhaps you suddenly want to spend money on some kind of stupidity. On the utter idleness that you would never have acquired for yourself, it is as if not more beautiful than a summer hat dusting on a shelf, because you never put it on. But suddenly, a notebook with aged pages becomes a permanent resident of your purse and your reliable companion at all important meetings, and a mirror with a funny face replaces the bulky and uncomfortable gift of someone from long forgotten acquaintances. These lovely little things are surrounded by their funny stories, because you experienced this special feeling, choosing them, you were not in a hurry anywhere, you were not trying to prove anything to anyone, but you had committed a small “crime” by going against common sense absolutely consciously!

Happiness is made up of little things, and sometimes it can even be bought.


Watch the video: 21 Anti-stress Products Available On Amazon & Aliexpress. Gadgets Under Rs100, Rs200, Rs500, Rs1000 (June 2024).