Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair: photos of stylish solutions. How to make a simple or elegant hairstyle with a ribbon in your hair with your own hands (photo)


Every woman wants to look well-groomed at any time of the day. Hairstyle sets us apart from the crowd, emphasizes individuality. Tenderness to the image is added to the ribbon in the hair. Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair from the photo are difficult, but it's worth it.

Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair (photo): features

The ribbon in the hair, as an element of decor, should be suitable in style to along, in color to the shade of the face, eyes or lipstick. That is why not every woman decides to make herself such a hairstyle, even if she has already found a suitable ribbon.

Hair for hairstyles with ribbons in the hair can be of different lengths, from medium to long. Only on very short hair the tape will not be able to simply hold on, however, in such cases, if desired, there is a way out.

Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair (photo): simple options

To create these hairstyles does not require much time. Here, most likely, you need skill and the ability to confidently own curls.

Two spikelets

In this hairstyle there are two braids which are braided by the back weaving by the Spikelet technique. How to weave such a braid, described in detail above, in the haircut "Shingles."

Divide all hair into two parts: right and left. Here you will need two ribbons, one for each of the braids. Start braiding the braids, remembering to weave the tape in the process. At the end of the braid, tie a beautiful voluminous ribbon bow.

Ribbon Bow

This hairstyle, as they say in a hurry. Here, the ribbon plays the role of not only decor, but also a supporting element, so that the hairstyle does not fall apart. At the crown of the head, a cul or a bump of hair is made, and then it is girdled and attracted by tape.

You can make a bump under the tape from the tail. Choose the place on the head where the bump will be, usually it is made on the crown and collect the tail at this place. Finishing to tie the tail, stretch part of the hair to the middle, and leave the ends of the hair under the elastic. The resulting loop will become a bump for the tape. The kul is wrapped with ribbon at the base, after which a strong but neat bow is tied. If desired, the hair before the cooler can be decorated with pigtails.

Tape Waves

This hairstyle involves the hair collected on the crown of the head. It does not matter whether it is a bump of hair, a cul, a tail or a falling braid. The tape stretches in the hair on the head, going to the hairstyle.

For this procedure, you will need two types of tapes that are identical in texture, but different in color. First, the main hairstyle is done. The tape is the decor, so it takes time at the last moment for the finishing touch.

Dressing takes place without touching the main hair, starting from the back of the head and as the ribbons change, it moves towards the forehead. The first tape is threaded through the hair, diving in, then diving out. The second tape is threaded exactly the same, only in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first tape and further from the back of the head closer to the forehead. It refers to two tapes, but you can use three and four and five types. At your discretion.

Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair (photo): more complex options

Corset screed

This hairstyle consists of two braids and a ribbon interwoven between them. There is a feeling that the two braids are pulled together as if by tape with each other, on the principle of a corset.

Spikelets in the "Spikelet" style with reverse weaving. The technique of such weaving is described above. The main decoration of the hairstyle is a ribbon, because the nature of the hairstyle depends on how it behaves. First, pigtails are braided, and then a ribbon is stretched into the finished curls.

The tape in this case needs to be folded in half in full length. The folded edge is applied to the crown of the head, from where the tape begins to intertwine. Each edge of the ribbon is threaded into a braid, and then the ribbons cross, swap. Next, the action is repeated. The more ribbon crossings in your hair you get, the more interesting the hairstyle.

The ends of the braids can be tied with an elastic band as well as a ribbon and tied with a bow. In some hairstyles, braids are connected to the very bottom, and in some only to the middle of the braid.

Hollywood Waves of Hair with Ribbon

Such an unusual weaving without the participation of the tape will not hold. It’s better to start creating this hairstyle from the crown of the head and continuing to go down the entire length of the hair. The whole hairstyle consists of curls, which are supported by a ribbon, wriggle in different directions and intertwine or not.

Hair is braided either in a single thread, or have two beginnings on both sides, and are connected to the bottom in one. In any version of this hairstyle, the weaving technique is unchanged.

Prepare a long ribbon (at least 2 meters), since on each bend of the hair the ribbon will wrap around each curl. This will be done repeatedly, so do not save on materials. Add extra length to this ribbon to tie a bow.

First you need to pick up the ribbon with a hair clip on the top of the head. From this place weaving of waves will begin. Select the first strand and wrap the ribbon around it. It is necessary to tighten the tape tighter, so that the hairstyle would hold tight. Next, take a strand of hair from the same side with which the first strand was taken and also wrap the ribbon around it. At will, the number of strands is not limited. Each subsequent strand, moving away from the center, is bent by a wave, enveloping previous curls.

To weave the next wave in the opposite direction, the last strand tied is taken, a small grab of the unused hair is made to it, and all this is wrapped in tape. With all strands the same actions are repeated. Do not forget to pick up hair that is not yet in the hairstyle and supplement them with every wave of hair.

The upper end of the tape must be quietly fixed in the hairstyle. To do this, wrap the free edge under the hair and secure it with an invisible or hairpin.


In this hairstyle, the ribbon should be selected according to the color scheme and the style of the dress. The hairstyle consists of a braid, woven in the manner of "Spikelet", only in the opposite weaving. Reverse weaving is the weaving on the contrary, when the extreme curls do not fall on the middle, but wind up under it. Thus, one gets the feeling that the braid seems to soar above your head.

Choose the direction of the braid at your discretion, in the example of this hairstyle, the braid is located from the temple of one part of the head, passes under the back of the head and ends behind the ear of the opposite side.

It is worth recalling that according to the spikelet weaving technique, each subsequent establishment of extreme curls on the middle curl is accompanied by the capture of still unused hair. Thus, hair is not woven into a braid all at once, but as the braid moves.

Weave the tape from the beginning of the braid. To do this, the prepared tape is folded in half and folded edge is wound under the middle curl. In the course of weaving, they try to position the tape in the center of the braid or close to it. At the end, a bow is tied, in which the ends of the hair are hidden. For splendor, hairstyles the finished braid can be slightly fluffed.

Hairstyles with ribbons in the hair (photo): tips from professionals

• Before choosing a ribbon for a hairstyle, measure the length of the ribbon. Just in case, it is better to take a segment more than required. In this case, it will be possible not to save on the length of the ribbon and tie a rich bow at the end.

• Do not be afraid to experiment, as inspiration must be involved in creating a hairstyle.

• For a hairstyle, choose a tape that is not wide and not narrow. This is necessary in order to find a "middle ground", everything should be good in moderation.


Watch the video: How to Create a Bow Bun. Prom Hairstyles (June 2024).