Honey cake: a step by step recipe with a photo of your favorite cake. We cook at home according to step by step recipes with photos of a delicate classic or nutty honey


Making a real cake at home is not difficult. All you need is just benign products, the right dough and a gentle light cream for honey cake. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you surprise your near and dear ones with a cake similar to a store counterpart! Homemade honey can be layered with butter cream with sour cream or condensed milk, custard or chocolate cream. A must-have ingredient in honey is natural floral honey. It is part of the test. Another exceptional feature of the dough for a honey cake is its heating in a water bath. So it turns out half choux, which gives the dough a very delicate structure, characteristic of such a cake familiar from childhood, as a honey cake.

Honey cake (step by step recipe with photo) - general principles of cooking

Honey should be fresh and preferably floral, but buckwheat can also be used. If you add dark honey to the dough, then its taste will be most noticeable in the cake. If desired, honey can be replaced with maple syrup or molasses.

Eggs and butter are added to the honey dough, but even without them this cake can be cooked with problems. The finished test should be allowed to infuse, and then, dividing it into several parts, you need to roll it into layers. You can bake cakes in the oven or in a pan until rosy.

In the classic recipe, the cream must necessarily be choux, but if desired, honey cake can be layered with other creams to taste.

The finished cake should be stored in the refrigerator for at least two hours to soak and harden the cream.

Classic honey cake: step by step recipe with photo

Ingredients for the dough:

• a pound of premium wheat flour;

• three chicken eggs;

• 100 g butter or margarine;

• 70 g of natural flower honey;

• 20 g baking soda or baking powder for dough

For cream:

• 300 ml of baked or plain milk;

• 200 g of granulated sugar or powder;

• 150 g butter;

• one egg;

• 30 g of wheat flour;

• 1 g of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. For the test, in an enamel cup, mix sugar, honey and butter.

2. Put the mixture in a water bath. To do this, take a larger pan and put a smaller pan in it. In a large pot you need to pour water, and in a small mixture of honey. There should be little water.

3. Heat the mixture of honey, stirring with a spoon or whisk.

4. When the consistency is uniform, add soda.

5. Stir and remove from the water bath.

6. Cool a little. Pour back into a cup or bowl.

7. Break the eggs into a cup.

8. Beat with a whisk to mix.

9. Wheat flour must be sifted.

10. Add flour in portions to the liquid components of the dough.

11. Stir the dough for medium uniformity.

12. Pour the dough onto the table and knead by hand.

13. Cut the resulting dough into 7-8 pieces.

14. Put in different plastic bags or on a cutting board so that the pieces do not touch each other.

15. Put all the dough in the refrigerator for "ripening".

16. After half an hour, get the dough.

17. In the meantime, you can turn on the oven to heat up to 180-200 ° C.

18. Alternately roll the dough pieces with a rolling pin to circles of the same size. You can be guided by the diameter of the round split mold for baking.

19. If there is excess dough left, make an extra flat cake out of it for crushed topping of the finished honey cake.

20. Prepare a baking dish. Line it with baking paper or sprinkle with flour a little.

21. Lay out a circle of dough.

22. Put the mold with the dough in the oven, preheated.

23. After 4-5 minutes, pull out the mold.

24. Remove the baked cake from it.

25. Put the next sheet of dough rolled out in a circle.

26. Bake like the first.

27. Then cook in the oven all the other cakes, including an extra circle of scraps of dough.

28. In a separate bowl, slightly beat the soft butter with a mixer (a little less than a minute).

29. To make a cream, pour sugar and cream flour into an enameled bowl.

30. Break the egg there.

31. Pour 3 tablespoons of milk.

32. Fall asleep vanilla.

33. Beat the mass with a mixer until the structure is homogeneous.

34. Add the remaining on the list of products for cream baked or plain milk.

35. Put a bowl in a water bath.

36. Warm up, stirring necessarily.

37. Then, when the mass begins to thicken, remove the cream preparation from the water bath.

38. Start whisking with a mixer at low speed.

39. In this case, add a little butter with a spoon.

40. Beat until mixing and uniformity. Cream according to a step-by-step recipe for a honey cake with a photo is ready.

41. Lay out all the honey cake layers one at a time on a large flat plate and generously lubricate with custard.

42. Then, when all the cakes are laid out, grease the cake on top and sides with the remaining cream.

43. Break the crust of dough pieces into pieces.

44. Grind the cake in a blender until crumbs.

45. Sprinkle this cake on all sides. Honey cake is ready!

Hazelnut honey: a step by step recipe with photos

Ingredients for the dough:

• 150 g of granulated sugar (or powder);

• three chicken eggs;

• 100 g butter;

• 100 g of liquid honey;

• 15 g of baking soda (or 10 g of baking powder for dough);

• 450 g of premium quality wheat flour.

For cream:

• 300 g of condensed milk with sugar;

• 150 g butter;

• 200 ml thick sour cream;

• 1 tsp vanillin;

• 150 g pitted prunes;

• 150 g of peeled walnuts (or pecans).

Cooking method:

1. Start by making the dough. Sift wheat flour through a sieve. This procedure will help to saturate the flour with air and remove excess impurities from it.

2. Pour sugar into an enameled cup.

3. Break the eggs there.

4. Stir the mass or beat with a mixer until sugar dissolves.

5. For now, set this cup aside.

6. In another cup, mix liquid honey and butter. If the honey is thick, it will do.

7. Put the mixture on low heat.

8. Stir until the honey and oil are completely mixed to a homogeneous liquid structure.

9. Remove the cup from the heat and cool slightly.

10. Pour a sweet cream mixture into a cup with eggs and sugar in a thin stream.

11. Slightly warm the mass for the test in a water bath. This is done simply. Put on a stove in a pan of slightly larger diameter than a pan with a dough blank. Pour water into it and wait for a slow boil. Place a cup of test mass in a pot of water.

12. Stir the test mass and heat for 3-4 minutes.

13. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer until a gentle mass is uniform in structure. You can also use a blender for this procedure.

14. Pour soda or baking powder into sifted wheat flour, depending on what is used.

15. In a whipped mass, pour flour in several stages.

16. At the same time mix.

17. When the dough is cooler, knead with your hands.

18. The dough is divided into 6-7 parts.

19. Cover the baking dish with baking paper or silicone. You can use a detachable form.

20. Put one part of the dough there.

21. Smooth the dough with your hands to get a layer that is uniform in thickness.

22. Preheat the oven to 180-200 ° C.

23. Put the baking dish with bake for 8-10 minutes.

24. Then remove the form from the oven.

25. Remove the cake with the paper.

26. And in the form again lay baking paper.

27. Put the second part of the dough into the mold.

28. Bake as the first cake.

29. Thus, prepare cakes from all parts of the dough.

30. Put the cakes on the table one at a time to allow them to cool.

31. Make cream and honey cake stuffing. A step-by-step recipe with a photo follows the preparation of prunes.

32. Rinse it in warm water.

33. Pour in a bowl of clean water and leave for 5-10 minutes.

34. During this time, put walnuts in a pan without oil.

35. Put it on a slow fire.

36. Fry nuts until golden brown.

37. Put them on a plate and cool.

38. Hands exfoliate dark skin from walnuts.

39. Grind pure light nuts into crumbs in a blender bowl, coffee grinder or with an ordinary knife on a cutting board.

40. Next, pull the prunes out of the water and dry it slightly with a paper towel.

41. Finely chop the prune into cubes with a knife.

42. In a separate bowl for cream, beat soft butter with a mixer for a minute.

43. Add sour cream, milk and vanilla condensed with sugar.

44. Beat everything together for 1-2 minutes until smooth.

45. Take a flat plate for the cake.

46. ​​Put the first cake on it.

47. Then grease with cream.

48. Put a little prune.

49. Cover with the following cake.

50. Grease it with cream.

51. Sprinkle with nut crumbs.

52. So spread all the cakes and grease them with cream, alternating with sprinkling with prunes and nuts.

53. The last cake is generously smeared with cream, as well as the sides of the cake.

54. Sprinkle nut cake on all sides.

Honey cake (a step-by-step recipe with a photo) - tricks and useful tips

• It is better to add baking powder, vanillin and soda at the very end of the batch of dough directly into the flour.

• Dough, if desired, can be made in the form of a biscuit, which after cooking will need to be cut into cakes.

• You can immediately put the rest of the dough after trimming in the same form onto the baking sheet. It does not matter what form they will be, because they will still need to be crushed.

• Crumb dough can be placed in a disposable bag and chopped using a rolling pin.

• If desired, a thickener can be added to sour cream, so the cream will be better placed on cakes.

• To make the cake better saturated sour cream is better to take lean. For lovers of fatty and juicy cakes, this dairy product should be taken with higher fat content.

• You can decorate the cake as you wish.


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