The recipes of the cake "Napoleon" of Soviet times with the same taste! Cooking, assembly, features and recipes of Napoleon cakes from Soviet times


Cake "Napoleon" appeared in Soviet times and since then has not ceased to please the taste. As soon as its recipe did not change, which was just not used for the layer and decoration. But, no matter how successful the experiments were, all the same, they all returned precisely to him - the proven, tasty and tender Soviet Napoleon. How was the cake made in those days?

Cake "Napoleon" of Soviet times - general principles of preparation

Napoleon is a special cake, as it is made from fresh cakes without sugar. Nevertheless, it turns out amazing, unusual, very satisfying and tender. To make this all true, you must follow the recipe exactly.

General principles:

• Water. For the test, ice is used. Before kneading, send the liquid to the refrigerator. Milk is sometimes used.

• Butter / margarine. Choose with the highest fat content, preferably at least 72%. In general, even pork lard, just not salted, will do for the test.

• Flour. Used wheat premium, it is advisable to sift it before kneading.

• Vinegar. Gives cakes layering, always added. All recipes indicate the amount of table vinegar 6%. If there is no such concentration, then you can independently dilute the essence.

• Salt. To make the dough really tasty, you need to add a little salt to it, even if it is not indicated in the recipe. A standard batch will require a third of a teaspoon.

Cakes are lubricated most often with custard. In Soviet times, it was very loved for its simplicity and cheapness, but it was prepared in many ways. There are several options below. After lubrication, the cake was left to soak. Napoleon needs at least ten hours to do this.

Classic Soviet-era Napoleon cake recipe in milk

A common and famous Napoleon cake recipe from Soviet times. For its preparation you will need simple, affordable products that are always in the refrigerator.


• 0.2 kg of oil;

• 0.5 tbsp. milk;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• 1 egg;

• 3 tbsp. flour.

For cream:

• 0.8 l of milk;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• whole egg;

• 0.5 packs of oil.


1. Grind flour with butter or with cold margarine until crumbs. Add about a third of a teaspoon of salt, then vinegar, stir quickly, add ice milk and an egg. Knead the dough. It’s not cool, it will be easy to slip.

2. Divide the mass into 10 pieces, transfer to a container or just cover with a bag, send it to the freezer. There, the dough will harden, become harder.

3. While you can cook the cream. Mix everything in the pan with a non-stick coating, except for a prescription piece of butter. Shake with a whisk, cook over low heat until the milk mixture looks like condensed milk.

4. Remove the cream from the fire, add either softened or cut into small pieces butter, stir until dissolved, cool the cream and put in the refrigerator. Put vanilla on request.

5. We take out a piece of dough from the freezer, roll out a thin cake, almost transparent, a thickness of a sheet of paper. We prick with a fork many times and transfer to a baking sheet.

6. We bake the cake at 200 degrees to a slight blush, you do not need to fry it, let the layer remain white in places.

7. We take it out of the oven, put the pan lid on the hot cake, cut off all the excess with a knife. These scraps will be sprinkled.

8. Similarly, bake all the other cakes from the dough, which remains in the freezer.

9. Grease the cakes with cream, lay on top of each other, but do not press down. The cake will turn crooked and bumpy. Lubricate on top, go through the cream on the sides. We fall asleep with chopped scraps.

10. We leave the Soviet "Napoleon" to soak, withstand at least 10 hours. During this time, he will settle down, become smooth and incredibly juicy.

Soviet-time Napoleon cake recipe on water

The cheapest Soviet-era Napoleon cake recipe, for which almost nothing but flour and margarine is added to the dough. The cream is also prepared in custard, but with a slightly different recipe.


• 0.3 kg of margarine;

• 0.6 kg of flour;

• 0.15 liters of ice water;

• 0.5 l of vinegar;

• a pair of eggs.


• 4 eggs;

• 0.1 kg of flour;

• vanilla;

• 1 liter of whole fat milk;

• 0.3 kg of sugar.


1. We immediately put water in the freezer. Grind margarine with flour and salt, add eggs, pour water with vinegar, knead the dough.

2. Divide the mass immediately into 12-14 lumps of the same size, cover, send to the freezer.

3. Cream without oil, but it goes a lot of eggs. We break them into a bowl, shake them thoroughly to break the protein. We introduce sugar, flour, and then milk. We put the pan on the fire, stirring constantly, cook until thickened. Season with vanilla. Cooling down.

4. We take out the dough in parts of several pieces. We roll thin cakes, bake cakes for Napoleon. The process is described in detail above.

5. Lubricate the cakes with cream, apply 3-4 tablespoons to each crust. Sprinkle puff "Napoleon" with chopped scraps.

Soviet-time Napoleon cake recipe for beer

Yes, it was in Soviet times that the Napoleon cake recipe appeared with the participation of the famous foamy drink. Cakes are very delicate, crumbly, unusually aromatic.


• 3-3.5 Art. flour;

• 250 g of oil;

• 200 ml of cold, fresh beer.


• 0.7 l of milk;

• 40 g of oil;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 2 yolks;

• 80 g flour (can be cut in half with starch).


1. Pour 3 cups flour into a large bowl. Cut the butter into thin slices, add to the flour and chop it with a knife. Pour the foamy drink, knead the dough. Add more flour as needed.

2. Divide into 10 pieces, send to cool.

3. Cook the simplest custard: mix flour and sugar, add all other products, including butter. We put on the stove and cook until tender.

4. We take out the dough, roll out the pieces, bake cakes. Do not forget to pierce them with a fork so that there are fewer bubbles.

5. We collect the cake: we smear the cakes, laying on top of each other.

Soviet-era Napoleon cake recipe with curd cakes

This recipe for the Napoleon cake is also from Soviet times, but it is not as popular as the previous ones. However, it has a right to exist. By the way, it is cooked with butter cream.


• flour;

• 350 g of cottage cheese;

• 350 g of oil;

• salt.

Creamy cream:

• 400 g of oil;

• 450 g of condensed milk.


1. Add 1 tsp to the curd. salt, grind. Grate the butter with 3 cups of flour. Combine with cottage cheese, knead the dough. If necessary, add flour if the curd is liquid.

2. Divide the dough into eight parts, put in the refrigerator for an hour.

3. Beat soft butter, add condensed milk to it. Vanilla to taste, any other essence.

4. Get a piece of dough, roll out, cut. Bake the first cake. While he is in the oven, prepare a second and so on.

5. Grease cottage cheese cakes with butter cream, decorate the cake with crushed waste. Allow to soak for 5-6 hours.

Soviet-era Napoleon cake recipe for sour cream

Another variation of tender, crumbly cake for the popular cake, which in Soviet times was cooked on sour cream. The cream can be used custard or creamy, as in the recipe above.


• 100 g margarine;

• 0.25 kg of sour cream;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda and vinegar;

• flour, salt.


1. Cut margarine into pieces, leave to soften.

2. Add sugar to it with sour cream and salt (pinch). You can increase the amount of sugar to 100 grams, the cakes will be more interesting, more sweet.

3. Grind all the ingredients until smooth.

4. Pour a glass of flour, add the soda, extinguished with vinegar, start mixing and add more flour in the process to get a regular, slightly soft dough. Knead. Cool, half an hour is enough in the freezer.

5. Now we divide the dough into 6-8 pieces, roll out the layers, bake alternately in the oven until golden brown. On average, one cake will take no more than 7-10 minutes, depending on the thickness.

6. We coat with any cream, leave to soak.

Soviet Napoleon Cake Recipe with Nuts

For this wonderful cake you will need walnuts. Peanuts will not work at all, the taste will be wrong. Cream of sour cream with butter. Cakes can be prepared according to any of the first three recipes, they all work.


• 550 g sour cream;

• 220 g of powdered sugar;

• 2250 g of oil;

• vanilla;

• 2 tbsp. nuts (fewer possible).


1. Before baking cakes or after it, sprinkle nuts on a baking sheet and dry in the oven. They will become much more aromatic, tastier. Cool. Lay on the board and remember slightly with a rolling pin, but not finely.

2. Cut the butter into slices, transfer to a bowl and leave warm, let it soften.

3. Beat the butter for a couple of minutes, then add the powdered sugar in parts. Do not stop whipping, the mass should turn out lush, airy.

4. After the powder, add sour cream in parts, add vanilla at the end. The main thing is gradualness, then the cream will turn out homogeneous, magnificent, not liquid.

5. Lubricate the cakes and each lightly sprinkle with nuts, just scatter a little for taste.

6. The remaining nuts are mixed with chopped pieces, cover the entire cake on top and sides.

Cake "Napoleon" of Soviet times - useful tips and tricks

• Cakes for "Napoleon" need to be trimmed immediately, while they are hot and supple. If this could not be done, then you need to grease the cake, leave for a couple of hours, then attach the lid, cut off all excess, re-coat with cream and sprinkle with crumbs of the sides.

• Napoleon cakes will be more even if they are often pierced with a fork. But it is believed that such a cake is less tender.

• If you make the dough too steep and add more flour than normal, the cakes will be saturated for a long time, they will turn out tough, and the cake will not taste good.


Watch the video: How to Make the Most Amazing Chocolate Cake (June 2024).