Pike perch ear traditional and original: with potatoes, millet, mushrooms. How to cook fish soup with herbs and vodka


The sweet, fatty meat of pike perch is an excellent basis for making real Russian fish soup. Zander fish is found only in clean water, and therefore is considered noble.

The pike perch ear is rich, light and tasty. It satisfies hunger, gives strength and uplifting.

Pike perch ear - general principles of preparation

Zander - the fish is very large. Its average weight reaches 8-10 kg. There are few bones in the carcass, especially if you remove the spinal part. Before preparing zander, you need to clean and cut:

• cut sharp fins;

• remove entrails;

• cut off the head;

• cut the carcass into portions.

Head and fins come in handy: you can make a rich broth from them.

Potatoes, onions and carrots are usually placed in the pikeperch ear. Some recipes use cereals, mushrooms, tomatoes. These are, rather, variations on the theme of fish soup.

Double pike perch ear

The traditional zander soup is cooked with basic vegetables and seasonings. Preparing a meal is simple, but requires some attention. For a double broth, you need a head, fins, fish tail.


• a piece or carcass of pike perch weighing 600 grams;

• head, tail and fins of zander;

• two carrots;

• four potatoes;

• medium onion;

• five to six peas of black pepper;

• two bay leaves;

• three to four sprigs of parsley;

• three branches of fresh dill;

• a tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method:

In three liters of water, cook the cut parts of the carcass (tail, head, fins) together with one carrot and onion.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire, remove the foam.

Season the broth with pepper, bay leaf.

Boil for half an hour.

Cut carrots depending on size into circles or quarters.

Dice the potatoes.

Throw vegetables and fish waste out of the finished broth.

In the strained broth put carrots and potatoes, salt.

Pike perch divided into portions.

As soon as the water begins to boil, carefully lower them into a pan, cook for ten minutes.

Chop parsley and dill.

Fill the ear with greens, slowly boil for about five minutes and turn it off.

Pour into plates and serve.

Creamy pike perch ear

This version of fish soup is easier to prepare: you do not have to cook a double broth. For greater richness, along with a portion of meat, you can take the head of the fish.


• a pound of pike perch meat;

• fish head;

• three potatoes;

• two carrots;

• large onion;

• Bay leaf;

• five peas of pepper;

• two tablespoons of butter.

Cooking method:

Cook zander with the head, carrots and half the onion. Cooking time - no more than 10 minutes.

Take out your head, cooked vegetables, discard.

Chop the potatoes, toss into the broth.

Cut the remaining carrot and onion into cubes.

Fry vegetables on a spoon of butter.

Season the ear with fried carrots and onions.

Boil vegetables at a slow boil until cooked.

Season the ear with a tablespoon of butter.

Serve to the table.

Pike perch soup with vodka

Light, transparent ear of zander - the best dish to relax after a serious feast. If you add vodka to it, it turns out very tasty.


• a piece of pike perch weighing one and a half kilograms;

• head, fins tail of pike perch;

• one hundred gram slice of root celery;

• two onions;

• three carrots;

• five potatoes;

• a bunch of fresh dill;

• two leaves of laurel;

• five peas of black pepper;

• two peas of allspice;

• salt to taste;

• a glass of vodka 50 ml.

Cooking method:

Coarsely chop celery and half the norm of carrots and onions.

Cook the broth from the head and vegetables. Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Cut the remaining carrots into slices or cubes.

Cut potatoes into slices, diced onions.

Throw slices of vegetables and a head with fins from the cooked broth.

In a strained broth put potatoes, carrots and onions without frying, salt.

After boiling, lower the portioned zander.

Season with spices, salt if necessary.

Cook for no more than fifteen minutes.

Pour vodka, after 5-6 minutes, serve.

Zander soup with cream "Finnish"

The highlight of this recipe is cream and spices. Real Finnish zander ear will delight fish lovers. For a dish to reveal its full charm, it needs time. The next day, the ear will become tastier.


• seven hundred grams of pike perch fillet;

• a glass of cream;

• three onions;

• a bunch of green onions weighing three hundred grams;

• seven hundred grams of potatoes;

• any greens to taste;

• several peas of white and black pepper;

• a teaspoon of dried basil, thyme and coriander;

• sprig of fresh basil;

• salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pike perch fillet cut into large slices.

Potatoes cut into cups.

Onions finely chop.

Cut leek into rings.

At the bottom of the pan, toss white and black pepper.

Lay out layers: onions, green onions, fish slices, potatoes.

Pour the contents of the pan with water two fingers above the potato (about 2 cm) and send to medium heat.

From the moment of boiling, cook over low heat until the potatoes are ready, season the pike perch ear with herbs and salt.

Without mixing the layers, pour in the cream.

After the cream boils, try the dish, and if necessary, add salt.

Warm up for three minutes and turn it off.

Leave the dish under the lid for half an hour to insist.

When serving, pour chopped greens into plates.

Pike perch with millet

This version of fish soup is very satisfying due to the combination of potatoes, millet and fish. Get a great dinner for the whole family.


• a pound of pike perch;

• half a glass of millet;

• three potatoes;

• onion;

• medium carrots;

• Bay leaf;

• salt to taste;

• half a glass of chopped fresh dill;

• five peas of black pepper.

Cooking method:

Boil fish in three liters of water.

As soon as the water begins to boil, toss laurel and pepper into the broth, salt.

When the meat begins to easily separate from the bones, it is ready.

Remove the fish on a plate, strain the broth.

Rinse the cereal.

Dice potatoes.

Cut carrots arbitrarily into cubes or circles.

Lay the cereal in the broth, boil it after boiling for ten minutes.

Send potatoes, carrots and whole onions to the pan.

While the ear is boiled, boiled pike perch is cut into pieces.

Chop greens.

Sliced ​​zander to the pan.

Pour the ear into the plates, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Fish soup from Rostov pike perch with tomatoes

Tomato acid is successfully combined with the sweet taste of pike perch in this variant of fish soup. The dish is unusual and very tasty.


• eight hundred grams of zander;

• three tomatoes;

• three potatoes;

• red onion;

• two tablespoons of chopped fresh herbs, cilantro, dill, parsley;

• fifty grams of butter;

• pepper, bay leaf and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the fish with bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Cut boiled pike perch into pieces.

Cut the potatoes into cups, the onion into half rings.

Cook chopped potatoes and onions in a broth.

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds and cut into slices.

When the potatoes are boiled, dip the tomatoes and chopped herbs in the ear, cook for five minutes and turn them off.

Put pieces of fish in a pan and pour the ear into portioned tureens.

Pike perch soup with mushrooms

The original recipe for fish soup with soaked mushrooms and milk is unlikely to leave indifferent connoisseurs of fish dishes. This unusual and tasty version of zander soup is worthy of a place in the cookbook.


• a piece of pike perch weighing eight hundred grams;

• four potatoes;

• two hundred grams of dried mushrooms;

• medium carrot;

• medium onion;

• a glass of low-fat milk;

• a tablespoon of white flour;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• a little bit of any fresh greens;

• salt and pepper;

• Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Heat the milk and pour two-thirds of the total number of mushrooms.

Grind the remaining third of the mushrooms into flour in a coffee grinder.

Cook zander with spices, be sure to salt.

Take out the fish, cut into pieces.

Grind potatoes into cubes.

Chop the onion and carrot into strips.

Soaked mushrooms cut into slices.

Dip potatoes and mushrooms in boiling broth.

In butter, quickly fry the onion and carrot straws. Add wheat and mushroom flour to the pan, mix.

When the flour mixture becomes golden, pour two ladles of fish broth into the pan, boil for about three minutes and pour the frying into the pan.

Dip the fish slices into the pan.

Serve the ear to the table with chopped greens and brown bread.

Zander Ear - Tricks and Tricks

  • To easily clean the scales, the fish carcass can be rubbed with salt. This will get rid of mucus, hands will not slip.
  • Pike perch has spiky fins. Rubber gloves can be worn to protect hands. And what to protect the surface of the kitchen, it is better to clean the fish under water or in a plastic bag.
  • Pike perch meat is very healthy. It contains many vitamins, amino acids and protein.
  • There are few bones in zander. The only bony part is the ridge. If the ear will be eaten by children, it is better to cut it out altogether or boil it together with the head for a large amount, and then strain the broth.
  • To make the fish broth more rich, onions for it do not need to be cut. In addition, you can put the stems of parsley and dill during cooking, tying them with culinary thread.
  • Vodka in the ear makes the taste of the dish sweet and fish meat soft.
  • The triple ear is very tasty. It is cooked simultaneously from three types of fish: zander, perches and brushes.


Watch the video: Russian cuisine (June 2024).