Is it possible to eat a watermelon at night: the doctor’s opinion, indications and contraindications. How to eat watermelon at night without harm to the body


It is believed that watermelon is a false berry. It belongs to the pumpkin family and is, according to botanists, a pumpkin. A pumpkin is a berry!

It contains a wide range of antioxidants and important for the body fat and water soluble nutrients (A, E, C, groups B - B1, B2, B6, PP), important micro and macro elements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron ) The low content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins makes it a healthy dietary product. When using it as such, it is important to know whether it is possible to eat a watermelon at night.

Calorie content and composition of watermelon

The calorie content of watermelon is 38 kcal per 100 g of product. It is included in the list of low-calorie foods, because it contains in 100 g of product:

• carbohydrates - 8.8 g (of which: 2.4 g glucose and 4.4 fructose);

• protein - 0.7 g;

• fat - 0.2 g.

Everything else is fiber and water. The sweet taste of watermelon is determined mainly by fructose.

Watermelon contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Numerous studies have proven its anticarcinogenic properties.

Is it possible to eat a watermelon at night? It also worries everyone because of the short "watermelon season", which lasts from late July to September. It is during this period that you can eat a large amount of it without fear of health without poisoning with nitrates. The usual maximum daily dose is 2 kg (760 kcal).

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon has many medicinal properties that are useful both for a healthy person and for patients with a certain pathology:

1. The pulp of watermelon has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Together with urine, toxins, toxins, fats, cholesterol are excreted. Losing a large amount of fluid, a person's weight decreases - watermelon is used in the diet for weight loss.

2. Dietary fiber improves bowel function: increasing its motility, reduces constipation. Recommended as a mild laxative for those who suffer from constipation.

3. According to published data, watermelon increases potency and positively affects male infertility due to the content of arginine - one of the essential amino acids that improves blood circulation and has the properties of Viagra.

4. It has an effect on cholesterol level - with the active use of watermelon reduces its amount due to its active excretion.

5. Due to its high magnesium content, potassium affects the heart muscle, and iron helps with anemia.

Invaluable product for diet

Low calorie and diuretic effect - these properties of watermelon are widely used in diet food. Its widespread use is for weight loss. In this case, it is recommended to eat it in a proportion of 1 kg of berries per 10 kg of a person’s weight with an interval of 3 hours for 7 days, no more. With the correct implementation of all recommendations for eating watermelon, daily weight loss is approximately 800 g, course - up to 10 kg. The indicated diet is possible in the absence of contraindications. Given such a large amount of watermelon, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to eat watermelon at night?

Nutritionists believe that eating watermelon at night is possible: when a person is sleeping, there is a better assimilation of polysaccharides and the removal of toxins. The restriction is only a portion, which should not be higher than that established by the diet.

Is it possible to eat watermelon at night - effects from eating

Is it possible to eat a watermelon at night for those who do not follow a diet - nutritionists also answer in the affirmative. As a rule, after six in the evening it is not recommended to have dinner, so as not to burden organs and systems and not provoke the appearance of excess weight. But precisely at this time, due to the work of certain hormones, the body begins to intensely demand food. Therefore, it is recommended to satisfy the bouts of evening hunger with a small portion of watermelon: it is quickly absorbed due to the high glycemic index and creates a feeling of fullness. This will make it possible not to eat harmful foods (fried or smoked). In addition, the elimination of harmful substances from the body will be enhanced.

The size of the portion plays an important role: if you eat a lot of watermelon, you won’t be able to sleep because of the pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, swelling will appear by morning due to the large amount of fluid contained in the watermelon. Other products that were eaten with watermelon, especially smoked, salty, and alcoholic drinks, also affect puffiness. The process of fermentation in the stomach when drinking watermelon immediately after eating causes a deterioration in well-being, discomfort in the stomach.

In connection with the contained L-arginine, which enhances potency in men, it is recommended to eat watermelon for this purpose at night. In this case, he will play the role of a light aphrodisiac. It is useful at bedtime for erectile dysfunction in men.

In addition to the above, watermelon is rich in another essential amino acid - serotonin, the “hormone of happiness” that nourishes the brain and improves its functioning, making it less sensitive to external stimuli and thereby contributing to a better rest. It is especially useful for people in depression and with a lowered mood background.

Contraindications: who can not watermelons at night

But such a diet is not useful to everyone: a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat watermelon at night will be given to those who have kidney pathology. It is not recommended during pregnancy.

Other contraindications are:

• individual intolerance with an allergic component;

• breast-feeding;

• BPH;

• the presence of large calculi in the kidneys;

• pathology of the digestive tract;

• diabetes mellitus - a relative contraindication for high glucose values ​​in the second type of disease.

To reduce weight, in the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to eat several braces of watermelon 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, but not immediately before going to bed. This is a rule for those who go to bed late. If you go to bed early, then you can eat a watermelon just before bedtime. The maximum allowable amount is 1 kg, provided that no other products are eaten with it. In diabetes mellitus, watermelon must be seized with brown bread in order to prevent sudden surges and drops in blood sugar and reduce a strong feeling of hunger after a short time.

If there is a need to switch to a diet using watermelon, you need to consult a doctor, specifying also whether it is possible to eat a watermelon at night. In the absence of contraindications, the specialist will tell you how much to use this valuable product for the body, how best to distribute its intake by the clock, how to eat it correctly.


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