Pie with meat in the oven: a step-by-step recipe for a hearty and tasty treat. With step-by-step recipes, making a meat pie in the oven is easy!


Who will refuse a piece of delicious homemade pie? And if he is also with meat - you will lick your fingers. Can't wait to cook and treat your family? Step-by-step recipes for pie with meat on yeast and jellied dough will help you easily cope with the task.

Step-by-step recipe for a pie with meat in the oven - general principles

Pie with meat can be prepared from pork, chicken, beef. It is desirable that the meat was in a semi-finished form: the selected piece can be pre-twisted, boiled and cut, boiled and twisted - at your discretion.

For taste, in addition to meat, onions in raw or fried form are put in the filling. You can also experiment and add vegetables, cereals, mushrooms. All selected products are pre-boiled, if necessary, crushed.

Putting a lot of spices in the pie is not worth it; enough black pepper, salt, you can add dried herbs and herbs.

Such a cake is prepared mainly from yeast dough. It will take a little time to knead and raise the dough. However, if you don’t want to bother with the yeast mass, you can prepare a jellied cake, where the filling can be the same, but the dough itself is kneading quickly and ready to bake right there.

An oven-baked meat pie can be the main course for lunch or dinner, in which case it is served hot. The cooled cake will be a wonderful hearty treat for tea.

1. Oven meat pie: step by step recipe for yeast dough


• 15 tablespoons of flour;

• milk -300 ml;

• half a pack of butter;

• sunflower oil - three tablespoons;

• 30 grams of sugar;

• 20 grams of salt;

• instant yeast - 30 grams.

For filling:

• lean pork - a small piece;

• onion head;

• a piece of butter;

• flour - ten grams;

• half a glass of medium-fat cream.

To grease the cake:

• one egg;

• two tablespoons of purified water.

Cooking method:

1. First, knead the yeast dough: the well-risen and “rested” dough is the key to a lush and tasty pie. Put the butter in a small metal mug, put on a stove, setting moderate heat, melt. Once the butter has melted, pour in the sunflower oil, mix. If you do not have butter, you can use any creamy margarine, then there is no need to add vegetable oil. Pour in salt oil, sugar, stir well, pour milk after. Cool the resulting mixture a little so that it is slightly warm, and pour in the yeast, stir well again so that the yeast dissolves well. Slowly introduce the sifted flour. First, mix the dough with a fork, and when it becomes thick, knead it with your hands, and so that the dough does not stick to your hands when mixing, grease your hands with sunflower oil. Be sure to stretch the dough with your hands during kneading, roll it into a lump for at least five minutes, the mass should eventually turn out to be soft, elastic, supple. Cover well-kneaded dough with a towel slightly moistened with water and place in a well-heated place, for example, on a window in the summer or near a heating device in the winter, to rise by about 1.5 hours.

2. While the dough rises, make a filling for the pie: rinse the pork, cut out excess fat and veins if necessary (for the pie, it is better to use a tenderloin or pulp from the back leg, shoulder blade). Put the meat in a metal container, pour in water, pour a little salt and cook after boiling until cooked for about 40 minutes. If during this time the meat does not become soft, you can leave it cooked for another twenty to thirty minutes.

3. Remove the finished meat from the pan, cool, scroll through a meat grinder or in a food processor with a special nozzle for chopping meat.

4. Peel the onion head, cut into small crumbs, put in a pan, pour in sunflower oil, sauté until light brown. Lightly salt the prepared onion and put into chopped meat, mix well.

5. Take a metal mug, put in it the necessary filling, butter and melt on low heat. When the oil becomes liquid, pour flour into it, stir quickly so that there are no lumps and pour cream at room temperature (cream can be replaced with high fat milk). Beat the mass well with a whisk and boil, stirring continuously, over moderate heat.

6. Cool the prepared creamy sauce, pour into the minced meat, mix well until a homogeneous souffle-like consistency. If desired, you can sprinkle the filling with black pepper, or pour in some spices to taste and add a little more salt.

7. Increase the volume of the dough two to three times a little bit with your hands on a flour-sprinkled table. Divide the dough into two equal halves.

8. Roll one half into a flat cake one centimeter thick and lay it on a flat baking sheet lined with parchment.

9. Put meat filling on top and flatten with a spoon over the entire surface.

10. From the second part of the dough cut a little dough and set it aside, and roll the rest of the dough into the same cake as the first. Cover it with a pie, fasten the edges firmly, making the pattern a pigtail.

11. Break the egg into a clean cup, pour a couple of tablespoons of water, beat with a fork. With a special culinary brush, brush the surface of the pie with the prepared egg mixture.

12. From the remaining piece of dough, make decorations for the cake: separate a small piece of dough, roll it into a ball and roll it thinly, then with a sharp knife cut out a leaf of any shape (elongated or rounded). On the leaf, make stripe patterns. And exactly the same technology, make the rest of the leaves. Lay out the resulting leaves with a beautiful pattern on the cake. Decorate the cake with nothing. Instead of leaves, you can cut different flowers or other patterns from the dough according to your desire and imagination.

13. Place the baking tray with the cake in a hot oven for 35 minutes, bake at a moderate temperature.

14. Remove the finished meat pie from the oven and cool directly on the baking sheet.

15. When serving, cut the cake into medium-sized pieces, serve with tea or warm milk.

2. Jellied pie with meat in the oven: a step by step recipe for kefir


For the dough:

• fat-free kefir - 400 ml;

• salt - ten grams;

• flour - 25 tablespoons;

• three eggs;

• baking soda - 20 grams.

For filling:

• pork with fat - a small piece;

• three onion heads;

• fresh tomatoes - two pieces;

• ten grams of salt;

• sunflower oil - 30 ml to lubricate the mold.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare a jellied pie with meat, first make meat filling: scroll pork with layers of fat through a meat grinder or grind it in a food processor. You should not use lean meat for this pie, with fatty pork baking will turn out much tastier and juicier.

2. Put the minced pork in a pan, fry, stirring, for three to four minutes. You do not need to pour in vegetable oil, since a sufficient amount of fat is already present in the meat.

3. Put the peeled and chopped onions to the minced meat and fry again for about five minutes.

4. Add tomatoes to the pan to the entire contents. Wash the tomatoes beforehand, soak in hot water for three minutes, remove the skin and finely chop it into a cube. Salt and mince the meat for about ten minutes.

5. Put the finished stuffing in a separate plate, cool.

6. Make the dough: pour kefir at room temperature into a small cup, add soda (do not quench with vinegar), stir and leave the mixture for ten minutes.

7. In another cup, beat the eggs with salt with a fork and introduce them into the kefir mass, mix.

8. Gently introduce the sifted flour in small portions, constantly stirring with a spoon after each serving. Mix the dough slowly, because if mixed quickly, it can settle.

9. Take a deep detachable baking dish, grease it with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour a little so that the cake does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

10. Pour a little more than half of the dough, walk, leveling, with a spoon over the entire surface.

11. Put the meat filling on the dough, even out with a spoon.

12. Top with fried meat the second part of the dough, flatten with a spoon.

13. Put the jellied cake in a hot oven for half an hour, bake at a moderate temperature.

14. If you have an upper burner in the oven, then turn it on ten minutes before the end of baking so that a golden crust forms on the surface of the pie.

15. Take the baked cake out of the oven, cover it directly with a towel in the mold so that it cools down (be sure to cool the cake well, because if you cut it hot, it can all break).

16. Remove the cake from the mold, cut into small pieces and serve with tea, coffee or milk.

Step-by-step recipe for a pie with meat in the oven - tricks and tips

• Usually they bake a cake on a greased baking sheet, but today on the shelves of the store you can find many things that make the cooking process easier. For example, baking paper, foil or a silicone mat. The advantage of using one of these items for baking is several: the cake does not burn, the pan does not get dirty.

• Do not overdo the meat pie in the oven longer than indicated in the recipe. The filling for the pie is almost ready, which means that in any case it will not remain raw, and 30-40 minutes are enough for the test, otherwise the pie may turn out to be not soft and lush, but dry and harsh.


Watch the video: Homemade Steak Pie (July 2024).