Lumbar hernia of the spine: treatment at home. Lifestyle and nutrition in the treatment of lumbar hernia


Spinal hernia is a very common complication with the progression of osteochondrosis. This is a very serious disease, which is accompanied by severe pain. The neglected form can lead to disability. Therefore, it is important to begin timely treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine at home.

Causes of lumbar hernia

The spine consists of vertebrae. Between them are discs that prevent friction. They have a gel-like liquid. It is a kind of grease. With excessive pressure between the vertebrae, the fluid exits and begins to act on the nerve endings. They already present a common manifestation in the form of bright pain flashes. Many movements begin to cause severe pain and discomfort. The ligaments that connect the ridge can be torn. It also leads to severe pain.

The main root causes of hernia are:

1. Over time, there is a natural destruction and weakening of all human tissues and organs.

2. Excessive exercise. Such loads provoke an acceleration of the wear process of the disks.

3. Injuries. With physical exposure, trauma to the discs and vertebrae is observed. This causes osteochondrosis and further hernia.

4. Anatomy. Congenital malformations can cause a tendency to form disturbances between the ridges. That is, it is already genetically incorporated.

5. Low physical activity. This disease progresses in the case of an inactive lifestyle and with undeveloped back muscles. Metabolism and nutrition is done through the muscles. The better developed the muscles, the more quickly the tissues feed.

6. A sedentary lifestyle. Frequent stay in one position leads to stagnation of tissues. Therefore, there is a deformation of the vertebrae.

7. Changes in hormone levels. Failure of hormones, which are responsible for the development of the whole organism, provokes changes in the structure of the spine.

8. Overly active lifestyle. Standing on your feet does not benefit the spine.

Other causes may be diseases of the internal organs.

Treatment of lumbar spinal hernia at home: lifestyle and nutritional adjustments

In order to cure this pathology, the first thing you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. It is important to exclude all factors that contribute to the progression of osteochondrosis. To do this, it is important to adhere to such conditions:

1. Reduce the amount of physical exertion or the wearing of gravity. This is what causes a hernia.

2. Women should refuse to wear high-heeled shoes.

3. It is important to competently alternate rest, sedentary work and a moving lifestyle.

4. To fix for yourself the time when the entire load will be removed from the lumbar.

5. Normalization of weight. Very often, overweight becomes the cause of the weakening of the muscular corset of the back. After this, hernias begin to form.

It is necessary to treat pathology with the correct and correctly selected diet. For this, it is important to exclude from your diet:





· Alcohol.

These products cause severe pain and island-inflammatory processes in the spine. It is important to include as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products, bone broths, jellied meat in your diet. It is also necessary to adhere to the drinking regimen. For 3 days, the patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

Therapeutic exercises in the treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine at home

To cure such a pathology, it is necessary to perform physical exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles. These actions make the spine flexible and improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, a quick recovery occurs.

1. It is necessary to make stretching for a quarter of an hour a day on an inclined board. This task relieves stress from the disc, as it increases the distance between the vertebrae. The amount of supplied nutrients is increasing. Tissues are more quickly activated and regenerated.

2. Normal walking on all fours. Do the exercise for 5 minutes four times a day. The back should be flat.

3. The third exercise must be performed while lying down with straight outstretched legs. They must be strictly even. Tighten socks when inhaling. The chin should reach the chest. After lying on your back, put your hands along the torso. Bend your knees. Buttocks lift up and hold for up to 10 seconds. Only the back should function. Repeat manipulations 5-7 times.

4. Get on all fours. Extend your right limb and left arm at a time. Lock this position for 5 seconds. After changing the arm and leg. Repeat this exercise up to 7 times.

If any action causes discomfort, then it must be undone and replaced with another.

Treatment of lumbar hernia of the spine at home: alternative methods

You can get rid of the pain syndrome, eliminate the island-inflammatory process in the lumbar region not only with the help of medications, but also thanks to homemade ointments, compresses and other means. Treatment of pathology can be performed using procedures with honey. For 100 grams of honey, add 1 g of mummy. The resulting mixture to grind the painful area. Leave the product on the skin for several minutes. Rinse off the medicine only with warm water.

Also, this zone can be rubbed with birch or hypericum oil. After this procedure, a small amount of honey is applied to the sore spot. Massage with light movements. As soon as honey is absorbed, the skin should be treated with saber and be tied with a woolen scarf for the night.

For massage it is also possible to use propolis. It is characterized by anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. But the use of any prescription with honey should be agreed with your doctor. A bee product can cause severe allergies.

There are also many other effective recipes for curing pathology:

1. Red clay should be poured with a small amount of liquid. From the resulting mixture, it is necessary to build a cake and wind it in a bandage. Heat such a cake in a frying pan to a person’s body temperature and attach to the affected area. For convenience, clay must be fixed. This can be done using tape.

2. Garlic and turpentine. A special composition is being prepared for the compress. Grind 300 g of garlic and add 100 g of alcohol. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. The composition is attached to the lower back. Overlay a film. It is important to keep the compress warm. Keep this compress for no more than 40 minutes.

3. Turpentine baths. Such procedures are characterized by a relaxing effect. For their preparation you will need a piece of baby soap. It should be grated and dissolved in water. The first baths should not be more than 10 minutes. After the body gets used, you can take it for half an hour.

Hernia is also effectively treated with herbal tinctures.

1. Tincture of lilac flowers. In 0.5 l of vodka add a glass of flowers. Leave the composition for 10 days. The resulting product should be taken 25 drops three times a day before meals.

2. Decoction of rose hips. It helps to establish water balance. If honey is added to this broth, it will also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

3. Tincture of chamomile. This tool helps to eliminate the island-inflammatory process. Pour a tablespoon of boiling water. After an hour, filter and drink 100 g before eating.

4. Tincture of yarrow and celandine. It helps to cope with the island-inflammatory process, relieves pain. To obtain it, it is necessary to boil the leaves of plants for an hour. Leave the broth for 2 days. Drink the product in the morning and at night. The duration of treatment should not be more than a month.

5. Treatment with comfrey. The plant is often used in the treatment of various diseases of the spine. With it, you can do compresses, lotions, massages. Also, the plant is taken orally. To do this, mix the crushed root with honey in the same ratio. Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach. The treatment lasts 10 days.


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