Folic acid: benefits and harms, body needs for vitamin B9. What foods contain maximum folic acid


Vitamins are necessary for our body to balance metabolic processes, normalize the functions of the endocrine and immune systems. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B9, which is involved in the development of the circulatory system and helps strengthen the body.

Folic acid requirement

Since the 1930s, a close study of the healing properties of this vitamin has been carried out, when experts noticed that the yeast extract helps to cope with anemia in pregnant women. Pure folic acid was learned to be obtained from spinach leaves, and then synthesized chemically in 1945.

Vitamin B9 enters the human body instead of with foods or is synthesized in the intestinal microflora. Foods richest in vitamin B9:


Greens (spinach),

· Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower),

Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds,

Legumes (peas, beans, lentils),

· Liver (animal or fish liver),

· dairy products,

· Bread products from wholemeal flour.

Folic acid is necessary for the renewal of the cellular structure, therefore it is necessary to ensure a sufficient intake of vitamin B9 during the rapid development of the body, especially at the stage of intrauterine formation and in childhood. In the process of DNA replication (with the renewal of deoxyribonucleic acid molecules), folic acid is involved. Improper DNA synthesis poses a risk of developing neoplasms and cancerous tumors.

A folic acid deficiency in the body occurs for several reasons:

· As a consequence of vitamin deficiency and malnutrition;

In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and improper metabolism;

· Against the background of hormonal disorders (including age-related);

After infectious inflammation and the use of antibiotics;

· From bad habits (drinking, smoking).

To detect folic acid deficiency, tests are prescribed, for this blood is taken from an empty stomach vein. Symptoms that indicate a lack of vitamin B9:

Low hemoglobin in blood tests

· Pale skin, dark circles under the eyes;

A decrease in muscle mass due to improper absorption of protein foods;

· Hair loss and brittle, flaking nails;

Frequent inflammation, neuralgic pain;

· Loss of attention and fatigue;

· Constant fatigue and irritability;

Causeless depressive state;

Insomnia, a change in the usual rhythm of sleep.

Benefits of Folic Acid

Thus, the most useful properties of folic acid for the human body can be distinguished:

· Normal synthesis of protein and nucleic acids occurs, which allows you to maintain all systems and organs in working condition;

· The contractility of the myocardium (heart muscle) improves, blood flow normalizes;

· The nervous system is strengthened, a person adequately responds to what is happening without nervous breakdowns;

· Under the influence of folates, the secretion of the hormone serotonin, or the “hormone of joy,” the lack of which leads to a depressive state, is activated;

· Indicators of the entire endocrine system improve, especially in women, reproductive functions are restored.

Vitamin B9 is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for those women who are trying to become pregnant, or as part of a program for the treatment of infertility. Studies have confirmed that folic acid normalizes the menstrual cycle, increases fertility (the ability to become pregnant) and allows the child to endure without painful consequences. Moreover, preparations with vitamin B9 are prescribed to both partners in order to normalize the functions of the reproductive system.

Folic acid is often called a “beauty vitamin” because it stops the signs of osteoporosis and keeps the muscles supple and supple. Beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, helps to cope with peeling and acne. Regular and timely use of folic acid preparations allows the woman to maintain a fresh, flowering appearance and pushes the onset of menopause.

The use of drugs with folic acid

Most often, vitamin B9 is used in combination with vitamins B6 and B12 or as part of vitamin-mineral complexes for different ages. The bioavailable properties of folic acid in food are approximately one and a half times different from the synthetic counterpart. This means that instead of 1 μg of vitamin B9, 0.6 μg of synthetic vitamins of this group can be taken in various foods.

The World Health Organization recommends for a healthy lifestyle the following amount of folate, depending on age:

0-12 months - 50 mcg / day;

1-3 years - 70 mcg / day;

4-6 years - 100 mcg / day;

6-10 years - 150 mcg / day;

older than 10 years - 200 mcg / day.

In certain circumstances, the dosage should be increased: for pregnant and lactating women by 200 mcg. Men to improve sperm quality and sperm motility during the conception of the child by 100-200 mcg. All categories of patients are prescribed to take drugs with folic acid during stress and increased psycho-physical stress, during rehabilitation after injuries and diseases.

The main indications for the use of folic acid:

Vitamin deficiency, lack of folic acid (as a result of malnutrition and impaired metabolism, after antiepileptic drugs);

Anemia due to vitamin B9 deficiency

Gastroenteritis and indigestion.

Contraindications are associated with such factors:

Allergy to folic acid preparations;

· Sensitivity to additional components contained in tablets;

Pathology of proteins that carry glucose;

· Sucrose and isomaltase deficiency;

Fructosemia, or fructose intolerance.

With an overdose of the drug, there is no toxic effect, but folic acid should be temporarily discontinued so that there is no violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. In children, overdose symptoms manifest in the form of diarrhea, digestive upset, increased irritability, restless sleep.

The consequences of vitamin B9 deficiency

Folic acid deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia in adults, in which the process of red blood cell maturation slows down, megaloblasts begin to predominate in the bone marrow. Subsequently, a person's nerve reflexes are disrupted, endurance and performance are reduced, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and edematous phenomena begin.

Adequate intake of folic acid during pregnancy is especially important in order to reduce the likelihood of developing various defects in the fetus: hydrocephalus, cerebral hernia, spina bifida, heart defects and circulatory system. To replenish vitamin B9 reserves in the body, it is necessary to use certain products or vitamin-mineral complexes with folic acid.


Watch the video: The Story of Folic Acid Fortification (June 2024).