Are dumplings and dumplings the same thing?


Soup with dumplings or dumplings? Maybe not a soup at all, but a second course? Both dumplings and dumplings are miniature cooked pieces of dough. They are used in soups or as an independent dish. A lot of confusion about the name, batch, consistency and composition of the test. Is there a difference between dumplings and dumplings?

The habitat of dumplings and dumplings

Dumpling is the European name for a boiled piece of dough.

It is gently rolled into small balls, less often cut with a knife, then sent to boil in the broth. But more and more often you can find unusual dumplings from potato dough, with semolina, and various fillings.

Inside the balls lay mushrooms, meat, vegetables. In Belarus there is such a national dish, it is served at the table with cracklings and fried onions.

Dumplings live in Eastern European countries, are found in Caucasian cuisine.

Most of this dish is common in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia. It is found in Chechnya and on the territory of Ingushetia. They are also actively prepared and consumed there. They are also boiled slices of dough. They are launched into the soup or served separately with sour cream and various sauces like lazy dumplings.

Test consistency

Some chefs say that for dumplings you need to make batter. Balls are formed by a spoon. Other chefs are well aware that such a mass is only suitable for dumplings.

Dumplings need to be rolled up with hands or even a rolling pin, cut into pieces with a knife. In fact, it’s useless to seek the truth.

The consistency of the test can be absolutely any, it all depends on the dish, the presence or absence of the filling, as well as the place of preparation.

Each country has its own way, and it does not depend on the name of the dish.

Composition: this is the catch!

Dumplings were originally made from dough in milk with an egg. In the same way mass was prepared for dumplings.

Pieces of dough were launched into a boiling broth, brought to readiness. Left in the soup or taken out with a slotted spoon, complemented by sauces.

Later they began to introduce semolina into the mass, knead the dough with boiled or raw potatoes, on broths, sour cream and other ingredients.

Soon there were options for dumplings and dumplings with fillings.

What are balls made from dough with:

  • potatoes;
  • cheese;
  • minced meat, poultry;
  • cottage cheese;
  • greenery.

Along with the advent of the filling, the size of the dumplings increased. Sometimes they resemble pies, but only boiled, without crust. They are served on separate plates, watered with oil, sour cream, sprinkled with herbs. Belarusian potato dumplings are often fried until crisp, there is a recipe below. In this form, the dish does not need additional dressing.


Dumplings and dumplings are dough products that are very similar in the way of preparation, kneading, consistency, composition. In one country, dumplings are thrown from batter into soup, in another place dumplings are thrown into the same broth from the same mass.

What is common between them:

  • the dough is made with eggs;
  • often dairy products are present;
  • dumplings and dumplings are boiled in broth or in water;
  • products can be an independent dish;
  • both dumplings and dumplings can be soup ingredients.

What is the difference? Perhaps only in the name. Both dumplings and dumplings can be made from one dough of equal size and served with one dressing.

Only the Pole will sit down to dine with dumplings, and the Belarusian will join him and praise what delicious dumplings turned out.

Classic dumplings for soup

Here is a variant of ordinary dumplings made of semi-liquid dough, which are also called dumplings. They are used for soup, act as an additional ingredient.

We prepare the dish in the usual way, we cook any soup, dumplings will be added at the very end. This amount is enough for a pot of 2-2.5 liters.


  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • flour (4-5 tablespoons).

Cooking method

  1. Break the egg into a bowl. Immediately add milk and salt. You can pepper or throw a pinch of dry garlic, a little greens. Beat with a fork or whisk.
  2. Add flour. Pour four spoons. It should be a viscous dough. If the egg is large, then add another spoonful of flour.
  3. In a ready boiling soup with a teaspoon, dip small pieces of dough. In this case, rinse each time with hot broth.
  4. As soon as all the dumplings pop up, and the soup boils, add greens, laurel to it, turn off the stove. We insist for about ten minutes, the dish is ready.

Often, for fluffiness, the whites of the egg are beaten separately, and then added to the yolk with milk.

Classic belarusian dumplings

The recipe for fried Belarusian dumplings. This dish claims to be a national treat. Composed of potatoes. Unlike the previous version of dumplings, dumplings here act as an independent second course. If desired, they can not be fried, but served in boiled form. In this case, pour the butter on top of the balls or season with cracklings and fried onions.


  • 7 potatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 1 tablespoon of starch;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking method

  1. On the smallest grater we rub onions and potatoes. We wring out the excess juice with our hands, it should turn out a dry chip. We shift in a bowl.
  2. Add salt and eggs, introduce starch, stir and add prescription flour. The mass should be a little sticky.
  3. We wet our hands and make small balls resembling a walnut. Sometimes a piece of bacon is pushed inside each dumpling, which can also be done.
  4. Boil water, salt, add laurel and peppercorns. We launch Belarusian dumplings and cook after surfacing for about five minutes. In this case, the fire must be removed.
  5. We take out the dumplings with a slotted spoon. Let the water drain.
  6. Heat the butter and put the dumplings in the pan. Fry on both sides until crisp. Take out on a plate.

Such dumplings can become an independent treat or served with borscht soup, replace bread. They are offered with tea and coffee for guests, a great alternative to pies.

Dumplings and dumplings, gnocchi and dumplings, jackdaws and lazy dumplings are very similar and sometimes even the same dishes with only territorially different names.


Watch the video: Dumpling vs. Wonton. The Stories and Differences. Food Talk. (June 2024).