Cauliflower with meat - the ease of a hearty meal! Simple recipes for stewed, baked, fried cauliflower with meat


Cauliflower dishes, with due diligence and even a minimum of skills, are delicious. This is true for a lean or vegetarian recipe. Well, if you add minced meat to cute inflorescences, or just browned pork ... There are a couple of eggs and a block of cheese? Then you can safely challenge professional chefs: spoil such a dish - this is really difficult!

Cauliflower with meat - general principles of preparation

• Cauliflower with meat can be stewed, fried in a pan or baked in the oven. Regardless of the further method of preparation, the heads of cabbage, wholly or disassembled, are previously blanched in boiling water. If this is not done, the taste of the dish will suffer, slices of cabbage will be dry and stiff.

• The head of cabbage is never cooked whole; it is carefully disassembled into separate inflorescences, immediately removing the spoiled and cutting off the remains of the solid trunk. Large inflorescences are preferably cut into pieces, small ones are left intact.

• With cauliflower, you can cook any kind of meat. It is cut into pieces or twisted in a meat grinder, turning into minced meat. Pieces of meat are pre-fried in hot oil and only then mixed with other components, laying them in a certain sequence.

Cauliflower Casserole with Meat


• pork pulp - 400 gr.;

• 200 gr. "Dutch" cheese;

• 300 gr. cauliflower;

• two eggs;

• 50 gr. mustard.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the leaves from a head, disassemble it into individual inflorescences and boil in salted water for no more than five minutes. Then put in a colander so that all the water comes off.

2. Rinse the pork, chop coarsely and lay in a bowl.

3. Add hot mustard, pepper to your taste, mix and let stand for half an hour.

4. Beat two eggs well with a little salt.

5. Put the cauliflower inflorescences mixed with meat in a non-stick fireproof form. Pour in the egg mixture and sprinkle with large cheese chips on top.

6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the filled mold in it for half an hour.

Braised cauliflower with meat and vegetables in a pan


• small zucchini;

• medium-sized carrot;

• 600 gr. lean young pork;

• large onion

• 300 gr. broccoli;

• small forks of cauliflower;

• 60 ml of high-quality lean oil;

• a small bunch of fresh dill;

• a pinch of paprika, oregano, Provence herbs and dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse a piece of meat in a large amount of cold water, pat dry with a clean rag, and cut into small, short strips.

2. Broccoli, zucchini and cabbage inflorescences cut into centimeter cubes, chop carrots with small strips.

3. In a pan, warm well three tablespoons of vegetable oil, dip the meat into it. On medium heat, do not forget to stir, fry the pieces of pork. Do not let the meat brown. As soon as the juice stands out, simmer another two minutes and add the cabbage. Then immediately pour the chopped onion, mix.

4. Add the carrots, mix everything well again and put the zucchini with broccoli.

5. Season the vegetables with the meat with spices, add seasonings and chopped dill. Add salt to your taste, mix well and simmer over low heat. Do not forget to cover.

6. While the meat and vegetables are stewed, you do not need to add either water or oil, the vegetables will give off a lot of juice. To ensure that the dish does not burn enough to mix occasionally.

7. After about 20 minutes, when the pieces of vegetables become soft, you can remove from heat and serve. Do not stew for a long time, the vegetable slices will boil and turn into porridge.

A simple recipe for fried cauliflower with meat


• a pound of any lean meat;

• two small onions;

• 200 gr. sour cream;

• two tablespoons of refined oil;

• a pound of cauliflower.

Cooking method:

1. Dry the washed meat piece with a disposable towel and cut into square pieces, up to 2 cm in size.

2. Rinse with cold water the cabbage inflorescences and put them in a colander. Chop the onion in small slices.

3. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into a wide pan and put on medium heat. When the fat warms up well, dip the onion into it and fry until it is amber. Transfer the fried onions to a separate bowl, and pieces of meat in a pan and sauté them for three minutes.

4. Add the cabbage, continue to fry everything together for another 20 minutes. Pour in the sour cream, add the sautéed onion. Salt slightly, pepper a little and continue cooking, lidding, another five minutes.

Stewed Cauliflower with Meat Baked under Cheese


• any lean meat (pulp) - 500 gr.;

• a small onion;

• a pound of cauliflower;

• one large bell pepper;

• medium-sized carrot - 1 pc.;

• hard "Russian" or "Kostroma" cheese - 200 gr .;

• two tablespoons of spicy ketchup;

• fresh or dry greens - to taste;

• for frying - non-aromatic sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off all the films and cores from a piece of meat. Rinse the flesh with cold water and cut into small, square-shaped pieces.

2. Grate the carrots with a medium grater, and chop the bell pepper and onion into medium-sized slices. Pepper can be chopped thinly across.

3. In one frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the meat, and in another fry the carrots with onions.

4. Bell pepper, cabbage inflorescences and fried onions with carrots add to the meat. Season with ground pepper, pour a glass of drinking water or any broth, slightly salt, mix and put on low heat. Stew vegetables with meat until the inflorescences are soft.

5. After that, transfer the contents of the pan to a refractory dish, grease with ketchup on top, sprinkle with finely chopped greens and cheese chopped on medium grater.

6. Place the container in a hot (180 degrees) oven and bake until a soft golden crust forms on the surface.

Boiled Cauliflower with Meat and Tomatoes


• small forks of cauliflower;

• 300 gr. any lean cuts;

• head of a bitter onion;

• two large meaty tomatoes;

• a bunch of fresh parsley;

• 6 peas of pepper;

• garlic;

• a spoon of baking flour;

• olive or sunflower, highly refined oil - 3 tbsp. l .;

• half a large lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Boil water in a large pan and lower the head of cabbage disassembled by inflorescence into it. With a slight boil, boil for about seven minutes, then put in a colander and dry well.

2. Garlic cloves and parsley, finely chopped separately with a heavy knife. Chop the onions into quarters of rings, chop the tomatoes into strips.

3. Cut the veins and films from the meat and cut into short strips.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a pot with a thick bottom and warm it well over low heat. Add garlic and fry for about a minute while mixing, so that the oil absorbs the aroma well.

5. Put the garlic slices of meat, it should be fried on each side until a tender blush.

6. Add chopped tomatoes and onions. Simmer everything for at least 20 minutes on low heat, pour parsley, season with spices.

7. Add flour diluted with freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix well, bring to a boil.

8. Transfer the boiled cauliflower to the prepared meat sauce and mix gently to prevent damage to the inflorescences. Dip the dish on minimal heat for a minute and remove from the stove.


Baked cauliflower with meat (minced meat)


• a small head of cauliflower;

• sour cream 20% fat - 4 tbsp. l .;

• 20 gr. creamy "Traditional" butter;

• 80 gr. hard cheese "Kostroma";

• 600 gr. combined minced meat;

• 50 gr. smoked bacon;

• one egg;

• sugar;

• middle onion head;

• sunflower oil;

• ground paprika - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully rinse the cabbage, disassembled into individual inflorescences, and dip in cool boiling water. Boil for up to three minutes on low heat, then transfer to a colander and let cool.

2. Lightly chop the garlic and onions, cut the bacon into cubes.

3. Heat the vegetable oil, dip the bacon into it and fry the slices well over medium heat. The bacon should be well browned and not burnt, so often mix the slices during the frying process.

4. Add the onion, immediately salt it slightly, fry until light golden color. When the onion pieces begin to take on an amber hue, add a little sugar, literally a small pinch.

5. Pour garlic, fry everything together for less than a minute and remove from heat, cool.

6. Mix the cooled roast with minced meat. Season with ground pepper, add paprika, slightly add salt. Break the egg into the minced meat and knead thoroughly.

7. A piece of butter, grease the bottom and walls of a heat-resistant form.

8. Form the meat with a ball and put it into the prepared form. Carefully insert blanched cabbage inflorescences into a meat ball, trying to distribute them symmetrically on the surface. The result should be a workpiece that resembles a whole head of cabbage.

9. Add a little salt to sour cream, mix and grease the dish well with it, sprinkle with paprika.

10. Place the pan in a preheated oven and let it bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Five minutes before cooked, sprinkle the “head out” with finely grated cheese.

11. Let the finished dish stand for a quarter of an hour on the table, then gently drain all the liquid from the mold and cut the head into portions.

Cauliflower with meat - cooking tips and tricks

• It will be much easier to disassemble a head of cabbage by inflorescences if head is boiled at a moderate temperature for about five minutes. After this, additional blanching is not required.

• Small pests often live in inflorescences. To get rid of them, fill the head with a weak saline solution, and the living creatures will leave by itself.

• To maximize the juiciness of any dish prepared with cauliflower and meat, add inflorescences to the pan immediately after steaming the meat juice or a couple of minutes before.

• If you add a spoonful of sugar to the water during blanching, the cabbage will not only not darken with further cooking, but will also become much tastier.


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