What commandments each zodiac sign follows: a humorous horoscope


Depending on our character, in our life we ​​follow certain principles and life priorities. Each of us has our own values, mottos and commandments, which we tirelessly follow.

Let us see from a humorous point of view which commandments the different signs of the zodiac follow.


1. "I will do first, and then I will think about what I have already done."
2. "If you listen to me and do everything as I do, you will surely succeed. Why? Yes, because it’s better you can’t do it anyway."
3. "I am the leader among you all, but for the beloved / beloved, I can become an affectionate and supple animal."
4. "Someday in the next life I will surely learn to listen to my interlocutor to the end. In this life I simply do not have time for this, because I am busy conquering the world."


1. "I love money, and they love me too. We are very well together."
2. "Yes, you will wait a long time until I refuel, but you will be surprised how fast I can ride."
3. "You can not touch the one who sits well. If he stands, he simply falls."
4. "The brave always goes ahead, but the smart will always go behind."


1. "Today I am again not the same as yesterday, and tomorrow I will not be the same as today."
2. "I can get out of any, even the most difficult situation, and clean and dry."
3. "I am the brain of the computer to which the Internet is connected. I know everything! Ask what you want, but just get ready for the fact that there will be a lot of information. You should select useful for yourself."
4. "My head does not keep up with my tongue."


1. "If I don’t get nervous and tug on trifles - I’m quite an adequate and stress-resistant person."
2. "If you don’t rush anywhere, then you won’t be late anywhere."
3. "If there is a problem, I won’t solve it. I’ll just hide in my sink and wait a bit. Maybe everything will be resolved."
4. "I love my work, but on Saturday I will not come there. Not to mention Sunday."

a lion

1. "No money in the world can replace me with prestige, universal recognition and respect."
2. "If you decide to rob, then only the largest bank."
3. "Praise me always, because who, no matter how I deserve it the most!".
4. "If you really love someone, then only the king is necessary."


1. "If everything in the world obeyed the laws of logic - I would begin to rule the Universe."
2. "If all people were orderly, clean, and lived strictly according to the prescribed rules, it would be much easier to live. Well, at least, I certainly."
3. "I'm not a pedant - I'm just a scrupulous and responsible person."
4. "In rain and mud, I can walk in white shoes and not even get them dirty. Are you weak?"


1. "Pity yourself more often so that your own problems will be solved by others for you."
2. "I am extremely rarely mistaken. And why not? Because it is very rare to make any decisions."
3. "Not all" and "require that they put an end to it."
4. "If you make a lost look, then everyone will immediately help you."


1. "I am kind and affectionate, until you climb into my soul with your dirty boots."
2. "I will always take revenge, my enemies and offenders will never be left without punishment."
3. "If you want me to smile - find a good reason for this."
4. "I know how to live, but I will not teach you this because you do not deserve it."


1. "I don’t know how to lie, so I never do it. I'm just exaggerating a little, is it really not clear?"
2. "Vivacity and positive will save the world. And not the beauty that you have invented for yourself."
3. "I always forgive those I owe."
4. "If you take me for reconnaissance, I will show you how to get out of there as a winner, without messing your jacket."


1. "I am not looking for friends, because the true present in my life will never be."
2. "You will live according to the rules established by life and social stereotypes - you will be happy."
3. "One can always survive if you have a sharp mind and cold prudence. Like mine."
4. "I never look for easy ways, because otherwise it becomes boring to live. Problems harden."


1. "Just give me more freedom, and I will leave you alone."
2. "It is difficult to be an angel, but I have to somehow cope with the role assigned to me in this life."
3. "Intrigue, investigation? Where? Take me with you and you will never be bored."
4. "Good intentions are always more important than good deeds."


1. "If you put pressure on me, I’ll go to the bottom and very soon swim to the surface."
2. "I just want to dream and someday meet a genie who will help me realize my dreams."
3. "There is no need to postpone until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow without any problems. Or better next week."
4. "I am always busy with something, but people never know what exactly."


Watch the video: The First Commandment: What Is Our Greatest Priority? (June 2024).