Britney Spears curls were fake


In spite of everything, the American singer Britney Spears has not lost the love of fans and still continues to collect entire halls at her concerts. Now the show is Spears "Peace of Me", during which the singer surprises her fans with a constant change of image, changing wigs and costumes.

But the other day Britney impressed the fans with her "natural" look. Eyewitnesses noted that the pop princess, often on the cover of the leading glossy magazines, was simply unrecognizable.

The singer visited the shops with her mother. At the same time she appeared in a public place without a hairstyle familiar to everyone. Paparazzi noted that the natural hair of the performer look just lifeless. Curls, admired by fans of Spears, turned out to be an ordinary fake. According to British journalists, Spears earns enough to spend any amount on the treatment of his own hair.


Watch the video: Britney Spears Real Voice vs "Baby Voice" (June 2024).