Folk remedies for menopause: help from the symptoms of menopause. Getting rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of folk remedies during menopause


By the age of 50, the state of a woman’s body is characterized by a slowdown in metabolism, a decrease in the number of hormones produced, and inhibition of cell renewal. Against this background, the woman feels a general malaise, psycho-emotional changes, sweating and "hot flashes".

A woman experiences these symptoms for 6–8 years or more. The first sign of menopause - the change in menstruation in the number and duration. Then comes, in fact, the menopause itself with the absence of menstruation.

Hormonal changes in the body, when the level of estrogen decreases, leads to the above symptoms, as well as increased irritability, depression.

Folk methods of treating discomfort associated with menopause, of course, will help alleviate the condition. But it is necessary to take certain funds after consulting a specialist.

Folk remedies for menopause - medicinal herbs

1. Grass shepherd's purse. Crush the plant, put 1 tablespoon in an enamel or glass dish and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let the remedy infuse. Then strain it and drink all the broth at once.

The shepherd's bag has hemostatic, blood-purifying, and also anti-inflammatory properties. It has long been used to treat various diseases. However, a medicinal plant can not be taken to people suffering from hemorrhoids and those who have increased blood clotting.

2. Oregano useful for women who feel strong tides. The plant not only normalizes the mental state, but also regulates blood discharge.

Prepare a folk remedy for menopause can be as follows: chop the oregano and, taking 2 tablespoons of the plant, pour it with two cups of boiling water. Better in a thermos. Let it brew overnight and drink it three times a day before meals.

3. Mistletoe acts tonic on the whole body. It is able to cleanse and stop blood, dilate blood vessels, heal wounds.

To alleviate the condition in menopause, use an infusion of herbs. Brew 1 tablespoon of the plant with two glasses of boiling water. Set aside with the lid on the dishes. Then strain and take a little during the day.

It is important to know! Mistletoe is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it can not be eaten raw. Also, it is not recommended for people with individual intolerance.

4. Sage - An extremely useful plant for menopause. Its action is very extensive. Sage is able to reduce night sweats and hot flashes due to the fact that it has the ability to regulate hormonal levels.

Sage reduces irritation, neurosis, fights depression. This tool relieves headaches and dizziness, tremors and mood swings.

Preparing a healing infusion is simple. Pour a tablespoon of the plant with two glasses of boiling water. Insist for a while, and then drink the infusion throughout the day.

Sage is not recommended in large quantities. Also, it can not be used for diabetes, dry mouth or vagina.

5. Hawthorn - Another popular means of regulating heart rhythm, improves blood flow to the brain, relieves tides.

When menopause is used infusion of flowers or fruits of the plant. 5 g of fresh or dry flowers, fill in a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water. Insist the mixture for about 40 minutes, and then drink like tea three times a day before meals.

6. Alcohol hawthorn tincture no less effective for menopause. Fill the pre-prepared fruit juice of the plant with alcohol in the same proportions. Insist the mixture in a dark place for at least two weeks. After that, take 40 drops three times a day with warm water.

7. Combine medicinal plants that fight with all the symptoms of menopause: hawthorn flowers, motherwort grass, dried grass grass (all in 4 parts). Add to the mixture 1 part chamomile flowers and mix. Pour 1 tablespoon of the drug with a glass of boiling water and leave for a while. Strain. Healing infusion is ready! Drink it throughout the day in 3 divided doses.

8. Valerian gained fame for its sedative properties. It is used in the period of menopause with excessive excitability.

Rinse the plant roots thoroughly, then dry them and chop them. Pour 1 tablespoon of roots in a thermos glass of boiling water and set aside for insisting. Drink a tablespoon several times a day. With a strong psycho-emotional excitability - one third of a glass three times a day.

Valerian has no particular contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for too long a period (1.5-2 months), so as not to provoke a headache and anxiety.

Folk remedies for menopause - popular recipes

1. You can get rid of insomnia and anxiety by honey solution. Stir a tablespoon of bee product in a glass of warm water and drink half an hour before bedtime.

2. Freshly cooked beet juice, in which a spoon of honey is added to taste will relieve irritability. Drink this tool is necessary for a third cup 2 times a day.

3. Walnut Partitions widely used in folk medicine, including menopause. Fill the 5-nut partition with a glass of cold water and leave the mixture to infuse overnight.

In the morning, put the dishes with the medicine on the stove and cook the partitions for several minutes. Then cool and strain through a strainer. Drink decoction on an empty stomach at a time. Do the treatment until you feel an improvement.

Folk remedies for menopause - baths

Herbal baths gently but effectively affect the female body during menopause.

1. Prepare a treatment valerian bath. Pre-prepare the broth. Ground root of the plant (100 g) pour water and boil for several minutes. Then strain, squeeze and pour into the bath.

Take water treatments for no more than 10 minutes before you go to bed.

2. In addition to decoction, plants can be used with no less success. tincture of valerian, available at any pharmacy. For 10 liters of water you will need 2 bottles of finished alcohol tincture. Pour the product into a warm bath and lie in it for a short time.

3. If you suffer from insomnia, take the evening warm linden baths. Boil in a water bath (to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant) a handful of chopped lime blossom. Strain and add to the water bath.

4. A more complicated recipe: combine the pre-crushed: thyme, oregano, yarrow and calamus roots (all in 1 part). Add 2 parts of wormwood, sage, pine buds. Mix everything thoroughly.

Take 10 tablespoons of the drug collection and boil for half an hour in 3 liters of water. Cool, strain, squeeze and fill in a bath.

Folk remedies for menopause - general recommendations

There are some simple recommendations aimed at strengthening the woman’s entire body during menopause. They are general in nature, but in combination with the main treatment give a positive result.

1. The diet of a woman after 40 years should be varied, including meat, fish, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.

2. Get rid of extra pounds, but not with the help of strict diets, but by limiting the consumption of sweet and fatty foods.

3. Eat often and little by little.

4. Minimize alcohol consumption, caffeinated beverages, and spicy foods that stimulate appetite.

5. During menopause, do sports. Feasible physical activity can provide invaluable assistance to the body, experiencing hormonal failure.

6. Get plenty of rest, take enough time to sleep.

7. Get rid of stress. This will help walk in the fresh air, listening to your favorite music, relaxing baths, switching attention from the object of stress to something positive.

8. Take a contrast shower daily.

9. Do not forget about contraception.

Climax does not come all of a sudden. Therefore, one should not be afraid of him and go to extremes when a woman either ceases to look after herself or tries to do something with unhealthy activity.

In any case, menopause is a natural condition and you need to meet it as calmly as possible. Presented folk remedies for menopause will help you with this. They normalize the mental state and relieve unpleasant sensations.


Watch the video: Women's Wellness: Dr. Stephanie Faubion discusses menopausal symptoms and nonhormonal therapies (June 2024).