Mackerel: benefits and possible harm, calorie. Scientific information about mackerel, its beneficial properties and harm to the body


Aristocrat blue blood They call silver beauty mackerel, a lover of the warm waters of the seas and oceans.

It is found in the Atlantic Ocean, near the coast of Australia, America, Japan, Africa.

Without fat, healthy, delicious meat of this fish, which foreigners call mackerel, it is impossible to imagine a healthy person's diet.

How useful is mackerel?

Mackerel: composition, caloric content, as used

The benefits of mackerel due to its nutritional composition. The meat of this fish is rich in easily digestible protein. And only one hundred grams of the product is able to satisfy half of the daily needs of the body for protein. Mackerel meat is absorbed three times faster than beef, which means that the load on the gastrointestinal tract is significantly reduced.

The benefits of mackerel for the body is beyond doubt. It contains an incredible amount of macro and microelements, as well as vitamins, irreplaceable for the person:

• phosphorus;

• fish fat;

• potassium;

• manganese;

• zinc;

• sulfur;

• sodium;

• selenium;

• Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids;

• vitamin B12;

• vitamin D plus nicotinic acid;

• vitamin A.

Each of these elements has its effect on the body.. Phosphorus strengthens nails, teeth, bones. Fish oil prevents blood clots, dilates blood vessels. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart and soft tissues. Manganese normalizes the processes of regeneration, insulin metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Thanks to zinc, the body resists viral infections, the development of tumor processes. Sulfur inhibits the development of bacterial microflora. Sodium normalizes the water-salt balance. Selenium strengthens the immune system. Omega-3 acids reduce harmful cholesterol.

Vitamin B12 normalizes oxygen respiration, vitamin A is needed for normal regeneration processes on the skin and mucous membranes, vitamin D paired with nicotinic acid strengthens the nervous system and bones.

The use of mackerel is not reduced at all because it is quite fat and calorie. One hundred grams of fish meat contains about two hundred kilocalories. Moreover, the calorie content of mackerel can vary considerably depending on the fishing season. For example, in spring the fat content is low (up to three percent), but in the autumn months the amount of fat can reach thirty percent of the weight of the whole carcass. It is in the autumn mackerel that most of all fatty acids and vitamins D, B12.

Calorie content mackerel also depends from the way of cooking. Baking without oil, cooking, steaming practically does not change the initial amount of calories. Other processing methods, including frying in oil and smoking, increase the calorie content of mackerel.

It is the fat content of mackerel that makes it preferable to steam or bake without oil. Otherwise, the harm from mackerel can be done even to healthy people. You can, of course, pamper yourself with a slice of hot or cold smoked mackerel, but perhaps just pamper it. Regularly eating smoked food is harmful.

For an adult, a daily portion of one, maximum two pieces is acceptable, but not daily. It is enough to use mackerel twice, as a last resort, three times a week. Older people are not recommended to eat more than one piece, and this can be done no more than twice a week.

Smoked mackerel can be eaten even less without harm to health: no more than once a week.

When eating mackerel is important to control salt content. Too salty fish is harmful and even dangerous for people suffering from a number of diseases. Increased fat content of fish should be reduced due to the simultaneous use of vegetables.

Mackerel: what is the benefit for the body?

The composition of meat from the Atlantic or Far Eastern silverfish with a striped back explains the health benefits of mackerel. It is expressed in the therapeutic and prophylactic effects on the human body.

Mackerel, used regularly, Prevents the following diseases and conditions:

• formation of oncological tumors;

• frequent colds and viral diseases;

• formation of atherosclerotic plaques;

• development of diabetes;

• development of inflammatory diseases in the joints;

• depressive states.

Saturated with micro and macro elements, vitamins and fatty acids, the meat of this fish increases the body's immune defense, reduces the risk of cancer, prevents premature aging, strengthens bones, cardiovascular and nervous system.

The useful properties of mackerel allow you to use it in the diet of people suffering from various diseases.

Regular consumption of mackerel has a beneficial effect on health:

• reduces pain in arthritis, arthritis;

• reduces headache, normalizes blood pressure;

• improves vision;

• improves blood circulation and blood supply to the brain;

• strengthens memory;

• regulates metabolic processes and normalizes hormone levels during hormonal disruptions;

• weakens the manifestation of psoriasis;

• reduces the frequency of asthma attacks in patients with asthma.

Mackerel is good for the body because it can speed up the metabolism. It is important for people suffering from obesity. Despite the high calorie content of mackerel, a small amount of it facilitates the process of losing weight. In addition, women fish gives shiny hair, smooth skin, beautiful smile.

Scientists have found that fish oil contained in mackerel and other types of oily fish has anti-aging effect. The use of mackerel not only renews the cells of the whole organism, but also strengthens the cell membranes. This explains the anti-cancer benefits of mackerel.

Mackerel: what is the harm to health?

Harm of a mackerel is most often explained by its unreasonable, improper consumption. It is simply impossible to exceed the amount of this and any other fatty fish recommended for food: excessively fatty, and besides, often too salty food harms the pancreas, stomach, intestines.

Mackerel often causes allergic reactions. If this happens, the use of mackerel will have to be abandoned.

The real harm of mackerel salted or smoked will receive people suffering from the following diseases:

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

• hypertension;

• renal failure;

• liver disease.

Mackerel can accumulate carcinogenic substances in the skin. Their greater concentration is also found in the head and bones of the fish. Harm mackerel can cause in the case, if you use these parts of the fish. Therefore, the skin of smoked mackerel should be removed.

Despite the fact that the health benefits of mackerel are manifested in the ability to normalize pressure, in some cases the opposite reaction is possible. The excessive use of fish, especially salty, can provoke an attack of hypertension. In any case, hypertensive patients should carefully monitor the diet as a whole, tracking the effects on the body of mackerel.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: harm to mackerel

The benefits of mackerel for the body of a pregnant woman no doubt. Fish protein supports strength, strengthens the immune system, helps the formation of the fire and the nervous system of the future baby. However, eating fish should be reduced to one piece per week.

Why? Mainly because mackerel actively accumulates carcinogenic substances and mercury. This poses a great danger primarily to the fetus, although for the mother the risk of poisoning is quite high.

Equally dangerous is the use of fish for lactating women and newborns. The environmental situation in the field of fishing can be questionable, since the degree of concentration of heavy metal salts in the waters of the Atlantic, for example, is high. Mackerel perfectly accumulates mercury. It is not excluded that fish that have accumulated a toxic dose of harmful substances will get into the food.

If a nursing mother consumes such a product, the poisonous substances will enter the breast milk. This can negatively affect the nervous, digestive, immune system of the newborn.

In addition, mackerel considered one of the most allergenic fish. Therefore, until the formation of the digestive system of the child, as well as the formation of his immunity, mackerel from the menu of the nursing mother and baby should be excluded.

Mackerel for children: useful or harmful

For a child's body, mackerel can bring considerable benefits. Here and useful vitamins, and easy to digest protein, and minerals. All this is an excellent material for muscle growth, proper bone formation, brain development, the nervous, immune system. Vitamin A will give excellent vision, fluoride will strengthen teeth, fish oil will protect against inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders.

However, the high allergenicity of mackerel and the abundance of fat makes it possible to introduce it into the baby’s diet much later than the allowed feeding on white varieties of lean fish. The best thing wait up to three years. At this age, immunity is sufficiently formed to cope with protein food.

Children under five can offer a small piece of 70 grams no more than once a week. Older children can eat a piece of fish more often, two or three times a week. The benefits of mackerel for the health of adolescents is that due to it the internal organs form and work normally, the immunity is strengthened.

The beneficial properties of mackerel are high. However, you need to remember about the measure. Any excess turns the medicine into poison. Particularly careful should be dispensing smoked and salted mackerel. It is much more useful to cook it yourself, eliminating fat and the use of harmful food additives, dosing of salt. Such a fish will only benefit.


Watch the video: 9 Kinds of Fish You Should Never Eat (July 2024).