Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization: easy! Recipes of various tomato salads for the winter (with sterilization)


Sterilization of vegetable salads for the winter makes it possible to enjoy a delicious snack for 2-3 winters.

Warming up the salad directly in the bank destroys microorganisms and bacteria, hermetic clogging makes it possible to preserve vegetables for more than one year.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - general principles of preparation

Sterilization - processing high (90-100 degrees) temperature of empty cans and filled with salad.

Warming up needs appetizers, salads, sliced ​​from fresh vegetables.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization is stored for 1-2 years, provided that the lids are rolled up completely.

The process of preserving tomato salads for the winter with sterilization:

1. Cans are washed under running water without the use of detergent.

2. Salad - sliced ​​fresh or fried - placed in a jar "on shoulders" - not reaching the neck by 1-2 centimeters.

3. The lids are boiled in water for a maximum of 5 minutes, and then they are covered with cans.

4. Salads in jars are installed in a large metal container with boiling water and warmed over a small fire for a certain time. At the bottom of the pan, be sure to put a piece of non-synthetic fabric.

5. Then the cans are removed (it is advisable to use a special metal grip) and rolled up.

Sterilization time varies depending on the volume of the container with the salad:

• 500-750 milliliters - 10 minutes;

• 1 liter - 15 minutes;

• 2 liters - at least 20 minutes;

• a bottle of 3 liters - half an hour.

Winter Tomato Salad with Sterilization - Bulgarian

In this tomato salad for the winter with sterilization, it is optimal to use slightly unripe tomatoes. Adding green beans makes the dish healthy and vitamin-rich.


• greenish tomatoes - 5 kg;

• green beans - 5 kg;

• large carrots - 1.3 kg;

• parsley (roots and leaves) - 200 g;

• granulated sugar, vinegar (9%) - 150 g each;

• onions - 1.2 kg;

• vegetable oil for frying;

• extra salt - 3 tbsp. l or a little more to your taste;

• ground black pepper, red powder - 20 g (quantity can be changed).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables, remove stalks, seeds, leaves.

2. Beans can be cut in half or minced.

3. Fry the onion with ringlets until transparent.

4. Grate the carrots, chop the parsley in a mortar, and skip the roots in a meat grinder and add to the onion, fry.

5. Tomatoes cut in half or slices, if they are large. Stew in odorless oil, adding water if necessary, for about 15 minutes.

6. At the end, add the “frying” of onions and carrots, salt, sugar, seasoning - pepper and vinegar. Remove from heat after 3 minutes.

7. We lay out the mass in jars (1 liter), cover with lids and sterilize for at least half an hour. Roll up.

Sterilized Tomato Salad for Winter - Korean

Snacks can be eaten fresh. To try a spicy dish in the winter, a tomato salad for the winter with sterilization must be properly prepared.


• cream (tomatoes) - 3 kg;

• garlic - 2.5 small heads;

• 4 peas of allspice (black can be used for poignancy);

• village vegetable oil - 160 ml;

• ordinary vinegar, sugar - all 150 g each;

• parsley - 50 g;

• extra salt - 2 tbsp. l .;

• sweet pepper - 150 g.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry all components.

2. Chop smaller greens and peppers.

3. Crush the garlic and pepper (second half) in a mortar.

4. Separately prepare the marinade - mix the oil, finely ground salt, sugar and vinegar.

5. Cut the tomatoes in half with a knife.

6. Lay in jars (1 liter) in layers: a layer of tomatoes, a layer of garlic mixture, again a layer of tomatoes - a layer of parsley with pepper.

7. Pour marinade “on the shoulders”, cover with lids and sterilize each jar for 20 minutes.

8. Then we turn them over, cool them down, put them away for storage in a cold room.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - jelly

Marinade for gelatin salad gives this dish a piquancy. The appetizer is spicy, aromatic. It can be used as an independent dish, as well as a spicy side dish for meat and fish delicacies.


• tomatoes - 900 g;

• sweet pepper - 900g;

• young cucumbers (without seeds) - 900g;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 3 onions;

• peppercorns - 14 pieces;

• sugar - 5.5 tbsp. l .;

• 2 liters of boiling water;

• odorless oil - 5.5 tbsp. l .;

• 90 ml of vinegar 9%;

• gelatin - 75 g;

• salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the ingredients, clean from unnecessary seeds and debris.

2. Boil water. Separately, dissolve the gelatin in a glass of cold water and let it swell. After 20-30 minutes, pour it into boiled water, add sugar and salt there and heat the mixture over low heat until the grains dissolve (do not boil!).

3. Cut vegetables: onion and pepper into strips, tomatoes and cucumbers - in circles, chop parsley and garlic finely with a knife or skip in a meat grinder.

4. In the washed jars (1-1.5 liters), lay out the layers: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, onions, parsley with garlic. Repeat layers to the top of the jar.

5. Pour warm mixture with gelatin, add vinegar, then vegetable oil.

6. Cover the jars and sterilize for at least 20 minutes.

7. Roll up, turn over salads and cover until cool, and then store.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - fish

An original appetizer with herring, tomatoes and beets - a non-standard dish, but therefore no less tasty. It is ideal to use such a tomato salad for the winter with sterilization with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.


• 850 g tomato;

• 450 g of herring (capelin, sprats fresh frozen);

• 150 g beet maroon;

• 350 g of carrots;

• 170 g of onions;

• sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l .;

• fine salt - 1.5 tbsp. l .;

• fresh vegetable oil for frying;

• 2 tbsp. l vinegar 9 percent.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onions, cut them into rings and fry until half-cooked on low heat, adding oil.

2. We transfer it to a stewing container - a cauldron, a slow cooker, just a large pan with thick walls, a bottom.

3. Rub the carrots and also fry, add to the onion.

4. Beets with chalk on a blender and also separately fry until half ready, combine with other vegetables.

5. Tomatoes finely chopped or three on a grater, add to the cauldron, simmer for about 20 minutes. If necessary, add a little water, stir constantly.

6. While the mixture is being stewed, prepare the fish - remove the entrails, fins, heads, tail. If the fish is large, cut into pieces.

7. Add the fish to the vegetables and simmer for another half hour.

8. Then put it in jars (0.5 liters) and sterilize for 10-12 minutes.

9. Store such a salad at a temperature of no more than 8 degrees, optimally - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - assorted

The classic combination of vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots - makes this salad versatile. Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization is suitable as a side dish, dressing for first courses and meat supplements.


• 2 kg each - cabbage, cucumbers, ripe cream tomatoes;

• 0.5 kg each - red pepper (sweet), carrots and onions;

• dill - 50 g;

• bitter pepper - 2 peas;

• bay leaves - 4 pcs.;

• aromatic oil - 200 ml;

• salt - to taste;

• 9 percent vinegar - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Wash the vegetables and chop the cucumbers in circles, tomatoes in slices (halves, if they are small), chop cabbage. Onions, peppers and carrots are cooked as a frying pan for borsch (fry in oil).

2. In washed cans of 1 liter, lay in layers of salad: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, frying, spices.

3. Such layers should alternate until the entire bank is filled.

4. Pour salt, sugar and vinegar into a jar, pour boiling water and cover.

5. Sterilize for 20 minutes and clog, flip, wrap. Once the jars have cooled, transfer to the cold.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - honey

Such a vegetable platter turns out to be tender, completely non-sharp. A hint of honey makes this appetizer the perfect complement to the family’s main and everyday dishes.


• ripe tomatoes - one and a half kg;

• sweet pepper (preferably red meat) - one and a half kg;

• 100 ml of vinegar (it is permissible to use apple cider);

• salt - 0.5 tbsp. l .;

• honey - 100 ml;

• black peppercorns - 10 peas.

Cooking method:

1. Remove seeds and legs from pepper, cut into thin strips.

2. Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into quarters.

3. Separately, mix liquid honey, vinegar, salt and pour vegetables with this mixture, mix. Leave for an hour until tomato juice begins to stand out.

4. Then place the pan on the fire and simmer the salad for 10 minutes.

5. Put the mass in jars almost to the top, cover with lids and place in a pan for sterilization. Keep boiling water for at least 15 minutes if the jars are half-liter.

6. Then roll and cool.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - mint

Adding aromatic mint to this salad makes the dish unusual and very fresh. In addition, such a tomato salad for the winter with sterilization looks very nice in a jar and on a plate.


• tomatoes - 1 kg;

• parsley and dill - one bunch each;

• mint - about 6 leaves;

• sugar, salt - 1 tsp each. (with a slide);

• vinegar - 5 g (teaspoon).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse greens and tomatoes.

2. Tomatoes divide in half or in segments if they are large.

3. Finely chop the mint, dill and parsley.

4. In a prepared half-liter jars, lay out tomatoes with herbs in layers.

5. Sprinkle sugar and salt on top, pour in vinegar.

6. Pour boiling water over the salad and cover.

7. Sterilize each jar for 12 minutes, then roll up the lids and cool the salads.

Tomato salad for the winter with sterilization - tricks and tips

The sterilization process of any vegetable salad for the winter is simple, if you follow simple recommendations:

1. Type the water for warming into a pan, the height of which is several centimeters more than cans with salads.

2. Always lay a piece of cloth at the bottom so that the cans do not burst.

3. The fire during sterilization should be small so that the water barely boils.

4. Banks should be in boiling water at the level of laying vegetables, but not flow inside the salad.

5. Cover the snacks during sterilization.

6. Do not install the cans too tightly together. They must be freely removed from the pan.

7. To get cans, use the special device - scissors capture. This will help to avoid burns.

Storage Preparation:

• after sterilization, turn all the cans upside down - so you will see where the lids are loosely closed and you can roll it until the salad has deteriorated;

• if you hear a hiss or marinade or juice flows out from under the lid, open the jar, put out a salad or two for a minute, rinse the jar, refill and sterilize with a new lid;

• you can wrap the jars with a blanket, but if you did everything correctly, additional sterilization (with slow cooling) is optional.

It is necessary to store a tomato salad for the winter with sterilization in a cool - not more than 10-15 degrees - room. An ideal place for these purposes is a cellar, basement or balcony.


Watch the video: Салат из огурцов в томате без стерилизации! Рецепт! (June 2024).