Diabetes in children


What is diabetes

Diabetes is a state of chronic hyperglycemia, the cause of which can be many genetic factors, often complementary to each other. Hyperglycemia can be caused by a lack of insulin or an excess of factors that counteract its activity.

Diabetes in children - causes

To date, science has not given the final answer to the question of why diabetes occurs. It is only known that it is the result of a complex interaction of factors such as hereditary predisposition, viral infection or stress and immunological disorders.

Diabetes in children - symptoms

The first symptoms of diabetes in children are manifested by thirst, fatigue, and frequent urination. The child wakes up at night to drink, he loses weight, even if he has a good appetite. This stage of the disease does not have the usual symptoms that accompany most childhood diseases, such as fever, cough, rash.

While parents are trying to understand what is happening with the child, there are more pronounced symptoms that manifest a sharp deterioration of the condition, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, breathing problems. If during this period the child is left without medical assistance in the form of insulin injections, he may die.

Sometimes this disease has no characteristic symptoms for it. The child may suffer pustular rash on the skin, inflammation of the gums, external genital organs - these phenomena may also indicate the development of diabetes.

The disease can be complicated by severe weight loss due to impaired fat metabolism, which can cause diabetic coma. Insufficient control can cause fat decomposition poisoning, loss of consciousness or fainting.

Diabetes in children - treatment

Children with diabetes need careful monitoring and treatment. First, it is a diet recommended by a doctor. It is necessary to provide the child with more frequent meals and to exclude prohibited foods from his diet. In order to support the child morally, it is better for the whole family to eat according to the same rules as prescribed for a sick child.

Next, you should take care of the necessary physical activity, with which you can improve the ability to absorb sugar and maintain its normal level in the blood, and thus reduce the insulin dose. However, such loads must be carefully thought out and agreed with your doctor.

It is necessary to avoid diseases that are infectious in nature, which can cause exacerbation of the disease.

If necessary, the child may be prescribed drugs for the regulation of fat metabolism.

Today, a cure for diabetes mellitus has not yet been found, although scientists are doing a lot of work in this direction. Perhaps soon it will be possible to transplant the cells responsible for the production of the hormone insulin, or to create and implant an artificial organ of the pancreas that performs this function. But so far all this is only a prospect, and today the task of parents and doctors is to ensure a full life for sick children.

This can be achieved by training the body's defenses, providing a full, balanced diet with enough vitamins and without an excess of sweet, as well as a rational lifestyle.


hope 08.05.2016
thanks for the information !


Watch the video: Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Children (June 2024).