Cookies on sour cream - homemade will be delighted! Simple recipes sour cream cookies with cocoa, raisins, nuts, cottage cheese, condensed milk


None of them, even the most beautiful and expensive cookies, can be compared with homemade cakes on sour cream.

Only the fragrance is worth something! And what a variety!

Sour cream cookies can be prepared with raisins, chocolate nuts, honey ...

Products can be given a very different form and each time to surprise their relatives with culinary creations.

Pleased household?

Sour Cream Cookies - General Cooking Principles

If the dough is added butter or margarinethen you can use low-fat sour cream. Provided that the recipe does not indicate otherwise. If you use only sour cream (without butter and margarine), then take the product with a fat content of 25%.

What else is added to the dough:

• sugar or powder;

• eggs;

• baking powder or soda;

• flour;

• cottage cheese;

• nuts;

• salt.

To add flavor and aroma, vanillin, cocoa, cinnamon, honey are added. Jam, condensed milk and chocolate are put in cookies with fillings.

Make cookies in different ways.. If the dough is steep, roll out the layer and squeeze the product in forms (cuts) or just a glass. Can be cut with a regular or shaped knife. From soft and sticky dough they roll the balls, sausages or lay out the mass in special molds. You can make cookies for cutting. One large piece is baked in the form of a pie, then cut into square, rectangular or diamond shaped things.

Before baking, cookies are usually not smeared with anything. But if needed sprinkle with sesame nuts, sugar or any other product, the surface is moistened with water or an egg. The most convenient way to do this is with a brush.

Recipe 1: Cookies on sour cream with cottage cheese

Airy sour cream cookies, not crispy. Externally and crumb reminiscent of vanilla cakes. Sour cream is used fat and thick.


• 130 g sour cream;

• 300 g flour;

• 2 yolks;

• 250 g of cottage cheese;

• 250 g margarine;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 100 g of sugar;

• 1 bag ripper.


1. Milling curd. We need to get rid of all the large lumps and make a lot of homogeneous.

2. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add yolks and sugar. We set aside, let the grains dissolve.

3. Sift flour with vanilla and baking powder bag.

4. Flour flour with margarine. You can do this with your hands or chop it all together with a knife.

5. Combine the sour cream mass with the flour mixture, knead the dough under the rolling with a rolling pin. Perhaps, the flour will leave a little more, if the cottage cheese was wet or sour cream is not thick enough.

6. Put the dough into the bag and keep it for an hour in the cold.

7. Roll out into the reservoir 5 millimeters, cut out cookies and bake with a glass. It is not very fried, will get a light honey shade.

Recipe 2: Sour cream cookies with raisins and cinnamon.

Fragrant cookies on sour cream with raisins. The dough after baking is very soft, slightly crumbly. If you do not like the smell of cinnamon, then instead of it you can add more vanilla or any flavor.


• 150 g sour cream;

• 150 g of oil;

• 350 g of flour;

• 0.5 tsp. cinnamon;

• 0.5 tsp. vanilla;

• 120 g of raisins;

• bag ripper;

• 130 g of sugar.


1. Fill the raisins with warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the liquid and blot the grapes with a towel.

2. The butter should be softened, then mixed with sugar and sour cream. You can just beat with a mixer to quickly dissolve the grains.

3. Add flour, vanilla, cinnamon to the flour and sift it all together in a bowl. Put the raisins.

4. Add sour cream mixture and knead. The mass will be soft, perhaps a bit sticky.

5. Tear off the pieces. We form balls of small size.

6. Spread the future cookies on a baking sheet, covered with oiled paper. We leave a space between the products for lifting and spreading, as they will increase in size during baking.

7. Take an ordinary fork and slightly flatten buns.

8. We send to bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C. Cool and enjoy yourself!

Recipe 3: Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sour Cream and Layer.

A recipe for chocolate lovers. To make sour cream cookies dark and rich, you need to use good cocoa without sugar. Soluble drinks will not do. Margarine goes into the dough, choose a product with at least 80% fat.


• 250 grams of margarine;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 2.5-3 glasses of flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 160 grams of powder;

• 3 spoons of cocoa;

• 1 bag of ripper;

• 100 grams of chocolate;

• 1 pinch of salt.


1. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt. The mass should rise well and become lush.

2. Mix the margarine margarine with powdered sugar to white and fluffy mass. Gradually, one spoonful of sour cream.

3. Mix the flour with cocoa and ripper, then all together need to sift.

4. Combine the egg mass, first with the butter, then mix everything with flour. Cooking soft and elastic dough. For a long time and hard with our hands, we shouldn’t mnem, the mass should remain lush and soft.

5. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the layer to 4 millimeters in thickness. Squeeze the glass into circles, bake at 200 degrees and cool.

6. Melt chocolate with butter in a hot water bath. Letting cool slightly, so that the mass begins to slightly thicken and resembles a viscous cream.

7. Lubricate cookies and glue together. This should be done quickly, until the chocolate is completely frozen.

Recipe 4: Baked Sour Cream Jam

To make this sour cream biscuit, thick jam is required. But you can take the jam or fruit puree, also get tasty.


• 70 grams of sour cream;

• 550 grams of flour;

• 230 grams of margarine;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 tsp. soda;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 300 grams of jam.


1. Pound the margarine with flour. We take out the product from the refrigerator in advance so that it is soft and the process is easier.

2. Whip the sugar with eggs and sour cream to dissolve the grains, send in the flour mixture.

3. Add soda. And to get rid of the peculiar smell, it needs to be quenched with vinegar.

4. Knead dough. We divide into 2 parts, but not equal. The first should be twice the second.

5. Put each part in different bags, twist the tip. We remove a large piece in the refrigerator, and a small lump in the freezer.

6. In half an hour we get a big piece, roll out the layer and lay it on a baking sheet. We grease with jam.

7. We take out a small piece and grate it over a jam.

8. Bake 20 minutes in the oven at 200 ° C.

9. Remove, cool for a few minutes, and while the pastry is warm, cut into cookies.

Recipe 5: Sour cream biscuits with boiled condensed milk.

Wonderful cookies on sour cream under sliced, which is stratified by boiled condensed milk. Write a recipe longer than cooking.


• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• 1 tsp. slaked soda;

• 500 grams of flour;

• 70 grams of butter (margarine);

• 2 eggs;

• boiled condensed milk.


1. Put soft butter, eggs, sour cream and sugar in a bowl. All beat with a mixer for 2 minutes.

2. Add flour and hydrated soda, knead the dough.

3. Divide into 2 equal parts and remove for 10 minutes in the freezer.

4. We get, roll out two thin layers.

5. We take a rolling pin, wind one cake and transfer it to a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment or a silicone mat.

6. Lubricate with a layer of condensed milk. Thick is not necessary. This amount of dough will take about half of the standard can.

7. Cover with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges together so that the condensed milk does not leak when baking.

8. Sent to oven, bake at 190 about 25 minutes.

9. Take out, cut into squares, cool and sprinkle with powder. Done!

Recipe 6: Cookies with Honey "sour cream

Recipe for melted in the mouth smetannu cookies with the divine aroma of honey. The dough is prepared without eggs.


• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 150 grams of oil;

• 2 spoons of honey;

• 2-2.5 st. flour;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda;


1. Melt the butter, but do not boil. You can simply put the piece in a bowl and warm it in the microwave.

2. Add honey, stir. It should melt away.

3. Add sugar, then sour cream all together mix.

4. Put the flour with slaked soda, knead the soft dough.

5. We form cookies. You can roll out the layer and squeeze the product cuttings. But since the dough is soft and slightly sticky, it is better to just roll the balls. Get about 35 tricks.

6. Spread on baking sheet. Note that the products will spread.

7. We bake at 180 degrees. Cooked cookies quickly, 10 minutes is enough. Cool and try!

Recipe 7: Cookies on sour cream "Nut"

The recipe is very lush sour cream cookies with nuts. Peanuts, hazelnuts or walnuts can be used. In any case, it turns out tasty and fragrant.


• 130 grams of sour cream;

• 120 grams of nuts;

• 130 grams of oil;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 300 grams of flour;

• a pinch of salt;

• on a bag of vanilla and ripper.


1. Fry the nuts, cool and grind on the grinder into flour. But at the request of the part can be crumbled pieces.

2. Combine soft butter with sugar and salt, beat with a mixer for 5 minutes. The grains should dissolve.

3. Add sour cream, whip.

4. Put the ground nuts in the dough.

5. At the end, enter the flour, pre-mixed and sifted with vanilla and baking powder.

6. Leave the dough in a bowl, just cover with the film and send it to the cold. Withstand about an hour.

7. We take out, divide into small pieces, form in the form of elongated sausages and lay out on a baking sheet with crescents (arcs).

8. Bake for 20 minutes. We put 200 degrees. Finished products can be rolled in powder or simply sprinkled.

Sour cream cookies - tips and tricks

• Bake a lot of cookies? It can be frozen. Fold in the bag, tie tightly and put in the freezer. It is remarkably stored there for up to two months. At any time you can get a few pieces and reheat in the microwave.

• You can make Christmas cookies from sour cream dough. To do this, simply add the saffron, cinnamon, ground ginger in the mixture in the flour. And in order to saturate the pastry with the spirit of bright Christmas, make figures in the form of men, Christmas trees, stars.

• Want to surprise your family? Paint the finished cookies with icing. It can be made themed in honor of various holidays, for example, Valentine's Day, March 8, or even a victory holiday.

• In stores a huge assortment of all kinds of margarine and butter. Choose those products in which the fat content of at least 80%. Take off the pastry is much better. If the product is less than 60% fat, most of it is water with various additives, thickeners and stabilizers.

• If you want more crispy cookies, roll out the dough thinner and bake at a low temperature. For fluffy and soft products, the temperature should be higher and the thickness greater.

• To prevent the dough from sticking to the mold or glass, you must dip the edge into the flour.


Watch the video: How to Make Soft and Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies - Oatmeal Cookie Recipe (July 2024).