Oatmeal cookies at home: tasty and healthy pastries. Interesting and unusual recipes for homemade oatmeal cookies


The flour of their wheat did not always hold primacy among cereals, and thanks to this historical fact, the inhabitants of Australia and Europe were able to get acquainted with oatmeal cookies and evaluate not only its taste, but also the beneficial properties of the confectionery.

The topic of oatmeal cookies has been the subject of many scientific works not only in the direction of the development of the food industry and confectionery production, but also from the point of view of medicine, in particular dietetics and baby food.

But we will not dwell on scientific works. Let us only pay attention to some of the most valuable properties of oatmeal, as a good argument for those who still do not consider baking oatmeal cookies a useful family tradition.

The biochemical composition of oats is the closest to the biochemical structure of human muscle tissue.

The content of starch, a source of carbohydrates and many problems associated with obesity, in oat flour is 3 times lower than in wheat.

Oatmeal contains soluble and insoluble fiber - dietary fiber. Insoluble fiber serves as a cleaner, getting into the digestive system, removing all harmful and unnecessary. In turn, soluble oat fibers reduce blood sugar, and as a result, reduce the body's need for the production of insulin, which is necessary for sugar processing.

This is not a complete list of the advantages of products containing oatmeal.

Oat grains contain serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Oatmeal is the richest source of all vitamins, a complete set of essential amino acids, enzymes, valuable minerals, among which there is silicon, due to which metabolic processes occur in the body.

An interesting fact: the word "jelly" arose in Russia precisely thanks to oats, which were brewed with water. In this case, a sour taste was obtained. Old Russian cuisine began its rise precisely from ground cereal crops brewed with water or milk.

In Europe, oatmeal for baking began to be used in the XIV century, as indicated in some sources, and in Scotland oatmeal cookies appeared at the beginning of the XVII century.

Oatmeal cookies at home - the basic technological principles

The first oatmeal cookies were made from grated oats mixed with water on the hot coals of the oven. Subsequently, all oatmeal cookie technologies were developed and patented.

In the post-Soviet space, cookies manufactured according to the GOST recipe, which includes 2/3 parts of wheat flour, one third of oatmeal, ground raisins, cinnamon, molasses, vanilla, fat and salt, are very popular. This recipe is still the most popular and favorite among many housewives.

Nevertheless, the development of the technology of this type of confectionery is actively developing. Even in production conditions, a lot of oatmeal cookie recipes with the addition of different ingredients have been developed, which significantly expands the product range on the shelves of the supermarket's pastry departments. But food process engineers will never keep up with the number of recipes that were invented at home.

A significant advantage of home confectioners is several factors at once: at home, you do not need to coordinate a new recipe in many instances; to cook a kilogram of oatmeal cookies; re-equipment of the conveyor line is not required, to negotiate with suppliers on the purchase of new raw materials and so on.

At home, everything is done much faster and easier: an idea has appeared - we are starting to implement it. There are many ideas for baking oatmeal cookies at home, and they continue to appear.

Useful cookies should certainly be present in the family diet, and so that this treat is not boring, boring and monotonous, try to cook it in different ways.

Recipe 1. Oatmeal cookies at home: technology based on GOST

This recipe provides accurate weight measures and a detailed description of the cooking technology for 1 kg of oatmeal cookies. Of course, this composition can be changed depending on preferences, but it must be remembered that it is precisely this ratio of fat, wheat and oat flour that gives the finished bakery a friable and delicate texture. A decrease in the amount of wheat flour will lead to excessive fragility of the products, and an increase will make them too hard and dense. You should also be careful about adding sugar and fat.


Sugar 0.370 g

Margarine 0.135 g

Cinnamon 1 g

Raisins 45 g

Oatmeal 0.125 g

Soda 2 g

Salt 4 g

Wheat flour (premium) 0.295 g

Vanilla 1 g


Grind sugar into powder, grind washed and sampled raisins in a meat grinder, melt margarine. Combine the prepared ingredients in one dish, adding cinnamon and vanilla to them. Rub to a homogeneous mass. Combine all dry ingredients into a common mass and add gradually to the prepared mixture, kneading the dough. Turn on the oven; preheat it to 180ºϹ. Cover the baking sheet with parchment pre-greased with cooking oil.

Roll out the prepared dough and cut out round cookies with a diameter of 5-6 cm using a recess. Place the prepared semi-finished products on a baking sheet, leaving a distance of 1 cm between the products and bake until cooked.

Transfer the baked goods to a dish or box after complete cooling.

Recipe 2. Homemade oatmeal cookies with almond chips


Honey 180 g

Sour cream, oily


Flour (premium), wheat 150 g

Oatmeal 75 g

Raisins 30 g

Almond flakes 50 g

Soda 1 g

Vanilla 3 g

Almond Essence 1 ml

Salt 2 g


Combine the dry ingredients by preparing the flour mixture with coarse almond crumbs. Mash raisins with honey and sour cream, adding a few drops of almond essence or Amaretto liqueur. Combine both masses and knead a homogeneous dough.

The formation of cookies and baking semi-finished products from the dough is described above.

Recipe 3. Oatmeal cookies at home "Tender"


Cinnamon 2 g

Oatmeal 100 g

2 eggs

Bananas 250 g

Butter, 150 g

Apple 100 g

Wheat flour (premium) 200 g

Baking powder 10 g

Kernels (walnuts) 120 g

Sugar 240 g

Order of preparation:

Preheat the oven to 180 ° Ϲ. Grind the prepared apples with a grater; mash bananas with a fork and combine with apples. Add the butter, after grinding it with sugar, and the eggs beaten in foam. In the liquid part of the dough, add mixed dry ingredients and crushed kernels of roasted nuts.

Put the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment using a pastry bag with a cookie nozzle. Bake. Decorate the finished cookies, if desired, with powdered sugar.

Recipe 4. Oatmeal cookies at home "Health"


Pumpkin puree 300 g

Honey 130 g

Orange zest (fresh) 30 g

Hercules 450 g

Oil, peanut 200 ml

Raisins 100 g

Roasted Peanuts 150 g

Honey, not sugared 100 g

Flaxseed 250 g

Vanilla 2 g

Salt 3 g

Baking powder 20 g

Order of preparation:

Grind flakes and flaxseed with a blender or coffee grinder. Add salt, vanilla, zest, chopped raisins and baking powder to the resulting flour. Combine pumpkin puree with honey and peanut butter. Combine both prepared mixtures, mix and let stand for about an hour. From the prepared dough, roll out the sausages, cut them with a wheel and form cookies. Spread on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment paper and bake.

Recipe 5. Oatmeal cookies at home "European"

Product Composition:

Raisins 50 g

Water 200 ml

Sugar 350 g

Cinnamon 4 g

Butter, 160 g


Oatmeal 130 g

Wheat 325 g

Oatmeal 100 g

Salt 3 g

Soda 5 g


In the bowl of the combine, load softened butter, sugar, chopped raisins, vanilla and cinnamon. Add oatmeal, half the required amount of water, heated to 90ºϹ and combined with salt and soda. Turn the harvester on, putting on the dough kneading nozzles, and knead the mass for five minutes while continuing to add water and wheat flour. At the end of kneading the dough, add flakes and, turning off the combine, transfer the dough to a work surface oiled. Knead the dough so that the added flakes are evenly distributed. Cover the dough with a film and after half an hour proceed to the formation of cookies. Put the items on the prepared pan and bake at 180º 180.

When mixing the dough, it is important that it remains warm to the touch (25-30ºϹ), which is ensured by the addition of hot water in small portions.

Recipe 6. Oatmeal cookies at home with cocoa

Product Composition:

Oatmeal 200 g

Wheat flour (premium) 400 g

Invert Syrup 150 g

Cocoa (premium) 50 g

Vanilla 4 g

Rum 50 ml

Cream (33%) 250-300 ml

Salt 3 g

Ammonium Powder 5 g

Melted Chocolate 150 g

Order of preparation:

Heat the cream to 50-60ºϹ. Combine the dry and wet components of the dough separately, and then begin to introduce a mixture of flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder into the liquid mass. Stir the dough to a uniform consistency and let it brew so that the flour absorbs moisture. If necessary, bring the mass to a plastic state by adding warm cream. Form cookies and bake as described in previous recipes.

Pour the finished cooled cookies with melted chocolate.

Recipe 7. Oatmeal cookies at home "Air"

Grocery list:

Whipped cream 300 g

Oatmeal 200 g

Vanilla 4 g

Ghee 50 g

Powdered sugar 170 g

Flour, nut 100 g

Squirrels 2 pcs.

Chocolate chips 100 g

Protein glaze (for decoration)


From the kernels of cashew nuts, prepare the flour, after drying the nuts in a dry frying pan and chopping them in a combine.

Combine walnut flour with oatmeal, vanilla, and powder. Beat the proteins until a stable protein mass is formed and combine them with whipped cream. Gently, adding the dry mixture in small parts, mix the protein-cream mixture with nut flour and cereal. Thoroughly treat the cookie molds with melted butter and flour. Put the prepared air dough into the molds, filling them in ¾ of the volume and bake for about half an hour at 140ºϹ, and then another 15 minutes at 120ºϹ. Turn off the oven, open the door and leave the cookies to cool completely. When the cookies have cooled, remove from the molds, grease the surface with protein glaze and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Oatmeal cookies at home - useful tips and tricks

  • It is easy to make a delicious dessert from oatmeal cookies, for example, combining two cookies with a sweet curd mass, hazelnut cream, jam. Cookies will turn into a bush cake and decorate even a festive table.

  • Oatmeal is useful for making pancakes, fritters.

  • When kneading the dough for oatmeal cookies, it is important that all ingredients are at the same temperature, unless the recipe separately specifies the methods of heat treatment: heating or cooling.

  • The butter and eggs added to the cookie dough should be at the same temperature.

  • When adding eggs to the dough, pre-beat them in a foam so that the proteins and yolks evenly combine with the mass. In addition, beaten eggs increase in volume and cover a large part of the dry mass, providing uniform moisture for flour and other dry ingredients.


Watch the video: 3 Ingredient Healthy Oat Cookies. Back to School Recipe. Simply Bakings (June 2024).