Spondylitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Spondylitis is an inflammatory chronic disease of the spine. The most common cause of spondylitis is a tuberculosis infection, therefore, speaking of spondylitis, as a rule, refer to tuberculous spondylitis. Much less often, this disease occurs with staphylococcal infection (chronic and acute spinal osteomyelitis), actinomycosis, rheumatoid arthritis and syphilis.

Spondylitis is a rather rare disease of the musculoskeletal system and its diagnosis is difficult in the early stages due to fuzzy symptoms, and a vivid clinical picture is associated with the onset of complications and the spread of the process. Spondylitis affects both adults and children of different ages. With spondylitis, destruction of the vertebral bodies is observed, which leads to subsequent deformation of the spine. A characteristic feature is the angular curvature of the spine (hump). Persistent and severe pains in the spine, muscles surrounding it, general malaise and weakness, weight loss and fever are noted.

Spondylitis - causes

Most often, spondylitis is the result of tuberculous lesions of the spine. Hematogenously, mycobacteria penetrates the vertebral body. If the inflammation is non-specific, then any bacteria become its cause. As a rule, these are streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and other bacteria.

Often there is ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis). This disease usually affects men aged 20-30 years and it is characterized by immune damage to the joints and ligaments of the spine.

Spondylitis - Symptoms

The clinical picture largely depends on the cause of the disease. Basically, this is inflammation of the ligamentous-articular apparatus and damage to the bone tissue of the spine. The tuberculous process provokes the formation of a focus of caseous necrosis in the vertebral body itself. If the inflammation is nonspecific, then fistulas and abscesses occur. Ankylosing spondylitis causes compaction of the joints and ligaments of the spine. The mobility of the spine decreases and its flexibility decreases.

The main symptom that occurs with any form of spondylitis is severe pain at the site of the lesion and a decrease in motor activity. The process of destruction of the vertebrae causes compression of the bone marrow and nerves, purulent inflammation slowly passes to the surrounding tissue. Spinal deformity occurs (smoothing of physiological bends). The work of internal organs is gradually deteriorating due to a violation of innervation. Spondylitis is extremely difficult and always needs timely and active treatment.

Spondylitis - diagnosis

Diagnosis is based on clarifying the form and cause of the disease. The presence of tuberculosis in a patient indicates tuberculous spondylitis. If a history of bacterial endocarditis is indicated, then this is non-specific spondylitis. An x-ray examination of the spine is mandatory. However, with its help it is not always possible to identify the root cause. It is much more effective to use CT or MRI to differentiate the diagnosis. To exclude the tumor and determine the nature of the infection, patients are prescribed a puncture biopsy.

Spondylitis - treatment and diagnosis

Treatment of nonspecific spondylitis is carried out using antibacterial drugs and detoxification therapy. Tuberculous spondylitis should be treated exclusively with anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin). In ankylosing spondylitis, anesthetic treatment is prescribed using orthopedic corsets. In advanced cases, if drug treatment does not bring results, patients are prescribed surgery. Prevention of tuberculous spondylitis usually coincides with the prevention of tuberculosis (specific, social and sanitary).


Watch the video: What is Cervical Spondylosis, its symptoms and treatment? Naskar (June 2024).