June 2: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 2.


Holidays June 2

Eating Out Day (Healthy Eating Day)

The holiday is young and yet unofficial. The idea of ​​its holding was proposed by activists of one of the groups of social networks involved in the promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle. It was conceived as a counterweight to Gluttony Day, celebrated in America. Every year, people who are obese or overweight are becoming more and more. For many modern people, food has long served not only to satisfy physiological needs, but also emotional. She is increasingly seized by psychological problems - stress, anxiety, excitement. It is absorbed more often mechanically, in very large quantities. Which does not affect the health of the body in the most favorable way.

Therefore, the Day of giving up excesses is intended to remind people that they are responsible for their own health, must monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed. On this day, you can try to change your diet, abandon junk food, excessively fatty foods. Which will invariably lead to improved well-being, weight loss, increased vitality.

Italy celebrates Republic Day

It was June 2, 1946 in Italy that a new system of government was born. When at a referendum, most Italians expressed their distrust of the ruling monarchy, which supported fascist Germany during the war. King Umberto II had to submit to the will of the people and leave the country. Italy proclaimed itself a Republic, Assembly members were elected, and a new Constitution was drafted. Since June 2, as a public holiday, the country has been celebrating since 2000.

June 2 on the folk calendar

On June 2, the people call Timothy the Gryadochnik, Teplov, Falaley Borage. On this day, summer residents and villagers dig beds and plant cucumbers. Moreover, in order to have a rich harvest, it is necessary to plant secretly, and to hide from prying eyes the first cucumber bed. And the first cucumber ripened on it is buried in the garden, from the evil eye. In more southern areas, cucumber sprouts already sprouted at this time. Therefore, they were watched to be green. If the lashes turned yellow, it was believed that it was not possible to save the crop from an evil or envious eye. They also noted that if there are a lot of cones on spruce trees, a rich harvest of cucumbers should be expected.

Historical events on June 2

June 2, 1953 crowned Elizabeth II

June 2, 1953 Westminster Abbey crowned the current Queen of England. At that time she was 27 years old. Despite the protests of the leadership of the British Church and Winston Churchill, the ceremony was broadcast on television at the request of Elizabeth herself. She wanted this event to look as democratic as possible in order to gain the trust of her subjects.

June 2, 1955 Baikonur Cosmodrome founded

June 2, 1955 in the Kazakh SSR, the Baikonur training ground (military unit 11284) began to operate. It was designed to test space and rocket technology. For 2 years, the Soviet Union managed to hide this strategic object from the eyes of the enemy, until it was discovered in 1957. American reconnaissance aircraft. The cosmodrome is still considered the most active and reliable launch pad in the world. During its existence, more than 2.5 thousand space objects — rockets, satellites, and spacecraft — were launched from it. On the territory of Baikonur is located not only a spaceport, but also a whole modern city. Currently, Russia rents a full range of Baikonur from Kazakhstan. The lease agreement is signed until 2050.

June 2, 1959 train collision occurred at Minino station

Due to a malfunction in the work of railway traffic lights near the Minino station (Krasnoyarsk Territory), a railway accident occurred. A freight train crashed at speed into a freight train ahead of us carrying petroleum products. The fuel ignited from the shock. The fire spread to a passenger train awaiting passage, following from Krasnoyarsk to Abakan. Two wagons burned down completely, 57 people were killed in the fire, about half of which were children. They returned from the pioneer rally home. They were buried in a common mass grave. There was no information in the media about the disaster, and all attempts to disclose it immediately were stopped.

June 2, 1997 Yevgeny Belousov, Russian singer, passed away

On the night of June 2, at the Sklifosovsky Institute, after a stroke and brain surgery, the famous singer Yevgeny Belousov died. His age forever stopped at around 32 years old. He was loved by millions of fans for his extraordinary charisma, velvety voice and unsurpassed hits - “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Alyoshka”, “Girl-Girl”, “Golden Domes” and others. For almost 10 years he managed to collect full concerts sold out, and his songs occupied the top lines of Russian charts.

Born on June 2

Gata Kamsky (born 1974) - Russian, American chess player

From early childhood, Gata was a gifted child - at two years old he learned to read, at 4 - played the piano, and from seven years old he became interested in chess. Grandmaster since 1990 Since 1989 permanently resides in the USA. In 1996, at the age of 22, he fought with Anatoly Karpov for the world title, but lost. Losing for a long time knocked out Gatu Kamsky from the rut, and he left chess for 8 years. During this time, he managed to get a law degree and open a law firm in America. But the desire to win the chess crown of the world champion did not leave him all these years. In 2004, he returned to world chess. In 2007 Kamsky participates in the qualifying round of applicants, but does not fall into the top eight. He repeats the attempt to gain the opportunity to fight for the big chess crown back in 2009 and 2011, but he is also defeated there. In 2010 became world fast chess champion.

Alena Yakovleva (born 1961) - Russian actress

People's Artist of Russia, plays in the Moscow Theater of Satire, starred in films. The audience could see her in many paintings, such as "Operational nickname", "Balzac age, or all men of their own ...", "Bay of fear", "Fighter. Birth of a legend", "Engagement ring" and others. At birth she received the name Elena. Fans, acquaintances, colleagues, reading newspaper articles, looking at posters or captions in the film, often confused her with another Elena Yakovleva, who starred in Intredevochka. It was after this film that the confusion became even stronger. And Elena Yakovleva fundamentally changed the name "Elena" to "Alena". In 2008 She was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. The daughter of the famous actor Yuri Yakovlev.

Bedros Kirkorov (born 1932) - Bulgarian, Soviet singer

Performs folk and patriotic songs. The meeting with Leonid Utesov and the work under his leadership helped Bedros Kirkorov to choose the direction of his career in his youth. He performed a number of songs about Soviet-Bulgarian friendship, of which "Alyosha" became the most famous. He organized 40 charity concerts to raise funds for the construction of the monument on Poklonnaya Hill. During the election campaign in Ukraine in 2004 gave concerts in support of Viktor Yanukovych. Father of the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov.

Name day 2 June

Alexander, Ivan, Alexey, Joseph, Timothy, Osip, Nikita


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).