Gorse - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Drok - general description

Gorse is a fast-growing shrub belonging to the legume family. Its height can reach 170 cm. The plant can be recognized by straight, bare, bright green stems, on which sessile regular linear leaves are placed. Gorse blooms yellow until mid-summer. The plant has linear leguminous fruits, in which there are black-brown elliptical seeds.

Gorse seeds are poisonous, but all parts of the plant contain many alkaloids, flavanoids, triterpenes, tannins, resins and organic acids, essential oils and pigments.

Gorse - types and places of growth

Gorse grows throughout Europe, Asia Minor. Baltic States, Belarus, the European part of Russia, Crimea - a plant called gorse is also common in these territories. It prefers sandy, dry, infertile soils. It tolerates winter frosts, drought well enough and is capable of quick recovery after poor conditions.

More than a hundred species common in Europe, North America, and Southwest Asia belong to the genus gorse. As a rule, all species are stunted, thorny or spiky bushes, shrubs, lianas with simple or triple leaves and yellow flowers.

The most common types are:
- gorse English,
- German gorse is a low shrub with straight pubescent branches and sessile leaves.
- Spanish gorse is a dense bright green bush with many shoots, small leaves and bright yellow inflorescences.
- Lydian gorse is the most common creeping evergreen shrub in Europe.
- radiant gorse is a direct shrub with yellow flowers.
- The gorse is fluffy, or hairy is a shrub with yellow flowers and creeping stems.
- Lancet gorse is a decorative shrub with creeping, evergreen leaves.
- bloodthirsty gorse, or dyeing. The beneficial properties of this particular type of gorse are used by medicine.

Gorse - healing properties

As a result of clinical trials, it became known that gorse has many useful healing properties.

First of all, with the help of a plant they treat thyroid diseases. Preparations containing gorse are used as a vasodilator and antibacterial, hemostatic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, choleretic, tonic and sedative. Components of gorse are part of antihemorrhoidal suppositories.

Infusions and decoctions of gorse treat malaria, uterine bleeding, thyroid disease.

From the roots of gorse, diuretics are produced to treat edema of renal and cardiac origin, as well as salt deposits in the joints.

Gorse is also effective in the treatment of migraines, liver diseases, urinary system, asthenic conditions, bone fractures, rheumatism, gout, jade, arthritis.

It is used to treat bronchial asthma, skin diseases such as pyoderma, furunculosis, dermatomycosis, atopic dermatitis.

With the help of crushed leaves and fruits, dry corns and warts are removed.

Droch - dosage forms

Medicine uses both the aerial part of the plant, including leaves, fruits, flowers, and its root. Decoctions, tinctures, ointments are prepared from this raw material. Its components are also part of various medications.

Gorse - recipes

In order to prepare a decoction of gorse necessary to provide a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect, 15 grams of grass is poured into 500 ml of raw water, and boiled over low heat until a third of the liquid remains.
To prepare the infusion of gorse, you need to fill the floor with a liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l flowers.

Gorse - contraindications

Taking gorse preparations should be very careful, because the plant is poisonous. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly observed. Poisoning gorse can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. It is also not recommended for pregnant women suffering from coronary heart disease and hypertension.


Natasha 04/21/2016
Gorse is really a species of plant not known to me. And about drugs based on it, I have not heard. But, judging by the test result, a very effective, medicinal plant. From so many common diseases it helps.

Dasha 04/21/2016
But what interested me was what interested me - clinical trials were conducted. Do all plants experience something? Regardless of whether they use it for any purpose or not ?! And the result is almost always positive.

Ilona 04/21/2016
Of course, a very useful shrub for people with thyroid diseases. But I somehow did not hear about this plant. Probably, after all, it is not very common in medicine. Although, what is there to be surprised.

Tanya 04/21/2016
This shrub, so blooms - yellow. Yes, he is also a bean family. Of course, you will not be treated on your own with this medicine, since it is poisonous, you can easily poison yourself. And there are a lot of any indications, really - medical.


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