What make up for brown eyes and blond hair?


Girls with brown eyes and naturally blond hair are a rarity. It is rather difficult to choose a beautiful make-up that would be ideally suited for this color type, but make-up artists say that a proper make-up allows you to reveal natural beauty and enchant others with just a glance.

Basic principles

The contrast of brown eyes and blond hair makes the appearance bright and noticeable, undoubtedly attracting everyone's attention. Depending on the desired effect, you can balance the combination or make the contrast more noticeable using make-up.

Makeup rules for brown eyes and blond hair:

  • Applying make-up directly depends on the skin tone;
  • The most advantageous will look at the eyes;
  • It is important to emphasize the eyebrows so that they are not lost on the background of the rest of the makeup elements;
  • Start applying cosmetics only in good light;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the foundation;
  • Discard the bronzer in favor of rouge;
  • It is not recommended to use too explicit contouring.

Before you begin to make-up, you need to take into account the skin tone, suitable for the eyes of the palette of shadows, blush and lipstick, choose the technique of application. Attention should be paid to the purpose of make-up, it will take into account it day or evening.

Conventionally, any make-up for blondes with brown eyes can be divided into stages:

  1. Skin tone determination;
  2. Selection of blush and tonal framework;
  3. Face preparation;
  4. Brow styling;
  5. The choice of technology and colors of shadows;
  6. Applying makeup on the eyes;
  7. Use lipstick for lips;
  8. Fixation spray.

Skin tone and blush

Applying makeup for owners of light hair and brown eyes requires some training. First you need to determine the skin tone and color type.

It is possible to determine the skin tone by contrast, it is enough to stand in front of the mirror and bring a clean white sheet of A4 format to the face. On a background of white paper natural shade will stand out stronger.

There are four color types of girls' appearance and it is quite simple to define it:

  • Winter: skin tone - white porcelain or, in contrast, dark.
  • Spring: face pale pink or peach color;
  • Summer: milky-white with an olive, bluish tinge;
  • Autumn: milky, almost transparent, with a golden sheen skin.

Having determined the color type of appearance and skin tone, you can easily choose a suitable foundation or primer, powder and rouge. The foundation should match the skin tone completely. If the base is lighter than the skin color, the face will be lost against the background of blond hair, and the dark shade will look unnatural.

Do not forget that the primer, tonal foundation or BB-cream should be applied not only to the face, but also to be shaded on the neck area to create a natural effect.

The cream around the eyes, which is applied under makeup, on the contrary should be one or two tones lighter than skin tone. This simple technique will help to hide minor defects near the eyes and allow you to apply shadows comfortably and beautifully.

Starting to apply blush, you need to consider that for light skin it is better to choose low-key, delicate tones, and for dark one, on the contrary, will be more saturated, even with an amber shade. The choice of rouge depends not only on the color of the skin, but also on the hue of the eyes:

  • For light brown eyes, pink and purple nuances are better suited, it is better to avoid peach and apricot;
  • Colorful berry shades are suitable for dark-brown eyes; beige and brown blush are prohibited.

Apply blush to the cheekbones and chin. If you focus on the hair color, the shades of rose, coral and beige nuances are perfectly combined with light curls.

Matching shadow palette

Brown-eyed girls are very lucky - they are suitable for many color palettes of shadows, however there are a number of specific recommendations related to the shade of the eyes. The basic tones suitable brown-eyed girls:

  • Nude;
  • Green;
  • Pink;
  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Gray.

In this case, the shadows may be dull or pearly, depending on the occasion. Make-up can be supplemented with arrows of black, brown, silver and golden hues. For daytime makeup, it is better to avoid using a bright eyeliner.

Too light shades of brown-eyed blondes are contraindicated even for daytime makeup.

The most relevant and trendy shades of shadows for girls with brown eyes and blond hair are make-up artists who consider:

  • Sand;
  • Turquoise;
  • Dark pink;
  • Gold;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Ochrovy;
  • Lavender;
  • Chocolate.

Blue shades can also be used, they visually soften the look. However, it is better to give preference to a certain hue of shadows only after careful selection of blush and lipstick, in order to avoid make-up overload.

Lipstick color

With a minimalist makeup for blond hair and brown eyes it is recommended to use deep shades of lipstick: pearlescent or matte. Highlight the look and create a spectacular image will help rich shades:

  • Marsala;
  • Cherry;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Terracotta;
  • Plum;
  • Brown;
  • Brick;
  • Dusty rose.

The perfect lipstick for blond brown-eyed girls - with a matte finish.

Brown eyed blondes should avoid using lip gloss or tint. It is better to give preference to nude variants of lipsticks with a colorful subtone. Glitters and tint will moisten lips and give them shine, but against the rest of the make-up, the smile will simply be lost.

If the use of saturated lipstick is not possible, it is better to restrict the lip balm with a light color nuance or shiny texture.

Makeup techniques for brown eyes and blond hair

Creating a harmonious makeup for blondes with brown eyes involves the use of several shades of shadows, at least two. Therefore, for applying make-up it is recommended to resort to the help of various techniques:

  • Smokey Ice;
  • Retro;
  • Nude;
  • Textured.

Each of the eye makeup techniques is based on applying shadows in shades to different areas of the eyelid to impart a specific image. Choosing a way of makeup should be based on its purpose: to work, a date, for a special event, a party.

Smokey Ice

Smokey Ice is one of the favorite techniques of applying makeup, not only makeup artists, but most girls. It consists in creating shadows of a smooth smoky transition on the eyes mainly with the help of dark shades.

Smoky ice blonde blondes with brown eyes are perfect, especially for evening meetings or holidays. The technique helps to focus on the look, gives mystery and mystical charm.

Stage 1. Apply to the moving eyelid the shadow of a warm gray shade, for example - “wet stone”. Lightly blend the contour to create a smooth transition so that the color to the inner corner of the eye is less saturated.

Stage 2 We add a bright color nuance over the existing base - mother-of-pearl shade with coral, brick, pink shade. We apply some shadows under the lower eyelid, forming a smooth thin line from the outer corner of the eye to the middle.

Stage 3 A soft black, gray or dark brown pencil draws a thin arrow along the growth line of the upper eyelashes, without going beyond the eyelid.

4 stage. With a small hard brush we blend the arrow to get a soft transition from black to shade of shadows. We try to make the outer corner of the eye darker than other areas. Dye eyelashes carefully so that they do not stick together, and avoiding the creation of lumps.

Supplement smokey ice is desirable matte lipstick. You can use nudes with shades matching the color of the shadows. A lipstick should not only be combined with the chosen palette, but also be suitable for the situation for which the makeup was made.

Retro or with arrows

Recently, makeup in the style of "retro" gained popularity. It is especially beautiful with fair hair and brown eyes. This simple style perfectly complements any classic look.

The basis of the style of "retro" - the arrows on the eyes and red lips.

Stage 1. Before applying makeup - prepare the foundation. Wipe face and eyes with a special tonic. Apply on eyelid concealer or BB-cream with a thin layer and a finger pad, gently blend with careful movements. Few add eyebrows suitable for the color of the pencil (allowed to use the shadows).

Stage 2 With a soft brown or light gray pencil we draw a smooth line over the eyelashes, carefully painting over the empty areas. We increase the pressure from the inner corner to the outer corner and increase the width. The arrow should extend slightly beyond the eye.

Stage 3 We select the appropriate shade shadows, it is desirable that they coincide as much as possible with the color of the selected pencil. Using a narrow brush we blend a little, complementing the existing line.

4 stage. Add shadows to the outer corner of the eye, giving an oval shape. This stage can be performed in the "loop" technique, rounding the corner, but leaving the main part empty. We blend, creating the effect of a smooth transition, slightly touching the moving eyelid to impart a slight shine.

Stage 5 Using the black eyeliner, draw a long thin arrow along the lash line. It is advisable to slightly raise the corner of the arrow upwards. Carefully paint the eyelashes with black ink.

6 stage. Choose an additional color for the eyeliner: golden or silver. From the middle of the black arrow we draw the second along the existing contour. The new arrow should not be thicker than the previous one, completely coinciding in length.

Stage 7 With a brilliant eyeliner, we slightly emphasize the lower eyelid at the inner corner of the eyes, bringing it to the middle, then draw in black. This way you can visually enlarge your eyes and open your eyes.

The final touch on makeup is lipstick selection. For blondes with brown eyes, red matte shades are best.

Lipsticks, suitable for the style of "retro":

  • Sangria;
  • Red velvet;
  • Ruby;
  • Burgundy;
  • Crimson;
  • Dark plum;
  • Chestnut;
  • Signal red.

The image of "retro" can rightly be considered fatal. It is suitable for evening meetings, dates, holidays and parties.


Nude makeup is everyday, specifically designed for walking, day dates and work. This make-up emphasizes natural beauty and focuses primarily on neutral shades of cosmetics.

To create nude makeup for girls with brown eyes and blond hair, it is recommended to use beige shades of shadows with a brown, orange, pink subtone:

  • Peach;
  • Dusty rose;
  • Corporeal;
  • Ivory;
  • Gray beige;
  • Light brown;
  • Coral;
  • Smoky purple.

You can apply the shadow in any technique using a nude shade. The arrows are allowed to make chocolate with eyeliner or golden, and eyelashes with brown mascara.

Preference is better to give lipstick with neutral tones:

  • Light pink;
  • Beige;
  • Lilova;
  • Coral-peach;
  • Peach beige;
  • Medley;
  • Pearl;
  • Light brown

This style involves the use of light, almost invisible blush to give the face freshness. You should avoid bright, saturated colors and artificial eyelashes. The same principle must be followed in clothing. As an exception, the use of a highlighter is allowed.

Evening or holiday

Creating a festive makeup for blondes with brown eyes includes the use of various techniques and colors. The basis can be taken and Smokey ice, and retro, and "loop", and "bird wing", the standard relief technique will do.

No need to worry about sorting through a make-up. A competent approach and beautiful color solutions help avoid congestion in appearance.

For a holiday, make-up in dark colors will do:

  • Gray;
  • Purple;
  • Indigo;
  • Emerald;
  • Brown;
  • Black

For a party it is better to choose a make-up with glitter. Brown eyes are recommended for blondes with double glitter arrows and red lipstick. An equally spectacular image will be obtained with a relief technique using a golden chimmer that emphasizes the brightness of the hair.

Lipstick can be chosen in nude shades or more colorful options in red and chocolate tones. Makeup artists are advised to choose dark colors that can balance eye makeup. Interesting will be the combination of Smokey Ace technique in black nuances and gray-lilac lipstick.

A rich choice of style, techniques, color palettes expands the range of possibilities when applying make-up. The basic rule on which the owners of brown eyes and blond hair should be guided is that the image corresponds to the occasion. Depending on the upcoming event, you can choose the right color scheme and decide on the style of makeup.


Watch the video: Makeup Makeover for Brown-Eyed Blonde (June 2024).