Milk thistle - for weight loss and treatment


Milk Thistle - General Description

Milk thistle - This is a two-year or one-year thistle with a height of about 150 centimeters, with an erect stem that is covered with a powdery coating, and a rod root system. The leaves are large, dark green, oval in shape, prickly along the edge. White, lilac or purple tubular flowers are collected in spherical baskets.

The plant is often called milk thistle or frog. Spine marinas from other thistle species are distinguished by white spots on the leaves. The people assure that the spots symbolize the milk of the Virgin Mary. Thorn is often grown as an ornamental plant in garden areas.

Milk thistle - types and places of growth

Milk thistle lives on embankments of roads, abandoned fields and wastelands, saline and dry soils. Thistles often grow as aggressive weeds. Thorn loves well-lit, open spaces.

Milk thistle is cultivated as a medicinal plant in southern Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Western Siberia. In the wild, marinas thorns are common in North Africa and America, as well as in southern Australia. It is bred in gardens and in gardens - in fertile, well-drained soil with lime content, in the sun.

Milk thistle - medicinal properties

The healing properties of milk thistle were discovered in ancient times. Later, scientists scientifically explained the healing power of the plant and discovered more than 100 useful trace elements and vitamins. Of particular value is the presence of silymarin - a substance that can strengthen cell walls, thereby increasing their protective properties.

Milk thistle has been treated since ancient times by such ailments: gallstone disease, inflammation of the bile ducts, thyroid and spleen diseases, salt deposits, anemia and radiculitis. But the main specialization of the thistle is that the plant is used to treat the liver. In addition, the thorns have well established themselves as a healing agent for the prevention of jaundice and cirrhosis, as well as various liver damage from radiation, drugs, toxins and alcohol.

Milk thistle preparations improve the motor and secretory functions of the gastric and intestinal tract, increase the protective properties of the body in relation to poisoning and infections. Milk thistle is also used to treat open fractures, heavily healing ulcers, and varicose veins.

In dermatology, milk thistle preparations are taken orally for dermatoses, baldness, allergic skin diseases, psoriasis, acne, vitiligo and lichen planus.

Thistle inhibits the production of histamines in the body, which are associated with headaches and allergic reactions. In addition, milk thistle is considered a unique tool that ensures survival in cases of poisonous poisonous grebe.

Milk thistle - dosage forms

For healing purposes, roots and seeds are used. Seeds ripen unevenly from the end of August, so the collection is carried out until October in several terms. Thistle roots are better to dig out in the fall. Dry roots and seeds are usually stored in a ventilated room in bags.

Milk thistle - for weight loss

Those who want to get rid of extra pounds will need milk thistle. It helps to renew the whole body and liver cells, adsorbs toxins and poisons. This normalization of processes contributes to the overall disposal of excess weight and recovery, which is not unimportant. To do this, prepare milk thistle meal by grinding the plant in a blender. The resulting powder is recommended to take one teaspoon four times a day before meals. The effect of the use of milk thistle for weight loss will be noticeable in the next month after the start of the course.

Milk thistle recipes

Thistle broth: thirty grams of powdered seeds must be cooked over low heat in half a liter of water, until half of it boils. You need to drink one tablespoon of the broth every hour, after 3 weeks you need to take a break for 2 weeks. Effective broth for liver diseases.

Tea is made from herbs and milk thistle powder. To do this, take one teaspoon of raw materials, pour it with a glass of boiling water and insist for 10 to 20 minutes. Tea is recommended to be drunk hot: 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime with varicose veins and other diseases.

Milk thistle - contraindications

Milk thistle has no side effects and contraindications. At the same time, natural products that are prepared from its seeds are much more effective and safer than tablets.


Valentine 11/21/2016
How to cure nasal congestion

Stanislav Getman 09/25/2016
Why are all the comments about some kind of “grass” when thistle SEEDS have always been used for medicinal and preventive purposes?
Yes, and in the sale of herbs thistle I have not met. Seeds - yes, roots - less often, but you can find, but grass, i.e. stems or leaves ...
Miracles are just some :)

Marina 05/05/2016
Of course, you can periodically just drink this herb, especially since there are no contraindications in its use. And most importantly, as written, taking this herb is much safer than pills and other medicines. She will not give side complications.

Julia 05/06/2016
Nothing to yourself, if you already use this herb for poisoning with a pale toadstool, then it’s actually an amazing herb. As far as I know, they simply die from the venom of a pale toadstool. And also, I heard that this weed can be used to prevent liver diseases.

Tatyana 05/06/2016
Indeed, I have known this herb for a long time, namely, as a very effective treatment for the liver. My father had a suspicion of cancer, and he began to drink milk thistle. At least for several years, no cancer has been noticed.


Watch the video: AMAZING!! Milk Thistle helps Promotes Weight Loss & Healthy Liver Function (June 2024).