Postpartum bandage - the best way to restore the figure? Learn how to put on and wear a bandage after childbirth


Restoring good physical shape is one of the main concerns for a woman who has given birth to a child.

Moreover, the earlier the young mother takes up her appearance, the faster the expected result will be obtained - a slender and attractive figure will return to her.

To help in postpartum recovery, a special corrective element of the female wardrobe is created, known as a bandage.

Postpartum bandage

After the birth of the first child, the abdominal muscles noticeably lose their elasticity - the stomach looks rounded, and sometimes stretch marks appear on the skin. These deficiencies in most women giving birth are exclusively cosmetic in nature.

But in some cases, the stretched muscles of the abdominal wall threaten health - the so-called hernial gates appear in the muscle tissue. The abdominal organs may fall out into these openings, which causes their pinching and the occurrence of a hernia.

Another common problem is back pain that occurs due to impaired posture. A weak press no longer holds the spine properly, and this is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences. The flabby abdominal muscles are also not able to hold the internal organs in place. If a woman has a predisposition to omission, doctors recommend that you use a bandage.

With the help of a postpartum bandage, young mothers can accelerate muscle contraction and restore elasticity of the skin of the abdomen. This happens in a natural way, but the process itself is characterized by a longer course. In addition, no one can guarantee effective contraction and restoration of muscle fibers without wearing a bandage.

Bandage after childbirth - is it necessary or not

It is impossible to explicitly prescribe the wearing of a bandage to all women who have given birth. To determine whether the body needs additional funds to restore muscle tone, you need to contact a gynecologist. This specialist after a thorough examination of the patient will give comprehensive recommendations.

Only after a visit to the doctor can you start choosing, purchasing and wearing this special elastic clothing. But any actions taken on the advice of friends can cause health problems for a young mother.

There are direct indications for wearing a bandage. If a woman has had a cesarean section, this elastic clothing will contribute to the speedy healing of the surgical wound, preventing stretching and preserving the aesthetics of the suture. Before bandages appeared, doctors recommended tightly pulling the abdomen with towels or sheets to make the patient better. Nowadays, they prescribe to wear a properly selected bandage. The effect of towels and bandage is the same. But it is much more convenient to wear bandages.

During natural childbirth, bandages are often advised to women with the threat of prolapse of the peritoneal organs or with inelastic abdominal muscles containing holes.

Doctors also recommend that excessively active mothers carry this garment, who, after discharge from the hospital, housekeeping and take care of the baby on their own. A properly worn bandage eliminates the pressure on the press when doing homework and carrying the child in her arms.

It is forbidden to wear a band with a history of episiotomy. Surgical dissection of the perineum during childbirth involves the imposition of several sutures. The same thing happens with a natural break - a woman is sewn at the last stage of childbirth. Putting on the bandage without permission, a woman will impair blood circulation in the pelvis, which adversely affects the healing process. The seams will begin to become inflamed.

Doctors sometimes permit the wearing of this garment even after an episiotomy if small stitches have been applied. However, in this case, it is recommended to abandon the bandage when the first signs of discomfort in the damaged perineum appear (the appearance of edema, pain, discharge from the suture).

Another contraindication is associated with the presence of chronic diseases, accompanied by the appearance of swelling or digestive disorders. These include diseases of the kidneys and excretory system, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The question of a bandage after childbirth is needed whether it is needed or not, is decided unequivocally in the presence of allergic reactions to the materials of which this clothing is made. Continue wearing in case of a rash and redness on the skin is impossible.

How to put on and wear a bandage after childbirth

Having received the recommendations of a doctor, you can begin to select the appropriate type and size of the bandage. The market has a wide variety of models and types of this item of women's wardrobe. You can make a choice by color, size and model or the shape of the bandage - panties, shorts and models in the form of a wide belt are produced.

Any model is made of a special multilayer fabric, sufficiently dense and absorbing moisture. Typically, manufacturers use an artificial cloth mixed with cotton, which has sufficient wear resistance and at the same time ensures compliance with all hygiene standards.

The first day of wearing the bandage is determined by the condition of the woman who gave birth. If she is prescribed bed rest, this clothing does not need to be worn. But from the first hours of physical activity it is necessary to wear a bandage. In difficult cases, it is worn in the first two or three hours after the birth of the baby or the next day when the woman has already got out of bed. For the usual correction of the figure, such clothes are used already after discharge from the hospital, from about the sixth or seventh day after the birth.

To achieve the desired effect, this slimming clothing should be worn for at least six weeks after the baby is born. Dates are selected individually - it all depends on the state of the body and its ability to recover. The minimum period is four weeks. As soon as the skin gains elasticity, and the stomach becomes quite flat, you can refuse to wear.

Sometimes the desired result cannot be achieved. But in any case, zealous to wear a bandage is not worth it. Once the uterus comes in tone, these clothes can no longer be worn. Cosmetic deficiencies remaining after wearing a corrective bandage are recommended to be corrected with the help of special physical exercises.

Cesarean section surgery requires the use of a bandage before the suture heals. In the absence of complications, it is removed after a month of wearing. If the healing process has been delayed, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and continue the wearing period for a period to be indicated by the doctor.

It is necessary to pay special attention to how the bandage is put on and worn after childbirth. To put on this element of the wardrobe, you should lie on your back. The wider and denser side of the product supports the stomach, and the narrow one is located on the back. When donning, all folds of leather are carefully tucked under the belt (if this is a universal model) or in shorts or underpants. Do not tighten such clothes too tight. Excessive tightening will disturb circulation. A properly worn bandage does not cause discomfort.

Regardless of the form (type) of the product and the medical prescription, it must not be worn for more than twelve hours. During this period, it is recommended to take short breaks every three hours. Sleeping or lying in such stretchy clothes is not recommended. The exception is a short day rest (no more than 15 minutes). Violations of this rule lead to the appearance of new folds on the abdomen and a deterioration in the blood supply to the skin and muscles (the opposite effect is achieved, which is extremely undesirable).

Postpartum bandages: main types

If there are certain indications for wearing, the doctor will tell you which model is best for a particular patient.

The following models are available:

1. Universal type. You can wear such clothes both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. After childbirth, the bandage belt is turned over with a wide part on the stomach.

2. In the form of panties with a wide belt. You can wear such a model in the absence of seams on the perineum.

3. In the form of elongated shorts. This model helps maintain the buttocks, pelvic floor muscles and hips.

4. In the form of a skirt. This model is easy to put on over regular underwear. It is used for standard body shaping in women who do not suffer from hernia and other more serious health problems.

If wearing a bandage is uncomfortable or painful, it is recommended to visit a doctor again. Perhaps it is worth completely abandoning its wearing or replacing it with special physical exercises for the press.


Watch the video: How to bind your belly after giving birth (June 2024).