Dances for weight loss - getting rid of extra pounds and bad mood. Varieties of dancing for weight loss


You can lose weight without diets. But how?

Dancing, as a form of weight loss, is gaining more and more popularity every year.

Initially, it was proposed to fight overweight in the form of aerobics with dance elements, but over time, many other varieties appeared, aimed both at burning fat and pumping up different muscle groups.

Currently, the actual question is what kind of dancing for weight loss to choose.

How to start dancing for weight loss

A single rhythmic dance helps to achieve maximum load and engage all muscle groups in the work. Depending on the problem zone and the goals pursued by you, it is worth choosing a direction in dancing. If you have extra centimeters in the volume of a waist, hips or a stomach, then oriental dances will help to solve this problem. Such a variety as Irish dances pump up your legs and form a posture, strip plastic covers all muscle groups.

No matter what type of dance was chosen, you need to prepare for any of them. Especially if you plan to spend them at home.

1. Choosing a dance venue. First of all, the place should cause a feeling of comfort. It is advisable to choose a spacious room or room with good lighting. Ideal for dancing, the location on the walls of mirrors, thanks to which you can see errors and shortcomings.

2. Any distracting and irritating factors must be ruled out during the training. In order for classes to be as effective as possible, you should forget for some time about children, animals, other people, a phone, a TV, and other items. Problems should also be distracted.

3. The selection of suitable clothing and comfortable shoes. The mood, and hence the success of the training, will directly depend on the choice of clothing for dancing. Therefore, what to wear - old leggings or something newer and more attractive, this is your personal choice.

4. The importance of music. Even the worst of moods can be raised by properly selected music. When there is no strength, then the music magically gives them. Therefore, for training, always choose such compositions that you like and make you involuntarily start dancing. Do not forget to experiment.

General recommendations for the preparation and organization of slimming dances

1. The regularity of training. For dances to be effective, training should be regular and frequent. Each case, of course, is individual, but in general, dances should be given from 30 to 60 minutes about 5-6 times a week, or increase the duration to 1-2 hours and attend training less often - 3-4 times. Be sure to finish your workout with a stretch.

2. Making an optimal diet. It’s best to change your attitude to food; take food exclusively as fuel. Refuse harmful, sweet, high-calorie foods. In dancing for weight loss there will be no sense if after training you run lightning fast to empty the refrigerator.

3. The fighting spirit. Do not despair and stop dancing after unsuccessful initial attempts. From the first time, few people succeed in any business. It is better to tune in to positive, relax morally and enjoy your movements. Remind yourself why you are doing this, because you have chosen the best way to combine business with pleasure.

4. Do not start classes immediately after eating. It is necessary to withstand a period of time of at least 1 hour, and then proceed to dancing. After training, also wait an hour and a half before eating. It should be predominantly protein or with an emphasis on vegetables.

5. Do not be shy to take healthy natural "energies" in the form of green tea, giving energy, vitamin B, water and ginseng.

From dance training you can get a lot of benefits. For example, the mood, you yourself will not notice how angry, the negative will begin to go away, and you will become open and friendly to other people. And of course, the excess weight will start to go away, which will change your body for the better and give you even more positive.

What dances for weight loss to choose: gaining harmony and plasticity

Before deciding on one of the types of dances, based on individual preferences, try to take into account a few important factors:

• health status;

• availability of free time;

• allowable amount of space.

The most popular types of fat burning are oriental and Latin American dances. The direction of Zumba is spreading more and more. All three types of dance will be able to give harmony, plasticity, flexibility and pep. The main rule is regularity.

1. Oriental dance or belly dance is a fairly common type of dance that can be practiced by people of absolutely any age and complexion. In one workout lasting 1 hour, it is really possible to lose from 300 to 500 kcal. The dance consists of constant alternations of smooth movements, as well as waves, shakes, blows and other fast elements.

What gives a belly dance:

• strengthening the muscles of the press;

• strengthening of the spinal muscles;

• the formation of rounded hips, tightened buttocks;

• elimination of cellulite;

• decrease in waist;

• normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

• prevention of female diseases of the genital area.

For oriental dances, you do not need to purchase additional sports equipment. It is enough to just try to repeat all the movements for the instructor in accuracy. For beginners, it is better to start with movements of the hips and abdomen, and eventually move on to turning on the legs and arms. You can complete the eastern training with breathing exercises or stretching.

This type of dance is suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. Even people with spinal problems or varicose veins can deal with them.

2. Latin American dances today have a lot of varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. In a general sense, all Latin ballroom dancing is able to correct the contours of the body, strengthen the muscles of the legs and are the prevention of vascular diseases.

For 1 hour of classes in Brazilian dances, 500-900 kcal takes off. Both in fitness clubs and at home, you can dance jive, samba, rumba, salsa, cha-cha-cha, bachata, mambo, meringue and even a lambada. The likelihood of finding a type of dance to your liking is incredibly high.

During the Latin dance, the whole body moves, which means that most of the muscles are involved, but most of the leg muscles. Therefore, people who consider their hips and buttocks to be their problem area should choose this direction.

3. Zumba is a relatively new kind of dance based on Latin American motifs. The effect of tooth dancing is similar to the results of cardio training. The biggest load is on the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs. In just 1 hour of the dance program, you can spend up to 1000 kcal. The basis of zumba training are:

• swinging legs;

• march;

• frequent squats;

• turns;

• added steps.

When dancing a tooth, you need to be as focused as possible, follow the movements of teachers, hold your posture, draw in your stomach and tighten the muscles of your arms and legs.

Rhythmic and athletic dancing for weight loss

You should dwell on the consideration of other equally popular types of dances:

1. The direction of strip plastic, body dance and cardiostriptis is very common especially among the younger generation. During such dances all muscle groups work, you have flexibility, stretching. To replace excess weight in the female body comes femininity and grace.

People who have complexes regarding their appearance in such classes get rid of them. To attend classes on strip dance, you must be at least in minimal physical form.

2. Kankan - a very energetic and interesting kind of dance. Although dance movements are easy for everyone, performing them well without proper stretching will not work. For an hour of training, you can lose 400 kcal. Quick and sweeping movements allow you to bring in the shape of the legs, hips, in particular, and tighten the lower abdomen. The main rule of practicing cancan is not to be lazy on a stretch, which is given significant importance.

3. Freestyle, hip-hop, funk - types of dance for active people. They make you sweat well, but also effectively eliminate extra pounds, and evenly throughout the body.

It is up to you to decide exactly how to get rid of excess weight.


Watch the video: Cardio Workout For Weight Loss, At Home Fat Burning Dance Exercises (June 2024).