Nutritionists have proven that counting calories is pointless


American biologist Rob Dunn scientifically proved the uselessness of counting calories. In any case, in the form that exists today. After all, every human body absorbs calories purely individually.

Experiments on laboratory rodents showed that the calories of raw and cooked foods, the caloric content of which was originally the same, were assimilated differently. Those mice that ate raw potatoes quickly lost weight, those that consumed boiled ones gained it.

It was also found that the calories of raw solid fruits, seeds and nuts are absorbed by only a quarter, which is most likely due to the insolubility of fiber in the stomach.

Also, scientists have proven that high-calorie foods (sweets, fast food) may not necessarily lead to weight gain. Everything will depend on the type of bacteria that inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract. Some bacteria digest food well, some don't.

Given the findings, experts recommend paying serious attention to the freshness of food, as well as its naturalness.


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Watch the video: The science is in: Exercise isnt the best way to lose weight (June 2024).