Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk: finally, a wedding!


It became known that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk were married in sunny Spain.

The singers have been together for many years. Friends and fans of young people were looking forward to, and when they finally formalize their relationship. And so it happened.

According to Kovalchuk, only twelve people attended the celebration, including the parents of both newlyweds. Most of the colleagues of the artistic couple were not aware of what happened.

Alexey and Julia have chosen Spain as a place of marriage not only because they have real estate there. The main reason was the desire to isolate themselves from the Moscow rush and fully enjoy the upcoming event.

For the wedding in the style chosen by the newlyweds (stage, professional light and sound), as well as to organize a party after the celebration, which lasted until three o'clock in the morning, the couple was forced to get a special permit from the mayor of the city.


Watch the video: Юлия Ковальчук и Алексей Чумаков 2018 дочь Амелия!Julia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov 2018! (June 2024).