Six products that can replace any diet


Today, more and more people are beginning to seriously think about their health, prolonging their youth and maintaining beauty. We can say that it becomes a kind of national idea, we gradually begin to look like Europeans in their obsession with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. There are many diets that help achieve all these goals. We want to offer you only six products, using which we will be able to maintain the slimness and youth you need without any exhausting execution of yourself.


Not for nothing is considered the most ideal spice for those who want to find a thin waist. Only a quarter of a teaspoon of spice can improve your carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the desire to "lean" on all sorts of sweets. Cinnamon is able to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, because of the jumps in which many people often get up wolfish appetite. Even the smell of cinnamon can quickly deceive the appetite, creating the illusion of saturation.


If it is properly prepared, then within half a year you will save almost the entire range of vitamins A, C, B, H, PP, E. And sauerkraut juice will help you not to get drunk during feasts and to beat every hangover syndrome with glitter.

Rice crispbread

If you want to always stay fit and slim, then you should replace the usual bread with whole grain breads for a long time. Pay special attention to rice cakes. The calorie content of one such loaf is only 27 calories. They contain phosphorus, vitamins of the PP, B group. And also cellulose, which helps remove toxins from your body. Rice crisps provide fast saturation, contribute to the establishment of a normal metabolism and maintain your optimal weight.

Cereal bread

For all those who support a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, breads are indispensable helpers. In such a loaf - only 26 calories (5 times less than in a slice of bread). Therefore, cereal bread - a great snack. Proper and careful technology of its preparation allows you to save all of the useful qualities of cereals. And the variety of tastes satisfies even very picky gourmets.


This cabbage is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins. The main trace elements normalizing the exchange of hormones (female genital) estrogens is indole-3-carbinol. By the way, this trace element also increases the efficiency of the detoxification system, while slowing down the aging process. Broccoli is also famous for its high tartronic acid content, which helps prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fats and cholesterol, with obesity and overweight.

Brazilian walnut

Brazil nut is called a relative of the "rejuvenating apple". Eating only 2 of these nuts a day, you will provide your body with the daily rate of selenium, the lack of which leads to premature and rapid aging. In addition, this wonder-nut is able to give you a charge of energy and vitality, clean and beautiful skin. It is noteworthy: the European Union has introduced quite strict rules for the import from Brazil of these nuts in its own shell, since it has been established that it contains an increased level of aflatoxins, which, according to doctors, can cause liver cancer.


Watch the video: Drugstore Makeup Items To Replace Designer Products. The Financial Diet (June 2024).