In the US, the wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt was recognized as unreal


The wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is not perceived by many as real. Indeed, despite the fact that lovers received permission to marry in Los Angeles, and the union was registered by a Californian guest judge, the actors were married in France, and, therefore, not by US law. The spouses have 90 days to sign again, but in California.

Recall that the actors were married in secret from everyone on August 23. At the celebration was only 20 people. The bride was dressed elegant vintage dress, decorated with a pendant with a picture of her mother, at one time insisted that the daughter entered into marriage in France.

Pitt and sons were dressed in beige suits. Everything was arranged very touching: the sons accompanied the mother to the altar, the middle daughters scattered rose petals in front of her, and the younger twins gave the wedding rings to the parents.


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