Tatyana Ovsienko told how she waited for a civil husband from prison


Recently, Tatyana Ovsienko’s common-law husband, Alexander Merkulov (in certain circles known as Sasha the Wonder), was released from prison. All the time while the investigation was going on, Merkulov spent in the SIZO.

Tatyana remembers the last three years with a shudder. Her favorite has lost his health behind bars, now he is trying to restore him. During her separation, the singer practically lost her livelihood: she had to give up to 20 concerts a month to pay for the services of lawyers. Moreover, she was forced to sell the apartment.

On June 5, the court declared Merkulov innocent of the case of the contract killing of a businessman Sergei Vasiliev. And now Alexander and Tatiana are actively preparing for the wedding.

Only close people will be invited to the celebration: adopted son Ovsienko Igor, singer Lolita Milyavskaya and a couple of the most loyal friends.


Watch the video: Catch - I can lose my heart tonight Official Music Video (June 2024).