78% of women will fight child smoking in any way


Over the past decades, the problem of smoking has worsened significantly. According to numerous data, more and more children are taking up a cigarette from the school bench. Smoking at a young age causes especially irreparable harm to health. In addition to the increased risk of developing various diseases, child smoking affects the growth of a child’s fragile body. In connection with these trends, the Women's Opinion portal conducted a survey to find out what young mothers would do when they learned that their child started smoking.

According to the study, 24% of women will severely punish a child if they catch him with a cigarette. Even the most stringent measures are used. According to one survey participant, her uncle forced his daughter to smoke a pack of heavy cigarettes at a time, and since then she has been disgusted with cigarettes.

But more than half of the respondents (53.8%) consider rude methods doomed to failure from the very beginning. If their child smokes, they will conduct educational conversations and gently but persistently convince the child that smoking is not good, that this is no use to anyone, that this bad habit is harmful to health.

About 19% of the survey participants take the position of an outside observer, giving the child the opportunity to make the choice to ruin or not to ruin his health. Probably they hope that common sense will allow an inexperienced person to resist the temptations that adult calculating uncles from tobacco companies or underdeveloped smoking peers create for him.

Along with this, there are people in Russia who prefer to ruin the health of their child with their own hands. They are ready to buy cigarettes for the child in case they notice him smoking. Such, fortunately, only 3.7%.

Thus, almost 78% of Russians are against smoking in childhood. Let us hope that in the near future the proportion of "kind" mothers who buy poison to children, as well as mothers who are indifferent to the fate of their children, will decrease. The survey on the topic of child smoking was attended by 5980 women aged 20 - 45 years living in 149 cities of Russia.


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