Indoor zodiac mascot flowers


The appearance of a new indoor flower in our house brings with it new impressions and new obligations for care, attentiveness and an individual approach to each plant.

Very rarely, a room flower is chosen that will be harmonious with your personal qualities of character and the zodiac sign. And an interesting feature in plant life is that not only indoor flowers acquire our habits, but we can also use them to acquire the qualities that every zodiac sign has.

Sign flowers will help to become strong and achieve success Arieswith which they were awarded the fiery Mars. Such plants have spines and a tall stem: royal begonia, sparkling echmea, Indian and Japanese azaleas, striped haworthia, dwarf pomegranate.

Zodiac sign Taurus different indoor plants, talismans, attracting a wealthy and rich life and physical health. These are indoor flowers that the beautiful Venus gave him: Persian cyclamen, Uzumbar violet, primrose, Kalanchoe, begonias, peperomia, gloxinia.

Plants Twins characterized by lush foliage and curly forms. This is a gift to the Gemini from Mercury, who is always doing well. Such indoor plants contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations and the achievement of good academic success, help to consolidate and assimilate new information. Gemini house flowers: ferns, ivies, chlorophytum, asparagus, cirrus palms, tradescantia.

Constellation Cancer always influenced the creation and strengthening of a warm and kind atmosphere in the house, so Cancer house plants have become talismans of health and happiness in the family. Cancer plants include lovely Dieffenbachia, modest aglaoneema, aloe, agave, calamus, pachyphytum, Mason's begonia, gasteria, Kalanchoe, juvenile, bushy peperomia, stonecrop, fuchsia hybrid.

The sun governing the regal The lion, gave this zodiac sign bright and beautiful potted flowers. Such plants will bring success in creative endeavors and the happiness of mutual love. These include plants such as Chinese rose, Akalifa, Afelander, amaranthus, balsam, feces, gardenia, calceolaria, royal geranium, Japanese camellia, bashful mimosa.

Sign Virgin It has always been distinguished by the development of intelligence and health promotion, therefore, indoor plants of this zodiac sign are also endowed with this property: philodendron, Japanese aucuba, Japanese fatsia, monstera, delitsiosis, scindapsus, cissus, syngonium, roicissus or birch, dracaena.

Houseplants Weights help to consolidate partnerships and develop a delicate and refined taste. The influence of the beautiful Venus and strict Saturn creates a brilliant halo for them, and attracts them to their representatives. The plants of Libra are diverse: lily and achimenes hybrid, hibiscus or Chinese rose, fiery red cofee, Indian white azalea, pineapple, Japanese fatsia, hybrid heliotrope, large hydrangea, zygocactus decabrist, capsicum, chrysanthemum, celosia peristra, codium nodium, codium , cineraria, crossander.

Mystery Scorpio due to the influence of Mars and Pluto. Therefore, a houseplant of this zodiac sign will help the owner to develop the gift of clairvoyance, other extraordinary abilities. Cacti, faucaria tiger, snow-white datura, oleander, motley stapelia, aloe, prickly mountain-spike, dragon dracaena, wattled ginura - house plants of this zodiac sign.

Sagittarius always patronized travelers, he is attracted to the theme of foreign countries, because he is controlled by Jupiter. The sour taste of citrus fruits is to Sagittarius's liking, as it is Jupiter's favorite flavor. Having decided to get the Sagittarius flower, you can develop a passion for travel, philosophy and culture of other countries. And the Sagittarius indoor flower will contribute to this: lemon, indoor bonsai, three-lane sansevieria, indoor grapes, cinnabar clivia.

Capricorn It was always presented as an ascetic sign of the lord ruled by stormy Mars and strict Saturn. Therefore, Capricorn plants are placed in the offices of leaders and those who want to become them. These are plants: a fat girl of different species, dracaena of various species, fan palm trees, coniferous plants, ficus of various species, yucca elephant, laurel noble.

Representatives of the mark Aquarius it is common to invent everything new, extraordinary, it is a sign of unique ideas and talent. Therefore, the indoor flowers of Aquarius contribute to the development of unique qualities: indoor maple, jatropha, dracaena, coccoloba, calathea, coleus, cross, arrowroot, callistemon, poinsettia the most beautiful, fittonia, colorful mottled, pleasant stromantha.

Fish always strived for the development of spirituality, for divine service. Indoor flowers donated by Venus will help to acquire these lofty feelings: aquarium plants, climbing cucumber, briofillum, budra, geranium, orchids, hypocirrhoida, bones, pilea, fishtail palm, papyrus, plectrantus, platicerium, ripsalis, crassula, siderasis tolmya, sprawling cyperus, ampelous ficus.

Each flower has an amazing and unique property, and with proper and proper care it has a beneficial effect on its owner, developing and strengthening the necessary qualities and abilities in it.


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