Reviews about the procedure of ultraformer lifting for the face


Most of the external age-related changes that a person faces are successfully corrected by ultrasound. First of all, the natural aging processes are noticeable on the skin of the face - the corners of the eyes and mouth begin to fall, nasolabial folds are formed, a second chin appears, and the cheeks sag.

The essence of the lifting ultraformer

Sooner or later, anti-aging creams no longer have the desired effect, as they are no longer able to penetrate deep into the skin, where destructive processes occur. In this case, in order to stop the aging process, it is recommended to tighten the face and smooth out wrinkles with an ultraformer lifting.

Ultraformer face lifting is a safe, low-impact treatment and revitalization of the skin.

That is, the essence of the lifting ultraformer is to recreate the perfect oval of the face and tighten the drooping neck. For carrying out a cosmetology procedure, a special device that radiates ultrasonic vibrations is used.

Ultrasound causes the following changes in skin layers:

  • ultraformer lifting affects the internal epithelium of the skin, heats them and performs micro-massage, which nourishes the muscles with oxygen;
  • lifting sound waves provide in-depth delivery of active ingredients that help create new collagen and elastin cells;
  • significantly increases the flow of blood and lymph, which contributes to a better detoxification of the skin;
  • Ultraformer stimulates the synthesis of protein inside the cells, thereby accelerating the metabolism, as well as restoring the damaged epithelium;
  • Ultrasonic heat energy triggers the body's metabolism, increasing blood microcirculation, which leads to the elimination of fatty deposits.

The effect obtained from the lifting ultraformer is comparable to a full-fledged operation. Even with the help of laser and radio frequency lifting it will not be possible to achieve such results as an ultrasound procedure. This cosmetological process increases the level of collagen production in the dermis and the fatty layers of the skin, as a result of which it provokes a revitalizing effect - tightening and tightening.

Do not expect quick results, as the effect of the procedure is increasing. That is, tissue rejuvenation will be gradual, the condition of the skin will improve with each passing day. With a monthly treatment, the increase in collagen production will become more noticeable. Many patients note that ultrasound treatment causes a feeling of "skin density", and the effect of the lift is visible immediately after the procedure. The procedure has two clear advantages at once - it does not require surgical intervention and acts more efficiently in comparison with other methods.

Stages of implementation

The procedure itself can be divided into three stages. The first stage is “Preparation”, in which the beautician assesses the condition of the skin and, depending on this, decides how deeply it is necessary to act with ultrasound.

The first stage of the lifting ultraformer: preparation

At the second stage, a special gel is applied over the entire integument. It helps skin to relax. Thanks to this, the device will easily slide on the skin, and the patient will not feel any discomfort.

The second stage of the lifting ultraformer: the application of the gel

At the last, third stage, the skin is directly treated. The doctor conducts on the skin of each area of ​​the face with a special device that emits ultrasound.

The third stage of the lifting ultraformer: processing

It is necessary to dwell in more detail at this stage and to describe in more detail exactly how the apparatus operates. On the device, the beautician sets a certain depth to which the ultrasonic waves will penetrate. At the same time, the skin itself will not get under their influence, it will help protect the outer layers of the epidermis from damage, and also eliminate the risk of infection.

After the penetration of the waves, the collagen and elastin fibers are heated, resulting in the elimination of old tissues. After their destruction, a natural regeneration process is launched that promotes skin rejuvenation. Ultrasonic rays penetrate to the desired level, thereby causing the elastin and collagen fibers to contract. This procedure is painless and does not require the use of anesthesia.

Indications and contraindications

Often carry out such a procedure in the manifestation of any age-related changes. However, cosmetologists advise carrying out an ultraformer lifting not only to halt the aging process, but also as preventive measures.

Indications for carrying out the lifting ultraformer:

  • as prevention of ptosis;
  • in the formation of the second chin;
  • when lowering the corners of the eyelids and mouth, as well as when sagging cheeks and eyebrows;
  • in case of loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Conduct ultrasonic tightening prohibited in the following cases:

  • the presence of injuries in the treatment area;
  • epilepsy;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • purulent formations on the face;
  • oncology of any stage;
  • diabetes;
  • in the presence of metal implants on the skull, with the exception of fonts and dental crowns;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

In the presence of skin diseases, consult a beautician. To carry out a cosmetology procedure, you must obtain a special permission from the doctor to carry out a lifting.

It was noted that this procedure is safe for human health. However, after its implementation in patients, there are minor side effects:

  • Redness. It is considered a normal reaction to ultrasonic waves. As a rule, redness appears in women with thin epidermis. The skin will return to its former state several hours after the procedure;
  • The discomfort. Due to the effects of ultrasound, a slight injury occurs, which gives some uncomfortable sensations;
  • Sensitivity decreases plot that has undergone processing. This backdoor is typical for patients with too sensitive or, for example, problem skin. A week later, the sensitivity returns and normalizes.

The benefits of lifting ultraformer

As previously noted, this is a completely safe and painless procedure that allows you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. One of the main advantages of ultrasound lifting is that there are no scars, bruises, and there is no recovery period.

The benefits of lifting ultraformer:

  • removes fine and deep wrinkles;
  • tightens the skin of the face and neck;
  • removes acne;
  • conducts a lifting of the complex muscles of the neck and chin;
  • removes double chin;
  • returns skin tone and restores elasticity;
  • relieves flea.

The effect of the procedure lasts for 2-3 years, depending on the age category, general condition of the body and skin. At the same time, the number of procedures performed is unlimited.

It is possible to carry out an ultraformer lifting even to those who are contraindicated in plastic surgery.

The main advantages of ultrasonic rejuvenation:

  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • painlessness;
  • deep penetration of ultrasound;
  • skin tone improves, folds are instantly smoothed;
  • development of substances important for beauty and health of the skin;
  • elasticity increases, acne and wrinkles are eliminated;
  • no malignant side effect.

Reviews of doctors and cosmetologists

Lyudmila Dorofeyeva, a practicing cosmetologist:

Ultrasonic lifting is a popular treatment that is used to tighten the skin in the eyebrows, cheeks and neck, and you can also improve the shape of the face. However, it should be understood that this method of rejuvenation will not lead to the same results as surgical intervention. Ultraform lifting is a great option for those who do not want to resort to plastic surgery for rejuvenation and face lifting. The maximum result from the cosmetic procedure can be seen after 2-6 months.

Mark Kireev, plastic surgeon:

Of course, the final result will largely depend on the physiological characteristics of each patient. However, there is no doubt that this method really works. I also began to notice that repeated procedures can improve results. Ultrasonic waves help to overcome the signs of wounded aging, but still ultraformer lifting can never replace a surgical facelift. If you intend to achieve a significant result, I recommend resorting to the traditional lifting. If you need a light facelift, smoothing the first mimic wrinkles, and so on, in this case, ultrasound lifting is the best choice.

Irina Bulatova, cosmetologist:

The hardware method of rejuvenation and facelift is very popular among patients. There are a huge number of devices on the market that can correct aesthetic deficiencies and eliminate the signs of aging. Despite the large selection, I always advise my patients to choose an ultraformer lifting. This is truly a miracle machine that can literally return the patient's youth. My 25 years of experience shows that this is truly the most effective and safest method of rejuvenation, which does not require an additional recovery period.

Reviews of patients with photos before and after

Ultrasonic facelift is performed by various devices. In Russia, the most famous Ultraformer III. Judging by the numerous reviews, this device is considered one of the most effective, since the device operates with the help of macro- and micro-focused ultrasound. Thanks to this, it makes it possible to point to small areas of the skin, encompassing tissues at different depths. Then you can get acquainted with the real reviews of patients with photos before and after, who on themselves have tried the lifting ultraformer for rejuvenation.

Alisa, 28 years old, St. Petersburg, journalist:

From my teenage years I had significant problems with the skin of my face - there were noticeable scars from acne. I tried to get rid of them with peeling and laser polishing, but none of the results satisfied me. They have become somewhat smaller, but still noticeable. Once again, when I was dissatisfied with the result, the cosmetician advised me to go through the procedure of an ultraformer lifting procedure, telling about all its features and advantages.

Of course, I did not immediately agree to the procedure, at first I read a lot of time on the Internet, in various forums about this method. After 1.5-2 months, I still decided to sign up for the procedure. To achieve the desired result I needed to do it three times.

I was very worried that it did not hurt. Of course, it is impossible to call sensations during the procedure pleasant, however, they didn’t bring me much discomfort. Changes for the better, I saw after 3 weeks. At the moment, 7 months have passed, and the skin on the face is getting better every day. The cosmetologist recommended another session a year later as a prophylaxis, I will definitely pass it, because the result is excellent, just what I was trying to achieve.

Veronika, 52 years old, Voronezh, cook:

For three years, ultrasound lifting has become for me the main method of rejuvenation. I made my first cosmetology course at the age of 49 and began to look like 43, I was amazed.

If during the procedure your doctor takes into account all the contraindications, there will be no pain or discomfort. After the second or third session, I had reddening, which disappeared after a few hours. I never had any edemas, although they appeared to other acquaintances who also quickly disappeared.

You can evaluate the effect in 3-4 weeks. The skin really becomes elastic and taut, the cheekbones are more pronounced, and the corners of the eyes and lips do not descend. During the last procedure, I got rid of the second chin, I am very pleased. Surrounding people often make compliments and do not believe that I’m really already over 40.

Olga, 48 years old, Kazan, hairdresser

Being touched by the appearance of my girlfriend, who is 50 years old, I decided to follow her example and make a lifting ultraformer. The clinic gave me all the information about the procedure. After that, the doctor examined the features of my face and said that I would need at least 3 sessions. I agreed, although I will not hide that with some apprehension. After all, a friend who is older than me was told that 2 procedures would be enough.

If we talk about the result, then he satisfied me, although I expected more. As for the process itself, I felt pain when I touched the device, and at the end of the procedure there was burning around the eyes. However, they later explained to me what this is connected with. To save money, I decided to do one procedure that will cover all problem areas. It was necessary to divide into three stages, perhaps, then the effect would have been stronger.

Tatyana, 34, Moscow region, housewife:

I am not one of those people who trust the achievements of modern science and technology, as well as cosmetology, as I had the bitter experience of unsuccessful cosmetological procedures. When my cosmetologist advised me to contact her colleague who specializes in ultraformer lifting, I became alert. But she decided to read the information about this therapy and learn about its effectiveness from those who have already undergone it. In the end, decided to try.

During the processing of the skin by the apparatus, I waited all the time for what was about to be painful, but everything turned out to be quite the opposite - absolutely comfortable and painless. The only discomfort was in the mouth when cheeks were treated. I noticed the first effect of the procedure about a month later. However, most of all I was pleased that there were no side effects, as well as no recovery period.

Natalia, 55 years old, Moscow, PR manager:

I always watched and looked after my appearance. And so, when I was offered a new method of rejuvenation, I immediately agreed to use it. I had previously resorted to procedures for tightening the skin, however, they all brought discomfort. Anesthesia was almost always required, hence the rehabilitation period after them.

Ultraformer lifting is another. For several sessions, I never felt pain. Also pleased with the absence of the recovery period and side effects.

But to evaluate the result you need to wait a bit, but it is worth it, since it is most pronounced in comparison with other procedures and lasts for quite a long time. Ultrasonic lifting is cumulative, I observe more and more positive changes every day. In general, I am delighted, and in half a year I will definitely go through another procedure in order to prevent it.

Irina, 37 years old, Perm, child psychologist:

First of all, I want to warn you that for impatient women this method of rejuvenation is not suitable, since the first result can be assessed only in 3-4 weeks, not earlier. I never thought that anti-aging procedures can be painless, without bruises and bruises, swollen faces, and so on.

For the procedure, choose a good, proven clinic, and do not hesitate to inquire about the apparatus, which will be carried out lifting. Much really depends on this, not only efficiency, but also what sensations you will experience.

My close friend made herself an ultrasound lifting 3 days later than me, but at another clinic. I was very surprised when our stories did not coincide at all with regard to the procedure. Her face was very swollen and tingling was felt all over her face. I finished the course and am very pleased with the result and my appearance.

Evdokia, 56 years old, Saransk, teacher:

I tried a lot of different anti-aging remedies - beauty shots, all sorts of peels, masks, but the effect was minimal. Other procedures required long-term rehabilitation, which I, in connection with my profession, cannot afford.

A year ago, my daughter signed me up on an ultraformer lifting, which I knew absolutely nothing about. I did not even hope that I would ever achieve the desired result. But face lift and wrinkle removal with ultrasound are truly miracle technologies.

Be prepared that the first 3 weeks no one except you will see any results. But in a month and a half you will not only enjoy yourself, you will receive a lot of compliments every day.

Valentina, 52 years old, Krasnodar, dentist:

In my youth I often heard the phrase that beauty is not eternal, but did not think about it, until at the age of 31 I noticed in the mirror the first wrinkles around the eyes and lips. I always tried to take care of myself and adhere to the recommendations that helped me stay young longer. But all the same, the years take their toll and there’s no way around it.

From my colleague, I learned about the new technology of rejuvenation ultraformer lifting. She said that the procedure is painless and safe, has few contraindications. I successfully completed the course of 5 procedures and have no regrets. This is really a special method that helps to return the face of youth. С каждым днем на моем лице разглаженных морщинок становится все больше. Мне нравится вновь ощущать на своем лице упругость. Я довольна и всем рекомендую!


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