June 26: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 26th.


Holidays June 26

Drug Abuse Day

Set June 26 as a day to combat the spread and use of drugs and equivalent drugs, it was decided at the UN General Assembly in December 1987. Its goal is the formation of a public negative attitude to drugs, rehabilitation and assistance to drug-addicted citizens, the fight against drug trafficking and the creation of a drug-free society. This problem is not new. The first steps to combat the spread of intoxication potions were taken over a hundred years ago. Back in 1909 Participants in the Shanghai Opium Commission, which included Russia, were looking for ways to stop the import of narcotic potions from Asian countries. Unfortunately, in 100 years it was not possible to get rid of this problem: Asia and the East are still the main suppliers of narcotic drugs in the world.

June 26 on the folk calendar

Akulina Buckwheat

When planting, buckwheat focused on the day of Akulina. The most successful landing time was considered the week before the onset of Akulina and a week later. In cloudy weather and in rain, they were not engaged in sowing. A sunny sunny day was chosen, the seeds were sown in dry sandy or dusty soil. So that buckwheat gave a good harvest, no field work was carried out on Akulina. Often, peasants called this day Akulin-byza, because By this time, a large number of insects appeared - horseflies, gadflies, flies and other nests. Who got the cattle so that it ran across the field like mad, could not stand still. The animals did not eat well, the milk yield fell in the cows.

Historical events of June 26

June 26, 1941 Soviet pilot Nikolai Gastello accomplished a feat by sending a downed plane to a column of enemy tanks

On June 26, the crew of the aircraft, at the helm of which was Captain Gastello, received a combat mission. It was necessary to bomb an enemy convoy of tanks and vehicles stuck on one of the roads leading to Radoshkovichi (Belarus). Having dropped bombs on the German tanks at the gas station, the plane began to leave, but was hit and caught fire. Realizing that they could not reach the airfield, the courageous pilot decided to send a burning fighter into the convoy of surviving enemy vehicles with tanks. Having made a fire ram, Gastello inflicted serious damage to the enemy: a significant number of enemy military equipment were destroyed. The feat of Nikolai Gastello became a symbol of fearlessness and heroism of the Soviet people, raising the morale of military personnel in the most difficult period - the beginning of the war. The posthumously fearless pilot was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Gold Star medal, and was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

June 26, 1977 Elvis Presley gave the last concert in his life

American singer Elvis Presley is one of the most successful and best-selling pop artists of the twentieth century. His name is so popular that it is not necessary to add a surname to it. To understand who they are talking about, it’s enough to just say “Elvis”, in America they often called him “The King”, because he was the recognized king of rock and roll. His records went in millions of copies, and performances always gathered full halls. The public did not just love Elvis, she idolized him. He had a beautiful voice and talent, magnetism and charm, a unique style and unusual manner of performance, which together made Elvis a bright and charismatic personality. He often toured, in America alone, from 1969 to 1977 he gave more than 1000 concerts, all the songs in which he performed live. On June 26, his usual performance was held in Indianapolis. But for some reason, before performing the final song, Elvis suddenly began to thank for the help of all the people working with him in the team, which he had never done before. Perhaps this was a sign that no one then paid attention to. One way or another, but the next concert, scheduled for August 17, has not taken place. August 16, 1977 Elvis Presley died of an overdose of drugs.

June 26, 2002 an ordinary boy was born in Moscow, to whom his parents gave an unusual name

On June 26, a healthy and quite ordinary boy was born in one of the ordinary maternity hospitals in Moscow. If he were called Petya or, for example, Andrei, he would hardly have become as famous as he is now. About this boy at least once, but everyone has heard. Because his name is the Biological Object of Man, abbreviated as BOC. The date of birth and the first letters of the names of the parents are added to the name. BOCH rVF 260602 - this is exactly what his full name sounds like. The boy’s parents are creative people, perhaps this affected the originality of the choice of a name for his son. But they did not change their decision even when the registry office workers refused to register a child with that name. The father of BOCH even filed a lawsuit in the Strasbourg court, but the court refused to consider this case. So the boy BOCH 260602 lives without Russian citizenship and a birth certificate. So Tractors and Vanguards are not the worst option. At least they have documents.

Born on June 26

Gennady Zyuganov (born 1944), Russian politician

On June 26, Gennady Zyuganov, Doctor of Philosophy and leader of the Russian Communists, celebrates his birthday. He is an unchanging member of the Communist Party since 1966, and since 1995. - Chairman of the Central Committee. Zyuganov four times participated in the presidential election and all four times took second place. He is the initiator of the cancellation of the Bialowieza Agreement, the creation of a union Russian-Belarusian state, the creator of socio-economic programs that take into account the interests of ordinary citizens - an increase in minimum pensions, salaries, the return of pre-reform savings, the nationalization of important sectors of the economy, and the return of natural wealth to the people.

YaakYoala (born 1950), Estonian, Soviet singer

This singer with a beautiful strong voice and bright external data was very popular in Estonia and the Soviet Union in the 70-80s. last century. Mastery of his voice and personal charm helped him easily win song contests and win the hearts of listeners, especially women’s audience. In his performance sounded such hits as "I draw you", "Sundial", "Hello", "Lavender". In addition to singing, Jaak Joala played beautifully on many musical instruments: flute, guitar, piano, drums. He was also a well-known racer in Estonia - he devoted all his free time to karting. After completing his solo career, he taught guitar and vocals at a music college in Tallinn, and was engaged in producing beginner singers.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky (born 1963), Russian entrepreneur

This famous disgraced oligarch until 2003. was one of the richest people in the world. He led the Yukos oil company and at the same time was its co-owner. In 2003, on suspicion of fraud and tax evasion, Khodorkovsky was arrested, and in 2005. found guilty by the court. His arrest was perceived ambiguously by world and some Russian associations: someone considered the punishment fair, while some consider the oligarch a prisoner of conscience, who suffered for the truth, for political reasons. In 2011, due to new circumstances that surfaced, the sentence of Mikhail Khodorkovsky was extended until October 2014.

Name day June 26

Name Day Celebrate: Andrey, Ivan, Alexander, Savva, Jacob, Daniel, Anna, Akulina, Pelageya, Antonina


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).