Cold accelerates calorie burning by 10-15%


Brown (or brown) fat is an integral element of every human body, at the time of its birth, contained in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Not so long ago, science believed that this substance is produced in humans by reaching 5 years of age, however, studies conducted 2 years ago showed that it is present in adults as well, in large numbers in women.

The uniqueness of brown fat lies in its ability to burn calories and excess fat resources in the human body, however, at an older age, its work slows down significantly. "But the proper level of functioning of this substance could surely become an excellent ally of a woman in the fight against overweight, but how to activate it?" - This is exactly the idea that scientists from the Royal Medical University of Nottingham asked, and, as I found out, far from in vain.

It turned out that brown fat can indeed work very effectively for the benefit of a female figure. All that is needed to activate it is just a low temperature.

So, experts from Nottingham conducted a little experience, in which several representatives of the fair sex took part. Temperature sensors were attached to their body, in those places where brown fat is contained, namely to the neck, the gap between the clavicle and shoulder, the upper back and the entire spine. When a woman dipped her arm or leg in a container with cold water, then after 5 minutes the measuring instruments began to record a rapid increase in body temperature in the places where they were placed. This said only one thing - brown fat, being under the influence of cold, is trying to raise the temperature of the human body, thereby wasting a significant part of the energy on this, which is used as calories.

In the course of several experiments, scientists were able to find out that during a 5-minute exposure to a woman’s body at low temperatures, calorie burning in it begins to occur 10-15% faster than when the body was in a normal relaxed state.

Thus, based on the results of the study, experts came to the conclusion that women who want to get in shape for a more visible and effective result, in addition to training on simulators, should also pay attention to some other ways. "Walking in the fresh air in cool weather, drinking cold drinks, being under a cold shower and many other methods in which the body is exposed to low temperatures - all this can soon become the key to an elegant and beautiful figure," says one of the leading specialists of the Medical University of Nottingham, Professor Michael Symonds.


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