Chlamydia: home treatment. Causes, symptoms and treatments for chlamydia at home


Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. It affects both men and women. But is it possible to treat chlamydia at home and how to do it right?

Basic information about chlamydia

Chlamydia - a disease of the genitourinary system caused by a sexually transmitted infection of the bacterium chlamydia. This disease is equally common in both men and women.

A feature of the disease is its imperceptible development. Often, chlamydia is detected in a neglected form. Of the two existing forms of the course of the disease, acute and chronic are distinguished. Chronic is noted more often, since chlamydia practically does not signalize itself in the early stages of development.

The incubation period for the development of chlamydia is not fixed. This period ranges from a few weeks to a month.

Causes of Chlamydia

Like any infection caused by a bacterium, chlamydia has its own transmission routes:

· Sexual contact

Unprotected oral, vaginal, anal, genital sex with an infected person can lead to the transmission of Chlamydia bacteria to a healthy partner.

· Household contact

An extremely rare way of transmission of infection, but, nevertheless, a possible way is household contact. For example, a visit to a public bath or pool.

· Intrauterine infection

A woman infected with chlamydia, during pregnancy, can transmit the infection to her baby through the prenatal route. That is why during pregnancy it is important to take the full range of necessary tests.

Symptoms and signs of chlamydia

As already mentioned, chlamydia has a long incubation period, during which the first signs and main symptoms of the disease practically do not appear. But you can detect the problem in the advanced stage of the development of the disease by the following symptoms and signs:

Frequent urination

Heavy menstrual bleeding

Pain in the lower abdomen

Genital itching

Purulent discharge from the genital tract

· Pain in the urethra

Cutting in the urethra during urination or ejaculation

· Mucous discharge from the vagina

Increased body temperature

Swelling and inflammation of the urethra

· Pain in the rectum

All the above symptoms signal a prolonged process of infection in the body. If you do not start treatment immediately after the first signs of chlamydia are detected, the following consequences in the form of complications are inevitable:


· Loss of reproductive function in men


Inflammation of the uterus


Miscarriage during pregnancy

Deviations in fetal development during pregnancy

Reiter's disease

Adhesions in the fallopian tubes

· The possibility of an ectopic pregnancy

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa

Oncological diseases of the reproductive system


· Cystitis


The longer the signs and symptoms of chlamydia are ignored, the more difficult it will be to diagnose and treat this disease. It is important to pay attention to your condition after unprotected sexual intercourse and undergo regular examination.

How is chlamydia diagnosed?

In order for treatment to be more effective, it is important to undergo diagnostics of the body as early as possible. In the case of chlamydia, a study to detect the presence of chlamydia in the body is carried out in several ways at once, and, in men and women, they can differ greatly. Chlamydia is diagnosed with the following methods:

· Instant test

This type of quick test for the presence of chlamydia in the body can be purchased at any pharmacy. The essence of the application is simple: a smear is applied to a special strip and, if the result is positive, the stick is painted in the color specified in the instructions. It should be noted that the reliability of rapid tests is low.

· Microscopic analysis

A familiar and still practiced method of examining the body for the presence of chlamydia and other bacteria is microscopic analysis. Its essence is familiar to everyone: taking a smear and examination under a microscope. Unfortunately, this method is not reliable, since it can only detect bacteria, but not reveal their origin.

· RIF method or Koons method

This method consists in the study of the smear, by staining it with a special solution, which gives a glow of chlamydia under certain lighting. This method is not practiced everywhere, as it is new. To carry out the above diagnostics, specially trained personnel are required. In addition, despite the novelty, the Koons method does not guarantee the reliability of the results.

· ELISA method

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is characterized by a blood test for the presence of special antibodies to chlamydia. That is, to undergo this diagnosis, it is enough to take a blood test. This method is well suited for identifying the stage of development of the disease.

· PCR method

Polymerase chain reaction is considered the most reliable method of research for the presence of chlamydia in the human body. For diagnostics, it is necessary to pass a smear.

· Bacteriological culture

This diagnostic method is suitable for men with chlamydia. Bacteriological culture is placed in a special environment for a certain time and according to the removed species of bacteria, the presence of chlamydia in the body is determined.

Treatment of chlamydia at home

Treatment of chlamydia in women begins with testing and identifying the origin of the infection. Knowing the reason, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medicines that will help get rid of the disease in about 2 weeks.

But what if during the illness there is no time to go to the doctor? In this case, you still need to try to pass tests and find out information about the disease.

In general, chlamydia is treated with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents and drugs. Of course, it will be difficult to avoid taking antibiotics, because the task of treatment is to kill the infection.

Women suffering from chlamydia are recommended to use special vaginal suppositories to get rid of the main symptoms of the disease.

Of course, you should pay attention to abstinence from sexual intercourse. This factor in the treatment is important. Also, if chlamydia was obtained from a regular partner, then, of course, that his treatment is inevitable.

Like any disease, chlamydia during treatment requires a special diet, which should include nuts, honey and eggs.

From taking antibiotics, a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract may occur: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

Basically, the following drugs are taken:




What is the danger of treating chlamydia at home?

Chlamydia is a serious disease that is quite difficult to cure on your own. The methods and means of traditional medicine in the treatment of this disease should not be given priority.

Refusal of examination, unknown cause, underestimation of drug treatment can lead to the above complications and cause a relapse of the disease.

Chlamydia is a persistent bacterium that dies only under the influence of correctly selected drugs. That is why the use of methods and means of traditional medicine in the treatment of chlamydia is permissible only as an additional treatment that does not interfere with the work of medicines.

Chlamydia Prevention

Measures to prevent the occurrence of chlamydia are quite simple. To avoid this disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. To have sex with a regular partner who does not have sexually transmitted diseases;

2. To exclude promiscuous and unprotected sexual intercourse;

3. To undergo examination by a gynecologist / urologist and take tests for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, at least 1 time per year;

4. Use external contraceptives, especially with a new partner;

5. Regularly carry out hygiene procedures of the genitals.

Observing the above recommendations on measures for the prevention of chlamydia and its treatment, you can quickly and effectively get rid of an unpleasant disease. The main thing in this matter is to give preference to visiting a doctor, and not to use the means and methods of traditional medicine as the main treatment.


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