The benefits and harms of apple cider. Amazing facts about the composition, proper use, benefits and harms of apple cider


Apple cider is a great drink for a hot summer. Low alcohol apple cider is well suited for the whole company, giving not only a good mood, but also an indispensable benefit. But there are many questions to this product: how is it produced, how is it useful and to whom is it contraindicated?

Apple cider: how is this drink made?

Cider is a drink with a low alcohol content (from 2 to 8 degrees), which is made by fermenting apple juice. Quality cider is made from certain varieties of apples: rennet, antonovka, aport, Borovinka. This is due to the content in these types of apples of special tannins, which prevent the growth of bacteria.

A feature of this drink is natural fermentation. Yeast is not added to high-quality apple cider, which, of course, increases its value and benefits.

Cider production begins with the base - apples. As mentioned above, only a few types of this fruit are suitable for real cider. Carefully selected apples go through the cleaning phase, during which the fruits get rid of rot and stems. Pure apples are crushed to a puree state. It is important to note that apple skin is an important and valuable component in cider, so it is by no means excluded from the mixture.

The next step in the production of apple cider is spin and fermentation. The crushed fruit is carefully squeezed out using a special press, and the resulting liquid is subjected to natural fermentation, the duration of which, at times, takes six months to a year. Sugar, seasonings and even pears can be added to apple cider.

Composition and nutritional value of apple cider

Apple cider contains apples, sugar, spices and, possibly, the addition of pears. This drink is dietary and low alcohol, therefore it is often consumed in large quantities by people of all ages.

Of course, the number of kilocalories directly depends on the percentage of sugar in the drink, but, basically, 100 grams of the drink contains no more than 60 kilocalories.

The good news for apple cider lovers will be that this drink does not cause a hangover syndrome, which allows you to drink it without fear of feeling unwell the next day.

What is apple cider good for?

The benefits of apple cider are, without exaggeration, enormous. Its positive effect affects many body systems and improves the quality of human life. The main advantages distinguish a positive impact:

• on the immune system

• on the figure

• on the cardiovascular system

As for the effect on immunity, cider, like apple juice, with proper preparation and high quality, retains all the useful minerals, vitamins, trace elements, macroelements and other useful components. For example, apple juice is rich in vitamins B, C, E, as well as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, fluorine, copper, iodine and sodium. Consequently, apple cider, prepared in accordance with the requirements, also carries all these beneficial properties. We can safely say that a drink that contains a whole host of useful substances necessary for the body has a great effect on the immune system.

It is especially important to use apple cider in the fall and winter, when the immune system is in a state of struggle and enhanced protection against various infections from the outside world. Moderate consumption of this drink greatly reduces the chance of developing acute respiratory or viral diseases.

But what effect does apple cider have on a figure? This unusual drink breaks down fats and leaves them no opportunity for deposits in the body.

Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of apple cider daily before dinner. This drink perfectly provokes appetite, and, it would seem, why is it for people who follow the figure and adhere to a strict diet? But the answer is simple - cider not only breaks down fats, but also accelerates metabolism, stabilizing metabolism.

It is equally important to consider the effect of apple cider on the cardiovascular system. The fact is that this drink dilates blood vessels, but it is important not to overdo it in using this property. To affect the vessels, you do not need to drink a lot of apple drink.

But that is far from all. Apple cider has a wide influence on the system of the heart and blood vessels, for example:

• Strengthening the walls of blood vessels

• Destruction of atherosclerotic plaques

• Lowering cholesterol

• Increases vascular elasticity

For people with high blood pressure (hypertension), doctors recommend drinking 100 milliliters of apple cider before bedtime. Of course, before including this drink in the diet, you should consult your doctor.

Apple Cider Harm

The main harm of apple cider is the alcohol content. Of course, it is small, but, nevertheless, this does not allow confusing cider and juice. Apple cider should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Strongly unacceptable the use of this drink by children.

Also, cider has a high acidity, which means people with cider should be excluded from the diet for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The last minus is the high sugar content in apple cider, which, of course, makes it an unacceptable drink for people suffering from diabetes.

How to use apple cider?

Any drink requires the "right" drink. Such rules help apple cider to reveal its bright taste.

The most important rule is to drink cider chilled. Only in this case, the drink gives its apple flavor in full force.

It is customary to drink apple cider from a beer glass, since this drink belongs to the category of foam. Pour cider as follows: raise the bottle high above the glass and break the stream against the walls of the glass. After the drink is ready to drink, you need to drink it right away. Drinking to the end is not necessary, since an apple drink leaves sediment at the bottom.

Cider is perfect for meat and fish dishes. As a snack, a cheese plate is presented to this drink. But the perfect combination is apple cider with fresh fruit.

How to choose the most useful cider?

Cider can be prepared independently, but in the modern world the industrial production of this drink is also developed. But how to choose a quality and healthy cider in the store?

It should be noted that cider, which was made at a large-scale production, loses almost all of its useful properties, but does not lose its taste at all.

All drinks that go on sale in the store have special labels that show general information about the product. A good cider has 2-8 degrees of alcohol and does not contain dyes, flavors, emulsifiers, or yeast. Apple cider should have an apple-pear flavor, without the taste of the sweet sugary flavor of other products.

Apple cider is an excellent and healthy drink, but you should monitor the doses of its use, as well as take into account all contraindications.


Watch the video: The Weight Loss Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (June 2024).