What is the dream of potatoes: raw or fried, spud potatoes? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream potatoes


In a dream you can see yourself in a wide variety of roles. You can be both cheerful and sad. You can please yourself and others. You can really upset them.

What is potato dreaming for? How to interpret such a dream?

What potatoes dream of - the main interpretation

If you dreamed about potatoes - do not write off to relax and make far-reaching plans for the future, most likely, you will face minor difficulties and even troubles if you see small potato tubers.

To interpret the dream as a whole - it is important to look closely at its tips and details, in them, often, the most important symbols of the dream are hidden:

• Where did the potato come from in your dream;

• Did you cook potatoes;

• Have you consumed potatoes;

• Have you been in a dream?

• Did you rejoice or were nervous.

If in a dream you see huge bags of potatoes that are placed in your home - be prepared for household chores and difficulties. They will not be fleeting and can drag on for a long time. If in a dream you go through bags of potatoes - you will look for ways out of a difficult life situation.

But it will not be so simple, because much, even the circle of your communication, will prevent you from building your life. You will be more and more immersed in chores and worries - this will allow others to look at you from a different perspective. So that they are not disappointed in you - do not give promises, do not take on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

If this has already happened and your obligations have not been fulfilled - do not be discouraged, but pull yourself together and actively engage in your new ideas. Do not pay attention to the tips if in a dream you see potatoes scattered on the ground and you walk on it with bare feet.

Such a dream suggests that the solution to all problems is directly in front of you, but do you see it, or do you continue to follow your imaginary beliefs, continue to make mistakes? So that mistakes in your life do not become chronic - try to analyze your past experience and do not let anyone spoil your reputation. After such a dream, she may well suffer.

If in a dream you sort through potatoes - you will think a lot and act a lot. Perhaps your actions will be related to what you previously did not want to do. It is important to take a closer look at the dream. If in a dream you joyfully and vigorously pick out potatoes - in reality you will also joyfully solve questions that have fallen on you, you will not consider them problems, but simply allow difficult and contentious situations to be resolved.

Also, such a dream can portend to you the solution of those issues that you previously considered not important and easily resolved. The dream book warns that this may change soon. If in a dream you cry because there are too many potatoes, try not to solve all the problems in one day, otherwise you will become very tired and cry in reality, but from moral pain, because you were left alone with problems.

The dream in which you see potatoes crumble from the bag on the floor indicates that you obviously haven’t completed any business. You have yet to resolve an important, fundamental issue, everything will have to be done first, because initially you made mistakes and they will point you to them.

This may indicate that soon your secrets will be revealed and all your shortcomings will become known to the authorities. If you quickly collect potatoes that crumbled, you will quickly solve all disputed and problematic issues in reality. If you just don’t do anything, then you will let the situation go by chance.

The dream in which you dig up potatoes indicates that you will come up with difficulties for yourself, you will come up with problems for yourself. You will fight them yourself. If in a dream, while you were digging potatoes, sweat appeared on your forehead - in reality you will be too nervous because of the actions of another, extraneous person.

If in a dream while you were digging potatoes, it started to rain - you will not have time to anticipate a quarrel and frustration. They will fall on your head. The dream in which you see someone peeling potatoes is talking about the possibility that very unpleasant things will be learned about you. You yourself are to blame for this situation, because you have secrets, you have your hidden desires and actions.

The dream in which you cook potatoes speaks of new possibilities. If you eat ready-made potatoes, you can enjoy the results of your work and you will be very pleased with it. The dream in which you fry potatoes, and it burns up - you will delay with the solution of the issue and then you can not do anything. Time to resolve issues will be gone.

The dream in which you see how potatoes are cooked in a restaurant speaks of working in a large team. If you like the cooking process and the taste of potatoes, you can work with anyone. You will like everything in the process and in the result. This can be a very fruitful time for your development.

The dream in which you will begin to sell potatoes in the market promises you doubts about the correctness of professional decisions and decisions in your personal life. You will get confused, and the solution to the problem will only be to wait out the problem period.

Why dream of potatoes according to Freud’s dream book

To plant potatoes with a lover in a dream is to argue with him because of a common cause. You will increasingly get the feeling after such a dream that the quarrels will not end, in fact, just someone should give in to another.

A dream in which you see how many people try to bargain on the price of potatoes in the market, but sell them at a bargain price only to you - speaks of your need for communication and your ability to turn communication in your favor.

A dream in which you see someone knocking on the window, and in the window you see a potato merchant who calls you to buy your product - you will be surrounded by the attention of a man who, in fact, will only think about himself. He will only think about getting new opportunities and new chances.

If you dream that you see someone scattering, throwing potatoes - you will find yourself in a dubious company where you will not really be respected. They will not listen to you. You will fall prey to gossip and intrigue that could have been avoided. The dream book advises you to avoid dubious acquaintances and offers. They can ruin your reputation.

Why is a pregnant woman dreaming of potatoes? If a pregnant woman peels potatoes in a dream - in reality she will defend her rights in society. She will want a lot and will be very tired. The dream book advises finding time to relax. Do not start now anything new and complicated.

Why dream potatoes on the Esoteric dream book

Planting potatoes is a new undertaking that will require a lot of time and ore, but you will like the results. Peeling potatoes - to find out the truth, which will not be pleasant. Rotten potatoes - to unpleasant conversations around you, to lies and deceit, to new illusions.

Wormy potatoes promise you problems because of a loved one who will harm you by stupidity. You may not forgive the insult, because, most likely, it will happen again. A dream in which you see the potatoes being fried promises you a difficult job that you cannot handle without help. You can easily find this help.

What is the dream of potatoes for other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that white potatoes dream of solving all domestic problems. An old, spoiled potato dreams of difficulties in those matters that should have been decided on their own. And if you see that you crush rotten potatoes with your foot - you will try to solve them yourself, very quickly.

A dream in which you see someone throwing potatoes foreshadows your acquaintance with a verbose person who is not responsible for either actions or words. He will promise a lot, but you will not see the result of his words. Disappointment will come very quickly.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that potato fields dream of a large amount of work. It is hard work that will lead you to new heights, to new results. You will look at everything again, you will again want to figure out how to get such a result further. But, this is a matter of chance.

Take new opportunities from life and be grateful, make plans, build new opportunities and achieve your goals without waiting for a chance - this is what the dream book advises. But what you do is up to you. The dream book only prompts, gives practical advice.


Larisa 09.09.2016
Receive a parcel of potatoes from your daughter in the mail.


Watch the video: Holiday Drinks: Sweet Potato and Whipped Cream Dreams. The New York Times (June 2024).