Plant lilies in the fall: when and how? Autumn Lily Transplant Tips: Preparing Soil and Bulbs


Everyone wants to grow beautiful lilies, however, beginning gardeners have many questions related to the planting of these flowers. The opinions of gardeners on this subject differ, there are different recommendations for planting in spring and autumn. Let's try to figure it out.

What lilies can be planted in autumn

Today, there are many varieties and hybrids of lilies, which have their own characteristics of growing and planting. So wild lilies and Asian hybrids can be planted at the beginning of the season or in the fall. However, autumn planting is preferable. For full blooming, the bulbs need a cooling period, which is difficult to arrange at home.

In autumn, you can plant bulbs and such varieties:

• white lilies;

• Caucasian hybrids;

• North American varieties;

• tubular lilies.

First of all, bulbs with a short rest period are planted - white lilies, followed by all the others. Tubular and Asiatic lilies are planted last.

Important! Oriental hybrids are best planted in the spring, as in the fall their bulbs are still poorly formed.

When to plant lilies in the open ground in autumn

Bulb planting is carried out a few weeks before the first frost. At this point, the flowers should be well rooted, otherwise the root system will not tolerate frost.

Bulb planting dates are highly dependent on the growing region. If the daily temperature drops to + 10 ° C and stays at this level for three days, then the time has come for planting.

In the suburbs, lilies are planted in the first ten days of October. If the weather allows, then the work can be extended until the beginning of November. The beds begin to be prepared from the second half of September.

In the southern regions of Russia, lilies are planted until mid-November. There are mild winters, the bulbs manage to build up a sufficient root system for wintering.

In regions of risky agriculture, for example, in the Urals, bulbs are planted in early September. After landing, you need to monitor the weather. If frost is expected, then the flower bed is covered with sawdust, straw or non-woven material.

In Siberia, lilies are difficult to grow. Only adapted hybrids are planted that are not afraid of severe frosts. Landing is carried out in late August.

Important! It is not recommended to plant Dutch hybrids in Siberia before winter.

Rules for planting lilies in the winter

In one place, lilies can grow for more than five years, so the site must be selected according to all the rules. Experienced gardeners recommend staying in a well-lit area protected from cold winds. Lilies are allowed in light shade.

Please note that the landing area should be dry, well warmed up. The root flower system does not tolerate flooding by groundwater. Lily grows and develops best in loose fertile soils.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance. The bed is dug up, enriched with organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil should be loose and fertile. Heavy soils are loosened with sand and humus. If the plot is acidic, it is advisable to add wood ash or limestone.

At what depth should lilies be planted in autumn

The main question for novice gardeners is to what depth should the bulbs be closed so that they do not freeze. The depth of embedding depends on the bulb itself. Large specimens that have already bloomed are planted to a depth of 25 cm. Smaller children close up by 10-15 cm.

In addition, the depth of incorporation of lilies depends on the variety:

• Low-growing hybrids are planted 10-15 cm, children 5-8 cm. Between the bulbs leave a distance of 15-20 cm.

• Medium-sized varieties are buried up to 20 cm, small specimens 10 cm deep. Leave at least 25 cm between plants.

• Tall hybrids close up by 25 cm, their babies by 15 cm. Distance in a row up to 30 cm.

When planting bulbs, you need to correctly determine the depth of embedment. After all, too deeply planted lilies sprout for a long time and later bloom.

Advice! If you want to get a lot of children, then the mother's bulb needs to be planted deeper than usual.

The technology of planting lily bulbs in the fall

Landing holes are formed on a previously prepared site. The bottom of them is well drained with washed sand. Bulbs are sunk in the sand at half height. After that, the well is well covered with nutrient soil.

When planting Asian and LA hybrids of lilies, the surface of the site is mulched with a thick layer of peat or sawdust. These hybrids prefer acid soil. The remaining lilies are mulched with humus and wood ash.

Lilies are used in single and group plantings, sorted or mixed from different hybrids. The flowerbeds with lilies on the lawn look good, such islands attract the eyes of vacationers. In group plantings, lilies are combined with stunted and ground cover plants.

Features of lily care after planting

In autumn, lilies do not require special attention. Immediately after planting, the site is mulched, watering the flowerbed only in dry weather. Lilies usually have enough natural moisture in the soil if there is enough rainfall.

Lilies hibernate in the open field quite well. Before frost, the soil on the flower bed is additionally covered with dry leaves and needles. In winter, snow is always added.

Important! The needles in the flowerbed prevent the appearance of slugs, which in early spring harm seedlings.

When and how to transplant lilies in autumn

In one place, lilies grow from 4 to 5 years, Asian and LA hybrids no more than three. In the future they have to be seated. If this is not done, then large nests with children are formed, which interfere with the flowering of the mother plant, taking all the nutrients.

A transplant is best done at the end of the growing season, about a month after flowering. At this point, the bulbs will recover and gain enough nutrients.

In the north of Russia, they are engaged in transplantation in late August or early September. In the central part, all September and early October are allotted for planting work. In southern Russia, you can wait for a change until the beginning of November.


Watch the video: How to: Grow Lily Bulbs in Containers A Complete Step by Step Guide (June 2024).