Fondue - the best recipes, the choice of fondue, cooking



Fondue is always served hot, never eaten in a hurry, and if there is more than one person at the table, a cozy, trusting atmosphere arises, which is facilitated by the original way of serving fondue - everyone literally eat from one pot! Having tried this delicacy once, you can immediately forget about it forever or fall in love with it to the trembling of the Ussuri tiger, smelling ripe grapes. And so that there is no need to look for fondue in restaurants and guests, it is useful to find out how to choose the equipment for its preparation and something else.

They say that medieval shepherds invented the cheesy dishes of Swiss cuisine. They had the simplest meal with them - bread and cheese, and even wine. To warm themselves in chilly evenings, they crushed cheese into a pot, poured wine there and, waiting for the fire to melt the first, connecting the second to a viscous mass, dipped stale bread there.

Perhaps it was so. Indeed, other dishes that are fashionable today - pizza, onion soup - originally belonged to the simplest kitchen of poor people.

Professional Swiss chefs assure - the variations with broths and butter, that is, not cheese and not dessert fondue, are actually much closer to Chinese cuisine than European. Therefore, the lion's share of attention will be given to the classic fondue.

This, by the way, is a very satisfying and nutritious dish - somewhere from 239 kcal per 100 g. So they are forbidden to feast on those who lose weight. And you can also hear about the dangers of molten cheese for the digestive tract, how it increases cholesterol ... However, fondue has a lot of supporters.

If only because the Swiss themselves adore him, but - are distinguished by good health.

 High-quality hard cheese of two or more kinds, fatty and well melting, is obligatory for him. The classic combination is considered gruyere and emmental in 2: 1 proportions. Still suitable varieties of latterium, gouda, cheddar. You can add a little Camembert or blue cheese - about 50 g per 0.5 kg of the main product.

Dry white wine should ideally be Riesling, but this is not necessary. They also cook fondue with red wine and even champagne. And if it is still white, then a bright treat will turn out with the addition of kirsch, that is, a traditional German strong alcoholic drink made from cherries / cherries. It is added no more than 30 ml per 200 ml of white wine.

In principle, fondue does not need embellishment, but it is not forbidden to add various spices and spices, including zest, saffron, cinnamon, vanilla.

For immersion in cheese / chocolate mass, you can take not only bread, but also:

  • biscuits;
  • marshmallow;
  • Strawberries
  • fruit (e.g. apples, grapes, pears, kiwi, pineapple, mango);
  • baked mushrooms;
  • baked vegetables (pumpkin, potatoes);
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • boiled seafood (shrimp, mussels);
  • olives;
  • gherkins.

And in order to get acquainted with the fondue in the imagination, finally enjoy it, you can use, for example, such recipes.

Classic fondue


  • 250 g of emmental;
  • 250 g of gruyere;
  • 200-250 ml of dry white wine;
  • 30-50 ml kirsch;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • ground white pepper;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l cornmeal.


  1. Rub the fondue inside with a clove of garlic.
  2. Pour wine into it, add lemon juice and warm up almost to a boil.
  3. Start to pour in the coarsely grated cheese, stirring continuously with a spatula.
  4. Combine so that there are no lumps, kirsch with flour and add the mixture to the fondue. Pepper. If for personal taste the mass seems thick - pour wine, if liquid - pour cheese or flour.
  5. Count 4 minutes and announce the readiness of the dish.

Chocolate fondue


  • 500 g of dark chocolate (without any additives);
  • 200 ml cream with a fat content of 10%;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l powdered sugar.


  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces into the fondue bowl.
  2. Boil cream on the stove with the powdered sugar dissolved in them.
  3. When the chocolate in the fondue begins to melt, pour in the cream and, stirring, wait until it is almost completely dissolved.
  4. Add butter.
  5. Continue stirring until everything looks like a uniform, shiny mass. Then you can start the treat.

Cookware for cooking fondue is something like a saucepan on a stand, at the bottom of which there is a heating element. So the devices are divided into:

  1. Burner. Live fluttering tongues of fire create a unique, unique charm of fondue, in which pleasure and taste are intertwined with emotions. Perhaps this is the best serving of cheese in order to keep warm in the cold. The "source" of nutrition is special capsules / tablets, which are periodically replaced. Choosing such a fondue, it is worth taking a model with a burner that is adjustable for the intensity of the flame. It can be taken on a picnic, but it is a fire-hazardous thing.
  2. Electric. The main advantage is safety, continuously adjustable uniform heating, but, of course, the charm of the whole sense of fondue is muffled.

As for the "bowler" material, there is also a choice:

  1. Ceramics. Such material is allowed to be heated slightly (otherwise it will crack), but this is enough to melt cheese and chocolate in small quantities.
  2. Cast iron. It is better to take for meat / vegetable fondue with broth / oil - the material is powerfully heated and holds heat for a long time. But still unpleasantly surprising with its great weight and ability to absorb odors. If you plan to heat a lot of cheese - a non-stick coating.
  3. Stainless steel. Such a container can first be placed on the stove - for quick cooking, and then installed over the burner - to save heat. Easy to clean, inexpensive and versatile.

The average volume of the bowl is 1.3 liters, which is enough to prepare a cheese fondue for 2-4 people (and for chocolate, a capacity of 0.5-0.8 liters is suitable).

The complete set of fondue should be detected:

  1. Very long forks (1 per person) with heat-resistant handles - for pricking foods, dipping in cheese / chocolate and eating.
  2. Small plates - to lay out everything that suits serving fondue.


Watch the video: How To Make Chocolate Fondue - The best food with friends (June 2024).