Pope approves physical punishment of children


To punish or not punish children physically - each parent decides on its own. No moral principles, pedagogical postulates can stop the mother or father, who in anger (he is an attack of weakness) raise a hand to their own child.

Recently, an opinion on the attitude towards physical punishment of children was expressed by the Pope. Speaking to teachers, the pontiff voiced a famous phrase: you can punish you only with caution.

So, the Pope fully admits the "slapping" of children for educational purposes. In this case, the priest made a reservation: the punishment should not degrade the human dignity of the child.

In particular, the head of Catholics told about a meeting with one father who had several children. The man admitted that he occasionally allows himself to spank his children, but never beats their sex on the face. The pontiff noted that if the punishment is justified and fair, it can be applied and declared that he respects parents who value the dignity of their children.


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