Pink salmon with carrots and onions - it's easy! Step-by-step photo-recipe, instructions for cooking pink salmon with carrots and onions


Pacific salmon-pink salmon is the most prolific and common fish among the Far Eastern noble fish.

It is said that during the tsarism, soldiers and prisoners were fed with pink salmon, as it has a simple taste and little fat.

Now the views on this heritage of nature have changed dramatically.

Light protein of pink salmon and a sufficient amount of omega-acids make this fish dietary and healing.

A minimum of calories and maximum benefits will bring you a pink salmon with carrots and onions. This dish helps to reduce weight and improve well-being.

To prepare two servings of pink salmon with carrots and onions, we need:

• pink salmon fillet - 250 g;

• carrots - 1 pc .;

• onion turnip - 1 pc .;

• soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l .;

• King Masala - 0.5 tsp;

• vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l

Pink salmon comes in frozen form. Proper thawing of fish is the key to making a delicious dish out of it.

You need to forget about the microwave or defrosting in water.

Need to forget about time.

The best defrosting of fish occurs in the refrigerator, slowly but surely. It takes at least 10 hours.

So, pink salmon is unfrozen. Cut off the head and tail parts, which are used for cooking soup. Pink salmon carcass can be washed inside with cold water.

Cut the carcass into 2 portions.

We will be enough half of this piece of fish.

Remove the skin from the piece and remove the fins, ridge and all the bones that can spoil the impression of the finished dish.

Cut a piece of pink salmon into transverse pieces with a thickness of no more than 1 centimeter. Photo 03

We put the fish in a deep plate and pour the pieces of salmon with soy sauce.

She should marinate for at least 15 minutes.

We have time to make a vegetable pillow.

Wash and peel carrots and onions.

Grate carrots on a regular grater. Onion cut into half rings.

In a large pan with a flat bottom, pour vegetable oil and fry in it sliced ​​onions and carrots.

We spread on the pillow of carrots and onions pieces of pink salmon, sprinkle the fish with seasoning "King masala" and add half a cup of boiling water to the pan.

Leftover soy sauce can be poured onto fish. We cover the pan with a lid and cook the fish for a couple of not more than 5-7 minutes.

Pink salmon with carrots and onions is ready.

Serve fish on large flat plates with a side dish of boiled potatoes.

First, lay out a little carrot with onions, then pieces of fish.

Top again add vegetables. We decorate the dish with fresh dill.
