Beautiful hairstyle 2019 for prom


The desire to stand out among classmates at graduation in school or in kindergarten is the normal desire of every little fashionista. To do this, many beauties resort to viewing photos and videos in YouTube to try to repeat the various creations on their heads with their own hands.

At home, you can always start with step-by-step reproduction of simple hairstyles with weaving, beautiful styling with curled hair, or ordinary loose hair decorated with ribbons and flowers and other decorations.

The variety of female hairstyles for medium, long and short hair has no boundaries, so you should understand this great variety of beautiful creations. No matter how old you are, the main desire is to look well-groomed and beautiful on any evening. Fashionable weaving, the style of ancient Greece, retro hairpins with crystals, bouffant with flowers, glossy styling - this is just a little of what you can create with your own hands at home.

How to make beautiful hairstyles for prom?

Any hairstyle seen on a photo or video, you can create with your own hands. Given the length of the hair, the structure of the curls and the color of the hair, you can gradually make the air styling in retro style, romantic, harder rocker or high with loose curls.

Before you make a choice and decide on something, by all means refer to the photo lessons in which the master reproduces step by step all the steps describing the path to recreating the evening styling. Or try to download ready-made instructions in pictures, which will visually help you to braid complex ears, make flowers from the strands, lay knots and bunches on the back of the head.

Today, it’s easier to choose a standing image for girls for a school party, young girls for prom night, little girls in kindergarten. In the free access there is a mass of photo examples with the names and types of styling for long, short and medium hair. Air curls, vintage babette, high or low tail, styling with spikes, tiara, loose hair, retro style and Greek - all this you can repeat at home, carefully and step by step repeating everything, as in the photo.

Hairstyles for prom for long hair do it yourself

In this touching and solemn ball, any girl wants to look the best of all, therefore she painstakingly and carefully thinks out her image, on which the final styling, outfit, makeup and shoes will depend on.

Looking at the photos of hairstyles made with your own hands, you realize that you can actually do them yourself, the main thing is to do everything in stages, as in the photo.

Ease, unpretentiousness and naturalness is the motto of the fashion industry over the past few years, so the deliberate and special negligence that hairdressers create with the most precise accuracy is always possible to create.

A bouffant with a high beam and curled curls with tongs is the perfect combination with any prom dress and is suitable for girls at a ball in the garden and for school graduation. The children's face will be beautifully decorated with various braids braided on the top of the head, around the entire head, a fish tail decorated with colorful ribbons, crowns and tiaras on loose hair.

Photo examples for Inspiration:

Hairstyles for long hair for prom - lessons with step by step photos:

Simple and fast

Low beam

Idea with rezinochkami


On prom hairstyles for medium hair

For the average length, asymmetry, hairpins with stones or beads, flowers or ribbons can become a highlight and unique detail. In this case, it is worth trying to create swirling flagella around the head with oblique bangs. Putting curls on the side, gradually tighten them, securing the studs. Strands on temples wind up the curling iron. Secure the strands on the right, tucking them from the face to the back of the head. All connect and properly fasten.

For a hairstyle with a diadem, you will need to make a tail, divide curls into strands and comb. Before this, slightly wrap them and fasten around the gum with hairpins. You can wear a tiara and splash varnish.

An elementary high or low nodule also begins with a high tail, the ends of which need to be tightened up, then take a roller and fix all the invisible. You can release the coiled large locks on the sides. If you are not confident in your abilities, take a look at any photos with an exact description of how to perform this or that hairstyle in order to choose an appropriate way individually for you.

Hairstyles for prom on medium hair:

DIY hairstyles - step by step photos:

Simple and quick idea

Two ideas on medium hair

Hairstyle for 2 minutes (you can decorate with flowers and hairpins)

Hairstyle prom


Simple ideas for short hair at home

Looking at the fresh photos of the stars with a short haircut, you understand how a variety of ideas can be realized with short curls. With the help of wax for hair, you will emphasize the elegant contour of a short haircut, and mousse and foam will help you to create curly curls. After all, the main thing is a competent decoration of unruly short curls.

The simple way out of the situation, if you have little time - a pixie haircut can be put in a simple way. First, wash your hair and dry it so that the tips remain wet. Apply the gel or mousse and give them the direction you want.

Evening retro for short curls is done with ordinary varnish, mousse or foam. The head should be divided into a side or middle parting, combing the hair on the top of the head and fixing it with varnish. Curl the side curls behind the ears or smooth over the cheeks, securing with varnish.

Photos for inspiration:

Simple hairstyles for short hair at prom at home:

Fashionable car

Original harness

Careless curls ironing

Hairstyles for girls graduation in kindergarten step by step

As a child in kindergarten, you can always braid long braids or small braids to the shoulders, which are already a complete decoration of a small head. With the addition of various decorations, your daughter will be a real princess. If you do not know how to weave long curls, then you will go with a low beam and a pile pattern behind, which is decorated with a hoop with flowers all over the head or a graceful bow. To do this, start with a pile at the top, then collect the hair in a low tail and roll it in a bun, while strengthening the hairpins. Gently put on a beautiful bezel and secure with varnish. Another way to form a high knot, for which you need the ability to weave a reverse French braid. Weave from the base of the neck to the middle of the head, collect the remaining curls in the tail and spin around its axis. On the side, you can decorate with a bow or a beautiful rubber band around the knot, or with a bright scarf.

Photos of hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten:

Step by step photo ideas for girls:

Horsetail Idea

Basket with flowers

Video how to make prom hair for long hair

Before embarking on such a difficult process, purchase tools for curling: hair dryer, round comb, thermal spray, barrettes and pins, comb with a sharp end, varnish.

If you are first engaged in curling hair, then look at the detailed photos. Whatever hairstyle you undertake to do, it requires clean and dried hair, then you can begin to wrap from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the top of the head. With ready-made large curls, you can do anything. Try to twist the side strands into flagella, securing with a barrette with stones on the back of the head or the same flagella, only the tail to fasten at the crown. Volumetric tail, free weaving, gentle bundle - consider each of the options that will fit your mood and image on the prom.


Watch the video: 3 Easy Boho PROM Hairstyles. Half Up Hairstyles Compilation 2019 (June 2024).