Pancreas hurts: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. What diseases does the pancreas hurt?


Pain in the pancreas is a dangerous symptom.

Most often, he speaks of the development of pancreatitis - an inflammatory lesion of the pancreas.

This is an insidious and sometimes deadly disease, the treatment of which is not worth the delay.

What should I know about pain in the pancreas?

Pancreas hurts: causes

There are a lot of reasons for the development of pancreatitis and pain in the pancreas: in some cases the patient is to blame himself, in other cases, probable problems with this organ were predetermined even before his birth. Among the reasons:

Gastrointestinal diseases. The gastrointestinal tract is a complex interconnected mechanism. It would be a mistake to believe that the pancreas functions by itself, "in a vacuum." Diseases of the duodenum, gall bladder (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), hepatitis, cirrhosis. All of them can give impetus to the development of pancreatitis.

Gland injury. In this case, the pain may be due to an organ injury. This is the most obvious source of the problem, but if the pain did not appear after the injury, but later - the culprit is the same pancreatitis.

Improper medication. Some drugs "hit" the pancreas. The same effect can be caused by drugs designed to help this body in its normal work: enzymes.

Hereditary factors. Provide a certain "scheme" of the digestive system. Sometimes such pre-established "schemes" increase the risk of developing pancreatitis.

Alcohol abuse. Alcohol-containing drinks complicate the work of not only the liver, as is commonly believed, but of the entire digestive tract. Therefore, if the pancreas hurts, this is an excuse to give up alcohol.

Endocrine problems.

• Helminthic invasion.

Pancreas hurts: symptoms

As has been said, pancreatic pain always accompanies pancreatitis. Therefore, it would be more accurate to talk about the symptomatic complex characteristic of pancreatitis.

• The first and most common symptom is pain. Pain sensations are different in nature, their intensity depends on the form of pancreatitis (in chronic pancreatitis, the discomfort is weaker, while in acute pancreatitis, the intensity of pain is high). By the nature of the pain can be cutting, stitching or dull aching. The localization of pain is also characteristic. In some cases, discomfort captures only the left hypochondrium, in other cases, the patient cannot determine where he has pain (the pain "spreads" on the left side of the abdomen, it can encircle). The pain, therefore, is very diverse in its manifestations, so pancreatitis is often confused with gastritis, pyelonephritis, heart pathologies. The relationship of pain with food is not obvious, but, as a rule, the discomfort intensifies after eating (about half an hour or an hour later).

Fever. Hyperthermia (fever) is characteristic of any inflammation, but when the pancreas hurts, the numbers are usually higher (in the range from 38 to 39 degrees or even higher).

Nausea and vomiting. Due to digestive problems.

Inadequate digestion. The pancreas produces a huge number of enzymes that promote food processing. With organ dysfunction, "indigestion" is observed, which is why the patient often vomits with undigested food residues (sometimes even after 8-12 hours from the time of eating).

Weakness. Weakness occurs due to the release of a huge amount of decaying enzymes and pancreatic cells into the bloodstream. As a result, signs of general intoxication of the body develop.

Decreased or complete loss of appetite.

Stool problems. The chair is half-formed or liquid. An additional indicator of digestive problems is the dissemination of undigested food particles in the feces. After that, the problem worsens, the stool becomes liquid and contains impurities of fat (the consistency of such a stool resembles a paste, it is poorly washed off the walls of the toilet with cold water).

Pancreas hurts: first aid

Pain in the pancreas causes a lot of trouble to the patient: they are painfully tolerated, long-lasting and almost do not subside on their own. It is clear that the patient seeks to relieve discomfort as quickly as possible. How to provide first aid?

Pancreatitis (especially acute or in the acute phase) can be deadly, so the first thing you should call an ambulance. When the pancreas hurts, curing the pain on your own is an almost impossible task. Before the arrival of doctors, you can alleviate the condition as follows:

• Take a comfortable body position. Do not make sudden movements. If possible, do not make changes in body position. The preferred body position is sitting (leaning slightly forward). It is permissible to lie down and try (as far as possible under such conditions) to relax.

• Refuse food.

• Drink in small quantities (only water no more than ¼ cup at a time). It is better to completely abandon the liquid for a while.

• In no case do not take enzymatic preparations (Creon, Mezim, etc.). It will only get worse.

• To relieve pain, take an antispasmodic (preferably No-shpa or Drotaverinum).

• If it is possible to deliver an injection, 2 ml of papaverine or No-shpa solution is intramuscularly administered.

• Also, to reduce pain, a bag of ice is placed on the pancreas (left side, hypochondrium).

All other activities should be provided to doctors.

Pancreas hurts: treatment and medicines

In the treatment of pancreatitis, several methods are distinguished:

• Conservative therapy

• Surgery

Acute pancreatitis (or pancreatitis in the acute phase) is quite complicated even for an experienced gastroenterologist. In his treatment, two phases are distinguished:

• Treatment of an acute period.

• Medical care during the acute phase retreat.

At the first stage, the treatment tasks involve the removal of pain, weakening the functional activity of the gland, as well as the fight against intoxication and dehydration. Plus, at this stage, there is a high risk of an organ infection.

Uncomplicated pancreatitis is treated mainly conservatively, as well as fasting. Of course, this does not mean that the entire acute period a person is obliged, as they say, to “swell” from hunger. The task is to minimize the load on the affected organ. It is rather about an optimal diet.

But at the first stage, treatment consists in stopping inflammation and spasm. For these purposes, special groups of drugs are used:

• Already called antispasmodics. Called to relieve spasm (pathological tension) of the smooth muscles of pancreatic structures. There are many trade names: No-shpa, Drotaverin, Spazgan, Papaverin, etc.

• Analgesics. Pain with pancreatitis can be so strong that there are not enough antispasmodics. In addition, painkillers are prescribed (from Analgin to new generation drugs).

• Anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Dexketoprofen, etc.

• Saline solution. Used for intravenous infusion. It is designed to fill the deficiency of fluid in the body during dehydration.

• Diuretics. Perform detoxification function.

• Antiferments. Assigned to inhibit pancreatic function.

• Antibacterial drugs. Assigned in small doses to prevent infectious complications.

In the first stage, this is enough. The duration of such therapy is up to 5-7 days. After this time, the acute phase of the disease recedes. Further, the task of doctors is to maintain the success achieved in treatment. For these purposes, a special diet is introduced. It implies a limitation of the following products:

• Raw vegetables.

• white bread

• Carbonated drinks.

• Coffee.

• Red meat.

• Baking.

• Chips, snacks.

• Other fatty foods

Other products are allowed in small quantities. Fractional nutrition, up to 7-8 times a day in small portions. In any case, the patient will continue to limit himself to fatty, fried: if the pancreas does not hurt here and now, this does not mean that the disease cannot return.

Surgical treatment is indicated for complicated forms of pancreatitis, as well as when several organs of the gastrointestinal tract are involved in the disease. Surgical help is indispensable if the pancreas hurts due to injury. In this case, the treatment is aimed at restoring the anatomical integrity of the organ.

Pancreas hurts in a child

Contrary to the view of many, pancreatitis does not recognize ages. Everyone is sick: from small to large. However, due to eating habits, adults suffer somewhat more often. According to medical statistics, the most common causes of pancreatic pain in children are:

• Injuries to the body.

• Chronic pancreatitis due to a hereditary factor.

• Pancreatitis due to problems with other organs of the digestive tract.

In young children (up to 9-12 years), the disease is easier, therefore, in some cases, outpatient treatment is possible. In the period of 12 years, severe forms of pancreatitis are more common. Otherwise, there are no fundamental differences in pancreatic pain in children and adults.

Thus, the leading cause of pancreatic pain is the development of pancreatitis. This is a dangerous and very insidious disease that poses a great danger to life. It is necessary to treat it only in a hospital setting. Children tolerate the disease more easily, and it is less common. In rare cases, the cause of pain is an organ injury.


Watch the video: Easing the Pain of Chronic Pancreatitis (June 2024).