Female opinion: Russians do not need overseas princes - there are enough of their own


Which of the women did not admire in childhood the story of Cinderella, who traveled the journey "from rags to riches" in one night. The hardworking Cinderella, after all the torment, received a well-deserved reward - the handsome prince and the opportunity to be called the queen in the future. Of course, magic could not be avoided here, but in our harsh reality real miracles are also encountered, and the princes have not yet transferred!

The story of Kate Middleton, a simple girl who managed to get one of the last single princes of Europe to be her husband, can serve as a reason for the dreams of other girls around the world. And Grace Kelly, who grabbed the rivals of the Prince of Monaco? And Mette-Marit Hoibi, a single mother who became the princess of Norway? True, while all the crown princes are busy, but you never know what happens.

Russian women have not yet been noticed in marriages with blue-blooded men, although among them there are wives of European nobles. The Women's Opinion portal organized a survey and found out whether the Russians are ready to accept the tempting marriage proposal from the prince if it suddenly came.

48.4% do not need royal people, they already have their own “princes”, whom they will not exchange for anyone. Moreover, they say, to be a princess is not only to live in luxury, but also to fulfill a lot of difficult duties and constantly be in public. Another 41% of respondents would first evaluate his personal qualities and then make a decision. For them, the ability to get along with a person is more important than their wealth and popularity. According to the opinion of 10.6%, one should not miss such a chance in any case: if they offer, they must be taken, and there they’ll “get hardened - fall in love”. In addition, European princes are considered intelligent and cultured people, which means that when you leave for a castle to an almost complete stranger, you can hope that you will fall into good hands.

Those wishing to marry a prince or at least a nobleman should take into account that they rarely appear in McDonald's and do not study at technical schools. We must try to break into the circle where there is a chance to meet such a person: enter a good European institute or try to get a job at the palace. Of course, this is not an expensive enterprise, but if you are lucky, all the costs will pay off with interest.

The study involved 2060 people from 20 to 45 years old, residents of 111 cities of Russia.


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