A selection of the best universal varieties of watermelons for any field. Watermelons for the southern and northern regions: a description of the best varieties, characteristics and photos


Until recently, it was believed that watermelons grow well only in the south of the country, where there is enough sun during the day and warm nights. But modern varieties and hybrids allow you to grow this crop in any region. Breeders bred hardy varieties of watermelons, which are not afraid of cooling and develop well even in the north of the country.

The best new varieties of watermelons for open ground

New varieties and hybrids of watermelons allow you to collect a good harvest of delicious fruits. Introducing some of the most productive of them:

• "Joy";

• "American";

• "Heather honey";

• "Delicious."

The early ripe grade "Joy" is well adapted in the middle lane. Bushes are medium-high, leaves are small, gray-green in color. Fruits are rounded, with pronounced dark green narrow stripes. The crust is not too thick, the flesh is juicy, pink. With proper agricultural technology, watermelons reach a weight of about three kg. Maximum yield up to 13 kg per meter of landings. The fruits are well stored for no more than a month, tolerate transportation.

The variety "American" refers to mid-season varieties. From planting to harvesting fruit takes more than 70 days. Bushes of medium weaving, leaves of saturated green color. Fruits of the correct form with characteristic dark stripes on a light background, there is a slight spotting of the peel. The pulp is juicy, rich red color, pleasant taste. Productivity 2.5-3 kg of fruits per square area. Watermelons are well stored and transported. The variety is widespread due to its high resistance to drought and temperature extremes.

Watermelon "Heather honey" early ripening recommended for cultivation in the northern latitudes. Bushes are medium-braided with large green leaves. The fruits are rounded with green stripes, the flesh is sugary, dense, pink-red. The yield is good, with proper care, the fruit mass reaches 7 kg. The variety is resistant to drought and is characteristic of melon diseases.

Watermelon "Delicious" early ripening will delight the fruits of medium size. With proper care, the weight of one berry reaches 4.5 kg. Watermelons of good taste with a thin crust are stored for no more than a month, but do not tolerate transportation well. The variety is characterized by high drought tolerance.

Universal early watermelons: the best varieties for all regions

Universal varieties and hybrids that can be grown almost everywhere are characterized by unpretentiousness, endurance, precocity, productivity. Such varieties tolerate heat, cold snap, ready to harvest in two to three months. In the southern regions, the fruits reach a mass of 10 kg, but in a cold and changeable climate, such indicators should not be expected. Consider the most popular varieties and hybrids:

• "Lady";

• "Ataman";

• "Honey Giant";

• "Miracle Berry."

Variety "Lady" of the Dutch selection will please the harvest in two months. Grow it in any region of the country, the commercial quality of the fruit is not reduced. Watermelons are oval, pulp without veins, well-colored, sugary. Peel of medium density with pronounced dark stripes. The crop is well stored and transported. The variety is valuable for its high resistance to fusarium wilt and drought. With proper agricultural technology, even in the North, watermelons grow more than 5 kg, and rarely get sick.

Watermelon "Ataman" is ready for harvesting after two months in the open ground and after one and a half when grown in a greenhouse. The plant is distinguished by powerful bushes on which up to five fruits are formed. Watermelons are large, at least 10-15 kg each, dark green with characteristic stripes, the peel is glossy, not too thick. The pulp is high in sugar, sweet, juicy, grainy. Fruits are well stored and transported over long distances. The variety showed high resistance to fusarium and other diseases.

No less popular is the hybrid "Honey Giant" of unusual elongated shape and color. The peel of the fruit is bright green with a marble pattern, the flesh is raspberry, quite fragrant, sweet with a honey flavor. Productivity reaches indicators up to 30 kg per bush, while the weight of one watermelon can reach 10-15 kg. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to Fusarium wilt, is stored for a long time and tolerates transportation, suitable for fresh consumption and preservation.

Another unpretentious variety "Miracle Berry" with an unusual coloring of the pulp will delight small fruits weighing up to 5 kg. A variety of increased productivity, is valued for the friendly ripening of fruits and yellow sugar pulp. Used for fresh consumption, cooking watermelon honey and candied fruit. The growing season of the crop is up to 90 days, the fruits are rounded green with dark stripes. The variety is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

The best harvested varieties of watermelons for the southern climate

Varieties for the southern climate are highly resistant to drought. During the season they manage to gain enough mass and mature in an open garden. The following varieties remain popular among gardeners:

• Florida ";

• "Barrel of honey";

• "Big sugar";

• "Krimlong."

Variety "Florida" of Russian selection ripens in 70-100 days. Bushes are powerful, sprawling, high-yielding. Fruits are elongated, sugar, with a dense crust, the stripes are slightly blurred. Average productivity up to 4 kg per square meter. Watermelons retain their taste and presentation for two months, well tolerate transportation over long distances.

The new variety “Barrel of honey”, which was launched in 2015, gained popularity among summer residents. A medium-ripening crop, the fruits are ready for harvesting in three months. Watermelons of cylindrical shape, sugary with pink pulp, dense crust. A ripe fruit weighs at least 3-6 kg.

The Big Sugar early watermelon ripens in 80 days. Bushes are strongly climbing, sprawling. The fruits are large, at least 10 kg each, with red sweet pulp. The variety is grown on well-drained soil, the fruits do not tolerate excess moisture. The variety is resistant to major diseases, tolerates mild cooling.

Variety "Krimlong" with elongated fruits ripens in three months, the fruits during this time gain weight up to 10 kg. Sugar melons with a dense crust and brightly colored pulp. The variety is highly resistant to fusarium and drought. Withstands transportation without problems.

The best precocious varieties of watermelons for the northern zone

For the northern regions, varieties resistant to cold weather are selected, which can ripen well in a short time. As a rule, watermelons grow small. They are grown in greenhouses, under film shelter or in open ground. The most popular varieties remain:

• "Gift to the North";

• "Pink champagne";

• "Prince Arthur".

Variety "Gift to the North" of the Russian selection ripens very early. Harvest is ready for harvesting in 75-80 days. Fruits are spherical in shape, sweet, with pink sugar flesh. In greenhouses, the weight of the fruits reaches 10 kg, in the open ground less watermelons. The variety is resistant to cold and drought.

Watermelons "Pink Champagne" are distinguished by juicy pink-red pulp. The ripe fruit grows to three, less often up to five kg. The variety is hardy, rarely sick, tolerates transportation well.

No less popular is the variety "Prince Arthur" with oval striped fruits that are ready for harvest in 65-75 days. The taste of watermelons is good. When grown, the variety requires rationing of the ovaries, up to four fruits are left on one plant, the rest are harvested.


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